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Posts posted by ....lybob


    I've made my position very clear regarding this here and many other threads about it. Saying that I/we feel that all 2/3 of those without $1,000 for an emergency are lazy, and because of poor choices is a little more that just a mischaracterization.

    if you had made your position clear I wouldn't have asked - put a number to it man or at least a range, stop being a coward it's not like my opinion of you will become lower.


    I'll go on record as saying 2/3 of Americans are unable to save $1,000 because they're idiots.


    And the other third saves $1,000 despite being idiots.

    see Tom doesn't hedge his position, he's a miserable prick and proud of it.

  2. Your argument boils down to "I've done well because I've worked hard and made the right choices therefore anyone who hasn't done well must be lazy and has made the wrong choices" I'm just extending your argument


    which is poverty is a choice and circumstance doesn't really matter.




    Excellent article here about Bills prospect Kevon Seymour.


    Born into a cycle of poverty and crime that goes back at least three generations, he made difference choices and broke the cycle.


    And no, before your inner gatorman pops up, this isn't about his choice to play football. Read the story. Find the choices he made.


    They'll be obvious even to a person like you, who needs to blame the problems and circumstances of "those who won't" almost exclusively on "those who did."


    Laziest thinking ever.

    Dude, I just described Chef's argument, which you then basically repeat with an anecdotal story- It seems like you are agreeing with my description of Chef's argument and are telling me you share his argument - if you are trying to make a different point please clarify.


    What world do you live in? No one puts an employee on a PIP who they haven't decided to fire already.

    So you would describe putting an employee on PIP as a token gesture to avoid wrongful termination lawsuits


    I think you misinterpret laziness or bad choices for complacency. It's funny that you think adversity, luck, the sperm lottery, and fate play a role with a person's financial life, but hard work and dedication are shrugged off as meaningless or ineffective. Nothing is guaranteed in life, yes sometimes you can pour everything you have into something and still fail. However, I am hesitant to believe in the internet and entertainment age we live in, that everyone is pouring everything they have into being successful and still just failing.


    Not seeking out opportunity to learn or apply yourself to do better in life is not the same as not being able to find such opportunities. My argument is that there are many more complacent people than one would like to think. You seem to think that these people are one opportunity away from being helped up because they can't help themselves, and that their lifestyle sucks so much that they would jump at the opportunity and pour everything they have into it.


    Rather I suggest that a good amount of those people would not jump at the opportunity if it meant a significant trade off from their current lifestyle (how ever much it sucks to you). Then, in addition a good portion of the people who do accept the opportunity would not invest the time necessary - I guess you could call that laziness, I still think it is more of a concerted decision because they don't understand the future reward for the lifestyle trade off.


    I've got a feeling this will be chalked up to poor people being not as good as the rest of us though. That isn't true. There are complacent people in all income ranges that could do better, but make a concerted decision not to because to them it isn't worth the tradeoff - regardless of whether that decision is right or wrong.

    I don't think you know what the word concerted means- perhaps you mean conscious

    B's map to not being broke:


    1. Don't have children- they're expensive, if choose to do so, don't whine to me and asked me to pay for them in any way


    2. Create and track a personal budget- 9.8 of 10 dopes in this country don't have a budget, and don't have a clue how much they spend.... Here's a hint, it's usually more than they make. I know exactly what I'll net at the end of the year, I can tell you to the cent how much I spent on coffee at Starbucks, lunch out, grocery.... I also build pools of money for car repairs, house repairs, etc. if you don't have a budget and track it, you'll probably fail at your financial life.


    3. Don't finance anything you don't 100 percent have to. Don't buy a new car an have payments for 72 months. Don't finance an education, go to CC and do pay go when you get to the last 2 years- and expect your hard work to move you up in a career, not some useless piece of paper that has been installed as a ridiculous gateway in our country. Finance a home, but put no less that 30 percent down and buy during a deep recession when you can.


    4. Fund any matched qualified plan. You're a idiot if you forego a guaranteed 3-6 return on your money right out of the shoot.


    5. Don't get caught up in big homes, fancy cars, expensive clothes, expensive jewelry, lavish vacation, and so on and so on.... You'd be surprised how many people who make big money are broke as heck because they 200 dollar purchase themselves to financial death.


    6. Pay of debt before anything else.



    If you are busted by 1,000 unexpected expense, you're doing something wrong, and likely violating one of the rules above. If you budget and plan well, rarely do you have a unexpected expense anyway. Americans in general are financially retarded and or lazy... Don't be one of them.


    One of my employees I'm going to fire is this exact person. Loser parents, loser siblings, loser friends... But I have given her the chance to have flexible time for school, and she is surrounded by people with MBAs, MDs, all highly accomplished and educatied, making relatively good choices.....


    But she comes in hung overpften, and I have followed her and she is blowing off work for me to hand with our cleaning people and other low enders while on the clock.... I believe it's easier for her to associate with being a loser, than tread the unfamiliar territory of not being so. She's on a PIP starting this week and gone in 30 days. My guess, welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, etc... and she has so much potential and capacity.

    So you are putting her on a Performance Improvement plan but have already decided to fire her in 30 days - may I ask where you work?

  4. So you're comparing being successful in the US with North Korea? Bravo! You lost the internet today.

    Your argument boils down to "I've done well because I've worked hard and made the right choices therefore anyone who hasn't done well must be lazy and has made the wrong choices" I'm just extending your argument


    which is poverty is a choice and circumstance doesn't really matter.

  5. Everyone who doesn't make good money is a loser who didn't try hard. You guys are right. I give up. It's all an OPINON we have different beliefs. I'm not necessarily right and you're not necessarily wrong. You are all very insecure people if you need recognition that you worked hard to get where you're at. I'm sure you have, but not everyone succeeds. Not everyone can. I NEVER blamed anyone for any situations either. I've been up and down too. Don't try to act like you know me. I don't have a lot to learn. I just don't agree with you all. BTW some sort of education is crucial. Try making much over minimum wage with just a high school diploma. It's a fact.





    we have a statistically improbable amount of Alec Baldwins at PPP

  6. A much needed correction.


    Savings today simply represent future spending, and it's a far more sustainable model for real growth than the one we have today.

    So you are more than willing to accept slow or negative growth in exchange for more savings? well you should be happy then





  7. That is also a sign of global warming.


    I recently heard a conversation (at a movie theater) where one person was saying that it feels like there are more solar eclipses now than when she was a kid... and assumed it must be caused by climate change. :doh:

    I've heard many conversations that floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes are because God is mad about gays and abortions :doh: :doh: :wallbash:

  8. Obama is a supposed disciple of Zbigniew Brzezinski who's main adjective was to ring fence China and Russia with the hope of one day driving them into war with each other - this plan consisted of making countries friends of the West where they traded mostly with the West using Western financial institutions, trade organizations, courts etc etc - countries that could not be pulled into the Western fold would be destabilized making business dealings difficult and less profitable.



    In this basic world view terrorism would be a very low priority as they are no threat to U.S. long term world dominance.

  9. I thought that was a curious description, too.




    Light skinned female/male mixed with black and another race.

    "she doesn't look full black, she must be a redbone"



    Kinda racist, no?

    probably meant to say rawboned as in lean not fully filled out.

  10. And many of the trashy Trumpsters that are crying about how awful the recovery is want to do this hatchet job to the economy.




    Not that they give a flying fok about the economy

    On the other hand in the scramble for labor that would ensue, pushes for a 15 dollar minimum wage might seem regressive.


    Oh and if you are a renter, happy days, two million spaces fighting for tenants.

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