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Posts posted by ....lybob


    And you're basing this on what? How much time do you spend in Buffalo's "ghettos"?

    I lived between East Delavan and Genesee for four years and in those four years I experienced around 20 police check stops compared to 2 during my previous 27 years of driving and living in Riverside, North Buffalo, and Amherst and 1 post during the 6 years I've been living in sticks- The most annoying is when I had to go through the same check point twice because I had to return to the school I was working at for parents conferences.

  2. So EII you think police in poorer neighborhoods spend their time harassing the people who live there with petty things just for revenue? I have to ask you how much time do you spend in the poorer neighborhood? What are you basing this on?


    And traffic laws are too complicated? Maybe for your tiny brain. Please give me examples of complicated traffic laws.

    This is absolutely true at least in Buffalo.

  3. I believe it stems from Wahhabism, and the spread of that virulent hate-filled belief system is funded largely by the Saudi royal family. In order to keep themselves in power, they fund the building of mosques around the world that have clerics and schools that indoctrinate the impressionable with their particular brand of misogynistic, homophobic, Christianphobic, and anti Semite dogma. They are factories of hate, and they're sprinkled all over the world. IMO.

    Hey, we agree on something, nicely written.

  4. Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been 'staged' by Erdoğan regime

    Elaborating on the idea that Erdoğan may have staged the coup attempt, Aslandogan said Friday’s events did not match the pattern of previous coups.

    “The coup appears to be poorly planned,” he said, “very poorly executed and everything seems to be playing into Erdoğan’s hands. There are many big question marks of how [this attempted coup] was executed.”

    Supporters of Gülen expressed frustration over the accusations against the leader.

    “This is a usual conspiracy against Gülen,” said Harun Gultki, who volunteers at the center and lives in a nearby town.



    From what I've been reading Erdoğan has been purging the army and other centers of power for years and the coup was a last desperate act to reverse things which is why it failed as they were already so weakened - plus the reasonable secular are always at a disadvantage against fanatics who don't mind either killing or dying.


    Yes. This. And this whole race thing with BLM and the police is making these feelings feel justified. Granted there are still prejudices in this country, but it isn't nearly as prominent as the media and BLM are making it out to be, and with regards to the police, it is making people think that they should feel unsafe. When realistically, your chances of these things happening are the following:


    Being black and shot by cop 0.0006907%

    Being white and shot by cop 0.0002510%

    Being hispanic and shot by cop 0.0003407%

    Being any race and shot by cop while not committing a violent crime 0.0000842%

    Being struck and crushed by a meteor 0.000143%

    Having conjoined twins 0.000500%

    True but since when have we've used logic and math when we allocate resources against what scares us


    In the U.S.


    – You are 35,079 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

    – You are 33,842 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

    - You are 23,528 times more likely to die from obesity than from a terrorist attack

    - Medical errors, smoking, driving, (depression leading to suicide) are thousands of times more likely to kill you than a terrorist attack

    - unsafe sex, falls, work place accidents, and nutritional deficiencies are hundreds of times more likely to kill you than a terrorist attack

    - lightning, dogs, deer, Bees , brain-parasite are all more likely to kill you than a terrorist attack

    - being crushed by your own furniture is equal to terrorism in being a cause for your death


    it is estimated that the number of deaths resulting from people opting to drive rather than flying because of post 9/11 airport inconvenience is greater than lives saved due to increased airport security.

  6. Groin injuries took away his explosive change of direction which was his best attribute, I think it was a decent trade if you don't think SJ was going to return to form - I'm always of a mixed mind when players continue playing injured, I have to wonder how much additional damage SJ did to himself hobbling around the field in a brave but futile attempt to keep the Bills going.

  7. A quick search of Google finds several estimates of 200-400 billion as the number of birds on Earth. Your contention then becomes that roughly 1 percent of the entire world's population of birds is killed off by cats in the United States each year. I found nothing to estimate what percentage of the worlds birds live in the US but I'd think 5%is generous. This of course means that friggin cats kill 20% of US birds every year.


    What is it that Tom called you again?



    And considering cats sleep like 20 hours a day, each cat is basically catching a bird every 12 minutes.


    My cat can't even catch her own tail in 12 minutes.

    There are 90+ million owned cats in the US and another 70-80 million feral cats in the US so just the feral cats killing 20 a year could get you 1.4 billion - our cats have always be strictly indoor cats but our neighbors have two outdoor cats and they love to leave dead birds on their door stoop, probably in a form of homage.


    How long before the same environmentalists will call for a stop to the research because it might be a GMO?


    Who do we follow? The Environmentalists calling for more windmills or the the Environmentalists trying to save birds?


    For North-America:

    Wind turbines kill between 214,000 and 368,000 birds annually
    — a small fraction compared with the estimated
    6.8 million fatalities from collisions with cell and radio towers
    and the
    1.4 billion to 3.7 billion deaths from cats
    , according to the peer-reviewed study by two federal scientists and the environmental consulting firm West Inc.

    "We estimate that on an annual basis, less than 0.1% ... of songbird and other small passerine species populations in North America perish from collisions with turbines," says lead author Wallace Erickson of Wyoming-based West.

    For those who don't have an envelope nearby to do the math, that's about 10,000x more deaths from just house cats than from wind turbines.




    of course that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to minimize bird deaths




    and of course other methods of power generation also kills birds




    From B-Man's linked article: The "A Day in the Life of the EPA Administrator" gallery.


    Here's a "Typical Day" for her looks like.

    • 7:24 am - EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy arrives for work in the morning with her trusty backpack – full of briefing materials, policy papers and speeches – in tow. (1/12) Shown emerging from her chauffeured Tahoe.
    • 5:58 pm - Although she keeps a small apartment near EPA headquarters, almost every weekend McCarthy travels back to Boston, to her home and her husband. (12/12) Shown in the airport going back to her beloved Boston.





    only in the strange conservative mind is the effort to reduce CO2 emissions synonymous with returning to a primitive subsistence level of existence




    In little over a week, Boeing has announced three new developments in its quest to produce sustainable aviation biofuel.
    Last week, the company identified "green diesel" as a new biofuel that would emit at least 50% less carbon dioxide than fossil fuel over its lifecycle.
    On Saturday, a new initiative to build a biofuel supply chain in the United Arab Emirates was unveiled using another type of fuel. It was celebrated with a 45-minute demonstration flight by an Etihad Airways 777 plane powered by U.A.E.-produced biofuel.
    On Wednesday, also out of Abu Dhabi, Boeing and partners said they had made breakthroughs in researching a shrub-like plant called halophytes, which feeds off seawater in desert terrain.
    The research on the shrub-like plant was spearheaded by the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium (SBRC), which is funded by Boeing, Etihad Airways and Honeywell UOP and hosted by the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi.
    Desert plant halophyte (pictured) fed by seawater has been found to produce biofuel more efficiently than other well-known feedstocks, says Boeing.
    According to the findings, the desert plant can be made into biofuel more effectively than many other feedstocks.
    "Halophytes show even more promise than we expected as a source of renewable fuel for jets and other vehicles," said SBRC director Dr. Alejandro Rios in a statement.

    As soon as he starts spending and people get to hear more of him, he'll fall even further back.


    The best strategy for each of these idiots is to do nothing and wait for the other to self-destruct. I !@#$ing hate this election.

    Stop lying, you love this this election, it confirms all your opinions about people and life in general

  12. This is interesting. For the big boogie man Russian or maybe to keep their own members in line? Or just creating another market for the weapons and war industry?




    EU politicians


    "hey great idea it will cost 80 billion Euros to start"


    The people of the EU


    " OK will Germany pony up 78 billion and America the other 2? no? OK never mind"


    My argument is not that things are perfectly fine the way they are but rather that it was an inevitable evolutionary process of global economics.


    By the way, what was the alternative?

    Make the right of collective bargaining, work place safety, and environmental protection as an important part of trade agreements as protection for intellectual property and in which courts disputes will be settled.


    not giving tax breaks to off-shoring companies


    in short make it somewhat less desirable to off-shore - btw maybe if these third-world workers were paid a little better we'd have better global GDP growth and wouldn't have bizarre low to negative interest rates sucking the life out pensioners and adding another layer to a disgruntled group that may soon become an angry unthinking mob that will upend many apple-carts.


    Some people think FDR brought socialism to America but what he really did was save capitalism, capitalism as practiced today is not working for a large swath of people and either it will get fixed by thoughtful people at the top or it will be changed by angry people from the bottom.

  14. I think you are more than a little quck to label the concept of free trade as "neo liberal". This board always so anxious to label and pick sides. Free trade hardly what "liberals" pushed.


    That being said ...ignoring those displaced by trade policies is the issue here and Pat Buchanon is correct to call out the economists who ignore this. Not everyone is going to go to college and write code.......

    neo-liberal economics has nothing to do with American political liberalism


    "a modern politico-economic theory favouring free trade, privatization, minimal government intervention in business, reduced public expenditure on social services, etc"
  15. I'm old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of isolationists and populism.


    It wasn't but just a few years ago when I was discussing/arguing with Lybob, Birdog and Gator about the inevitability of globalization and that no trade deal was the main culprit for jobs being shipped overseas but rather technology and cheap labor abroad with the combination of overzealous demanding unions. I suspect if you ask them about BREXIT they feel conflicted on one hand that their beliefs of a "global order" being weakened seems like a win but on the other they see many of their progressive buddies now admonishing the results as a victory for "xenophobia", intolerance and isolationism. They must truly be confused.



    Whereas a sizable portion of the GOP are now no longer for free markets or reforming S.S/Medicare but rather this nationalistic brand of populism which is completely devoid of sound reasoning and forethought. It's a visceral reaction to this meandering economy we've had for the middle class and it's much easier to blame immigrants for taking their jobs (which is complete and utter horseshit) and jobs being shipped overseas because of trade deals being brokered by pols. These aren't abstract scapegoats, they are simple to understand and are opinions that are easy to put together. Sort of like when liberals argue many of their points, they don't require deep thinking but rather just playing on the heartstrings of voters that are easy to connect with their policy proposals.


    More often than not these sort of proposals that are born from these sentiments are misguided and develop through a bubble of misinformation.


    When pols such as Jeff Sessions are claimed to have a "pulse" of the American people from once reliable free market capitalists then I know things are going awry for the GOP. I have almost as much in common with some lefty's than I do with these righties. This isn't even the "right" that I once knew, it has redefined itself into some hodgepodge of political demagoguery. I know there are plenty of people in the center such as myself that are clamoring for a viable third party, I suppose if there is anything that may come out of this that could be positive is the clear signal that the two party system is need of more competition.

    A rough equalization of wages between third world wages and first world wages has always been part of neo-liberal economics but not a part of globalization that has been widely proclaimed to the working class in the first world - usually our trade deals come with propaganda that says yes we will lose some low paying jobs but we will be replacing them with higher paying jobs, sadly these higher paying jobs have never materialized in numbers that can maintain our middle-class - hey Magox many people are doing worse than their parents and they are pissed about it, why do you find that surprising? btw it's not just in America it's in the UK, France, Italy - you'd probably like to tell them "yeah globalization has sucked for you but the alternative is worse" and maybe that is true but the neo-liberal economists have lied to these people for 40 years so good luck getting them to believe you now.

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