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Beebe's Kid

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Posts posted by Beebe's Kid

  1. We have thought about it, and discussed it. The following QBs were recommended/highly touted by Bill Walsh:

    Joey Harrington

    David Carr

    Jake Plummer

    Steve Fuller (sp?)

    Steve Young


    The following QB was NOT highly regarded by Bill Walsh:

    Joe Montana


    You need to think about THAT.




    That's because a certain QB with the initials of TE doesn't throw him the ball.

    During the preseason, it was revealed BOTH Evans and Owens were begging TE to throw the ball deep.




    Some of Trent's problems were caused by poor coaching, but the time has come to admit, not all of them. And those ones not caused by poor coaching are on Trent.



    Funny...I always knew the story as Walsh drafted Montana, mentored him, and revolutionized the position. I guess I didn't realize he did all this with somebody he didn't regard too highly. Steve Young didn't work out too bad either. I also am willing to bet that if Walsh had coached a couple of the other QB's on that list they would have worked out differently. He also liked Tom Brady, who you conveniently left off of your list. I feel that Brady would have gone the way of the David Carrs of the world had he not been drafted into BB's system. I am sure you see differently.


    As far as TO goes... I was excited as anybody to get another big time receiver. One that could take the heat off of Evans and also make big plays, which TO has done for years. As far as him getting the ball... I think that part of the problem on Sunday was we were trying too hard to get him the ball. As I felt has been an issue on other important drives. Our big rabbit in the hat is the TO reverse. Wouldn't Evans seem better suited to maybe get one of those, with his speed?


    The thing with TE, the point I was trying to make is that the blame is falling on him. The QB's that become something special in this league do so with the help of a great coach and mentor. Think back to when Big Ben won the SB his first year in the league. He made mistakes, but the first person that had him coming off of the field was Cowher. Then Cowher would scream and spit at him...telling him what he did wrong, telling him how to not do it again, and would finish with a you're my guy slap on the ass. Without that you could probably add Ben the the long list of failures. As much as I didn't like JP, he suffered from the same thing. There is no college QB that seamlessly makes the transition. It requires a great amount of learning and preparation. This would be provided by coordinators and coaches...a glaring weakness with the Bills.


    If you want TE gone, you will get your wish. The question will be whether he is damaged goods, or if somebody like BB doesn't snag him and turn him into a good/great QB in a system. He could back up Brady and fill in admirably well once he learned the system. He is a smart guy, and could learn it with ease. He could also learn Buffalo's...if we had one. Wait we do, it's called snap and panic because your blind side is protected by the 3rd string practice squad. What? You only have two concussions and you are worried about waiting for TO and Evans to run 30 yards downfield while the blitz is coming? Ok, Ok, then we'll go to the QB keeper.

  2. I think Trent gave up. I believe he knows his career is over. I think he is bitter, and justifiably so. He had a decent skill set, and should have been a decent if not good QB.


    Think about this... He goes out and tries, gets blindsided damn near every game. He has already suffered two concussions, and while some in the forum may disagree; there is way more to life than football. Trent probably sees it as he is just holding a roster spot until the end of the year, and doesn't want to further damage his brain, as he may need it when he is filling out applications this summer.


    I became upset after last year'r MNF game against the Browns. Edward throws the picks and is visibly rattled. When Jauron gives the interview after the game, and is asked about the offense, he tells the reporters to ask Trent. You are the effing coach!! He dropped it all in TE's lap. TE, at the time, was a promising young QB trying to develop into a leader and a star. His coach should have sheltered him and blames play calling or whatever. TE is thin-skinned, but that is hardly a crime. Richard Jauron knew that and still threw the kid (he is a kid) under the bus. That was when the wheels came off. I remember driving home after that game, already mad for his p#$sy play calling, only to be completely floored by his responses in that situation. That was when the extension was still a rumor, and I thought it was a bad, bad idea. I am sure I am not the only one, but my worst fear has come true. Not only has his lack of a scrotum cost us games by playing not to lose, but he has damaged TE and now we have to spend a high draft pick (or a mid round, as we are the poster-children for the high end of below average) or big free-agent $ to get a new QB.


    I know there are a lot of TE haters, and I understand why, but really he was on the verge of becoming our guy. We could have filled a few holes on the OL and on defense and really made our run. I know that I, not sure about you, had real optimism about this team when TE first took over. I felt we were on the cusp. I still do. We need a few new pieces here and there, and an actual effective scheme for offense (and defense) and I think we make a run.


    It is sad to see what has happened to a once promising QB at the hands of an inept coaching staff. Between DJ, and AVP's ineffectiveness, we have lost a talent. I know there are the people that are going to say "Trent sucks," that's fine. The guy came recommended by Bill Walsh...think about that. He had potential, but lack of leadership and a group of finger-pointers have done us in.


    T.O. wasn't the Kool-Aid I have seen him referred to. Fire up the Delorian and go back to last year...he was the big, physical receiver we all said we needed opposite of Evans... Our usage of him has turned him into a cancer. That is a shame. The guy did sell a lot of tickets, but he is a HOF receiver and look what happened to him here.


    I just hope we put the wheels back on, because it hurts to pull for these guys, but that's what I do, and I have had tough times and people didn't turn their back on me. I won't turn my back on them.


    As far as the draft...It would be really nice to get a new FO and HC in place immediately after the season to assess what we have going on here. I don't feel all hope for TE is lost, but he needs a motivator and mentor, not a coach who calls a keeper up the middle in your first half back from a concussion... How would that make you feel?


    Let's go Bills. B-B-B-B-Bills

  3. OP,


    So why don't you go sign up for a Steelers/Patriots/Colts/Saints board?


    The fans that stick with the team through thick and thin, they are the real dumb ones...far inferior to the grandiloquent pompous turncoats that spend 1/2 hours typing up some very masterfully-crafted piece of drivel about why the fans a stupid.


    Here, here!!! How could we have been so dumb?


    As for your comment about the Super Bowl years...blow it out your A$$!!! If it was so effing bad, why are you here? Why do you even know about TBD after the drug your through the mud, only to deteriorate into the septic abyss the franchise has become today?


    I BILLIEVE the Saints could use some fans, and maybe they won't embarrass you...although I don't think you need a team, or their stupid fans to help you with that. You do a fine job on you own.

  4. I would actually guess that Buffalo would be a great situation for a coach to step into.


    They have quality players at several positions, have been decimated by injuries the last two years. With the injured players returning, and the ability to come in and direct the misguided incumbents and have control in the selection of the missing pieces, you could be a hero inside of one good year.


    Where's my phone, I'm calling Chucky and I am going to run this by him.

  5. I seem to see a lot of post telling "you season ticket holders" to not go to games, to not renew, etc. I would guess that coming from somebody that doesn't go.


    Sorry, bro... I am going. Rain/Shine, Hot/Cold, Win/Lose. The good thing about our fans, is they are real fans. Tough times don't last....


    I find it funny to when I run into people from high school/college, and they were Bills' fans, and now they are Steeler's fans... My buddy and I say "If you aren't now, you never were." I am not going to leave other fans to suffer it alone. I will spit/swear, piss/moan with the same people I high-five after a big play.


    I went to Nashville for the game, and I can tell you that their fans made me feel welcome.... I went by myself in head to toe Bills gear, was doing the Hey Aye Hey Aye on the way in, high-fiving the whole row of fan's behind me, yelling with them in disgust, until it turned to that sort of uncomfortable laughter...but you know what? We did that as the Titans fans were all walking out of the stadium with 4 minutes left. The end of the game was EMPTY. They don't have a quarter of our passion, and they are on the upswing (in reference to playoff hopes), with the most electric player in the league...


    I can't let myself stop going, or watching, or most of all caring. We aren't good...we are the anti-good, but from Rags to Riches is a pretty common theme in the NFL. I think we are a few pieces away from a serious contender, and I will hold on to that hope for as long as it takes.

  6. At least HE is making the tackles and not his safties...unlike in Buffalo where the safeties are always making the play.


    I don't know what your problem is...or where your knowledge of football is...but London Fletcher is a better linebacker than anybody on the Buffalo Bills roster. Safeties are not supposed to make the play, the linebackers are...and that is what London Fletcher has been doing all year...and ever since he has been in the league.


    He is THE MOST underrated defensive player in the NFL...he deserves a Pro-Bowl bid this year.



    He didn't leave on bad terms...why knock his game, when you know he is a good football player???




    Jesus, what are you a relative?


    I am just busting chops...I always loved having Flethcer..not all man-crush about it, but he was a solid player. People that argue things like, too far up-field, the will never be happy until we give up 0 yards/game. If somebody makes a tackle, the other team didn't score, and if London made it, they are what, 4-5 yards up-field?


    I would like to ask this question...why is it always one or the other? What I mean is why couldn't it go something like "Ahh man, he was a great player, imagine if we had him out there now! He would be a great mentor for the younger guys and really be able to help Poz. A passing of the torch thing would be just super!" Instead posters argue which one is better, ad nauseum.


    Closing thoughts...all of the Poz bashing is hilarious, because if we f#@k up and let him walk, there will be a similar post about him down the road. Hopefully he sticks around, and we build a stellar "D," like when Fletcher was here. I think we are getting closer, and are possibly only an LB away, when everybody is healthy.

  7. Over and over people complain about Jauron playing not to lose. Along comes a guy who plays to win the game and still no one is happy.





    Do you go online? Do you enter a code?


    Seriously...Edwards would be a poor choice, at least that's how I feel. I think it is funny...in the last day or two, I actually found an article advocating keeping ol' Richard around, and I have seen him referred to as a "great coach," and and "the bottom of mediocre."


    I, personally, think the man is unfit to coach in the NFL...I do not rank him in the "mediocre" category...that would be because there is no mediocre in my book. 7-9 is a f@$king shot in the pills every year. Middle of the road record, with no realistic shot at playoffs, and a mid-round draft spot is worse that totally sucking out one year and grabbing a #1. #1's are supposed to be something you can build around, and a lot of them turn out to be just that. I don't need a list of #1 busts or anybody to take great exception to that statement. I am just saying that your options are winning and losing, and if the latter outnumbers the former...you aren't mediocre...you're bad.


    The article I read on continuity and keeping Dick had some merit, but realistically...this guy has no sac...no leadership qualities. He is just a nice guy. Maybe he can take the rest of his money and live the rest of his life on it, but if he really is so effing nice, perhaps auto sales would work out for him. Hell, he can go coach another NFL team, just not the one that I have season tickets to go watch.


    I think that it is to the point that the fans have spoken, and Ralph will actually pony-up a little scratch and get a coach that has a track-record. That is, of course, if a winning coach wants to shuffle off to Buffalo... I am still an advocate for Kelly giving it a shot, but would rather see him standing there with a bag of coin when the inevitable happens, so he can buy the team.


    Vote for Chucky in '10

  8. Damn you T.O.!!!!


    We were so good with Steve Johnson, then you came in here with a lousy 14 years of HOF offensive performing, and somehow but Steve Johnson down the depth chart!!!!


    Now we might end our streak of playoff runs, all because you came here with your losing attitude and drove us into the ground!! Steve Johnson had the whole thing turned around, and then you came, all for marketing!! How many times have you been to the playoffs? Oh...well, you still are no Steve Johnson!!!!


    Oh, and as for you Hardy...you're no Steve Johnson, but you are certainly better than T.O.!! We miss you from the '08 Juggernaut!! Stupid T.O.!!

  9. The problem lies witin the posters thread title - shouldve kept greer over mcgee imo. The Bills should have KEPT THEM BOTH. Then we have a great secondary. We can stil draft Corner in rd4 and even sign Florence if they fancy. With the Peters situation as it was I am suprised they went after a luxury pick (yet another corner) and did not focus on one of the 12 tackles that seemed to be drafted early that year.



    That isn't the way it goes...on TSW you only get one OR the other. Whitner OR Byrd, Jackson OR Lynch...and on and on and on and on

  10. Flutie was winner, regardless of the level he played at...BC, CFL, NFL... the guy won games. It is remarkable that people don't see that. Rob Johnson is/was a talented athlete, with no decision making ability.


    That was our chance to win the Super Bowl...We could have beaten any team that year....we were where we were because of Flutie. It was his game to win/lose.


    Too bad all of the arguing about his doesn't get us in the playoffs again, huh?

  11. with all these awesome ideas going around for different players, lets trade Lee Evans for Derrick Mason. It's obvious Lee sucks, and Mason is just awesome.... Let's get it done




    Just make sure you don't get rid of Steve Johnson!!!! He has 11 career receptions, and although this highly touted 7th round pick rarely sees any action, I am sure he is the rare talent at WR we have been missing!!!

  12. Marshawn only gained over 1000 yards in his first two seasons, all of this behind a suspect line, with a very watered down passing attack. Backs like that are a dime a dozen. I know we all loved him, but Freddy had a good game receiving against New England and he ran all over Tampa Bay, so I am done with Lynch. He is obviously replaceable...I only request that, when he leaves town and completely tears it up somewhere else, I get to get on TSW and complain about how we never keep any good players... I also request amnesty from never thinking we have a good player while they are here, only after they leave.


    If we ever do make the playoffs again, I also don't want to be reminded of how good it should feel I want to complain about how we didn't win the Super Bowl, and if we do win the Super Bowl it wasn't by enough points...and so it goes.


    Marshawn Lynch is a very talented back. He can run and catch, never goes down on first contact, and until Freddy Jackson (who I like just as much) had a a few decent games to start the year, he was our RB. Now with people running out of things to complain about, you are going to turn on one of our true talents....


    As far as his dancing, I would love to see you get tackled one time, and what your reaction would be the next time one of these 300 lb monsters was chasing you down...I am sure you would lower the shoulder!! Lynch often does lower the shoulder, and then ends up gang tackled by 7-8 defenders at a time...do you mean to tell me you would rather just see that, as opposed to him "dancing" or trying to avoid a gang tackle?

  13. For he's a jolly-good fellow, for he's a... just kidding.


    I have never been a fan of Richard, or his regime. We play scared, we are boring, he shows no animation or concern for his players on the sideline, and I doubt that he is a firecracker in the locker room. That is a guess, but I would bet it is fairly accurate.


    As much as he needs fired, it is horrible that somebody would actually want him killed. He is inept, and I don't believe he has the makeup to be a head coach in this league...probably something that should have been noted before his hiring, and definitely before the extension. He must be one hell of a nice guy to still have a job. There are few teams that would have put up with this kind of football, and not have fired the head coach.


    The billboard was a great idea. I think that Ralph needs to hear what the fans have to say, as we do line his pockets. The one that gets me, much like the Snyder post, is that Ralph IS the owner... Ralph IS the reason there is football in Western NY.


    Hopefully this is the week, as I have hoped every week, but this team is a laughing stock. I keep reading that the players are horrible, blah blah blah. Just like all of our teams that have struggled in the past, if we just clean house a good number of them will go on to long successful careers elsewhere.


    I also hope we don't just play to a mediocre record and a mid round draft pick again, if we want to rebuild we need a high quality draft pick that will be an immediate impact....repeat ad nauseum

  14. Texans linebacker DeMeco Ryans joked about how simple it was to contain Buffalo’s popgun attack.


    “It was easy,” Ryans said. “They kind of had the same formations, they didn’t give us a lot of motions and things. So it was a simple offense to go against.”


    Ryans then joked about how good it was sipping Gatorade on the sideline watching the offense take over.


    I just read this in the game recap...I hadn't seen in mentioned here, and apologize if it's already been brought up, but I can not remember seeing an opposing player talk like that about the Bills in my time.


    Ralph delivers that great speech at halftime, while the other team is laughing at us, and doing it openly.


    I can not believe the ineptitude of this offense. We can't even accidentally figure it out. It is baffling to me that we are leaving this team one bad snap from hanging out with Hamden!! What would we do if his tanning package was set to expire and he was forced to choose between leading the Bills or tanning...then who would play QB? Seriously no third string, err, only two third string QBs with nobody to back them up? Edwards' problems started with a concussion, and it is highly unlikely that he will get over them following another.


    I can say that I have never seen the Ralph as empty as it was today, and the amount of apathy that the fans showed, not to mention the droves that were heading for the gates with every play in the 4th Qtr.


    I really don't know what to say about this team, but what could it really hurt to can Jauron now? I know that RW doesn't want to make a move midseason, but what the hell?


    As far as this Ryans guy goes, I hope we meet him when the upper hand is on the other foot, or that the offense can maybe take this and use it as inspiration.

  15. I however, don't think I deserved your anti-conservative rant just because I made one comment, that liberals love to be politically correct.


    Oh really? Nobody defended his use of the word? Well please "word" me on what you comprehend this statement to mean: "Is Larry Johnson being unfairly singled out? He very well could be." ...a quote taken from the original thread poster, Albany. Oh and by the way, he called this thread; " What did Larry Johnson do that was so wrong?" ... if both of those statments are not meant to defend Johnson's words, then what in the world has this 4 plus page thread been discussing in the first place?


    As a liberal, you should not be so insecure. You have all the majority votes to make any changes you want, and at least another year to make them. I hope that's not too politcally correct of me to say! :worthy:



    Nice catch on my typo using word instead of work...touche, ol'sport.


    The whole conservative/liberal thing was due to the fact that you felt that had any relevance to what Johnson said, and that you somehow felt the need to make a quick slam on the liberals, which I felt was ironic, since you were setting yourself up to call posters homophobes.


    In response to your defending Johnson sentiments, what I was reading is that some felt the backlash and the indefinite (at the time) suspension was a little harsh. I thought that subsequent posts discussing that the Chiefs were probably going to use this as leverage to get out from underneath his contract. I would be willing to bet, that if Johnson was in the middle of another 1,700+ yard-season, the Chiefs would have defended him, rather than suspend him. This holds true even if he would have blasted the coach. I feel this would have been an "we are handling this internally," issue with a bunch of apologizing.


    As far as your last dig goes...don't concern yourself with being too politically correct, or any other kind of correct for that matter. I didn't really want to get into a political pissing match with you, I just felt that your bringing liberals into the conversation, in a completely distorted context, needed addressed. Maybe it was my being insecure, or maybe just plain old ignorant, or whatever word you want to you to incorrectly describe it.




    Left Wing

  16. UMMMM lets see.......Hardy had a poor year as a Rookie.(some say) TO comes in and so far has failed. Reed has failed as the #2 for years prior to Hardy coming in.........You begin to wonder if it is the WR in place or the QB or better yet the offenseive coaching scheme. Im sorry but you can put Fitzgerald, Wayne, Colsten, Johnson in a Bills uniform, and this offense would still fail. Buffalo is borring. The team is borring. The coaching staff is boring. Indy, Philly, New orleans, New england, Denver, GB, Ariz are exciting teams and will be for years to come.........5 years from now Bills will still be boring.


    This is my favorite. The level of optimism was probably never higher than in the early '80's. We were a laughing stock of the league, and within the next 5 years turned into an offensive powerhouse, then progressed into the most exciting offense the game has ever seen.


    I am not a card carrying member of the Hardy fan club, but I hope he proves my initial impression of bust wrong. Fact is T.O. was supposed to fill that role, and the chances of him hanging around until there is an overhaul in the FO are less than zero. He wants to compete and play to win (see Edwards, Herman) not play in this dysfunctional system. I know many will say good riddance, but he will go somewhere else and put up good numbers next year. The TSW can say he was dogging it in Buffalo...and so it goes. Fact is we STILL need a big receiver, and we STILL have Hardy. It would be too nice to see him commit himself to his position and turn his physical prowess and raw talent into a true NFL asset.


    I don't think we are a year away from the vaunted K-Gun, but with an exciting coach, or at least one with a pulse, and a tackle or two, we can have the kind of offense that you see on TV. I have to laugh when I see a QB throwing the ball all over the place...it has become such a foreign concept in Buffalo as of late, I almost forgot what it looked like.

  17. Let me guess, you watch re-runs of "All in the Family" every night and laugh at every word "Archie Bunker" says, right?


    Number one, liberals are in charge of the country, and all they care about is hypocrital political correctness. They live for that stuff.


    But beyond that, isn't it about time for every single person living in the USA, conservative (which I am), liberal or in between, to stop making racial slurs once and for all? If you are defending Johnson for using the ignorant word "fag" more then once, then you must be homophobic yourself.


    Finally, when you are an elite athlete or entertainer earning about 1,000 times more then the average fan rooting for you or paying money to watch you perform, then you should not be saying ignorant stupid things in the first place.


    Larry Johnson is a moron, and deserves any punishment KC decides to hand down.



    Wow...that is good stuff. Better to be more on than more off.


    The hypocritical political correctness part...yeah, there is a reason that liberals run the country, and that is people like you are conservatives. I don't want to try to sway you, but I will tell you that Democrats do not want to take your guns, and that unless you make the kind of money that LJ does, you know...the "1,000 times more then average fan," you would not be affected by the tax increases that uneducated right-wingers fear.


    Ignorant is lacking knowledge or awareness. This would render an inanimate object, such as the word fag, unable to possess the ability to be ignorant. Johnson, himself, could be ignorant, which is probably the case. I am not sure he comes from the same aristocratic background as yourself, and maybe he is not aware of the implications for saying, as you so eloquently put it, "ignorant stupid things."


    I am sure you have a long day of blocking same sex marriages, and going to town hall meetings and sharing your profound opinion on health care, polishing your gun collection, and whatever else goes into the day of a proud, patriotic conservative like yourself. I may recommend that you word on a little reading comprehension, because there wasn't really any defense of LJ using the "ignorant stupid" word, rather just a little debate over the ramifications and possible consequences, but it was nice of you to drop in and take a dig at the liberals that are trying to did the country out of the "1,000 times more" deep hole that the conservatives put us in. At least they did it straight forward and honestly, no hypocrisy or "ignorant stupid things."


    I guess my "stupid ignorant" liberal closing statement would be something like: Larry Johnson made a very poor decision. Whether Mr. Johnson was, or was not, aware of the severity of his comments and the damage they could cause, is a moot point. Mr. Johnson was wrong and is to be punished. The severity of the punishment is yet to be determined, but hopefully he is punished in a matter deemed, by both his labor union, his employer, and the league. It would be nice to see this young man, who has enjoyed a successful career on the field, to pick himself up and dust himself and provide an exemplary model for aspiring youth to be proud to emulate.






    Bleeding Heart

  18. Wow...that is about what I can muster reading about this story.


    The dude called his coach out on TWITTER...when will athletes just cancel their accounts? Every week somebody pops off and gets in trouble on Twitter. When you are playing a game and getting that kind of scratch to do it...just stay off of Twitter, and maybe cancel your Facebook and MySpace while you are at it.


    As far as the "f" word goes...give me a freaking break. We are so desensitized as a culture it is unbelievable. The onslaught of media is everywhere, so if you are a parent, and you let your child think Larry Johnson is really a role model, then please give your children up for adoption. Think about what kind of mindset you have to have to play pro football... You probably are a little aggressive (TE being the exception) and pretty competitive. Nice guy is generally not a prerequisite for an athlete to be a fan favorite...yeah, it helps, but it is a performance based business, and to compete with the best players in the world, you probably have a little bit of an edge.


    I am not excusing his use of the slur...as an athlete you need to realize that your contract is because you can perform better than most, but it is also so high because you are a public attraction. You need to use discretion, and LJ did not. Fine, suspension, whatever, is appropriate. My point is you can turn on prime time TV and see all the sex and violence you want...shows about grotesque murders, adultery, basically the less ethical the better... LJ, frustrated calls his coach a fag, out of frustration with his laughingstock of a team and obvious fading personal skills, and it hurt somebody? If you are hurt by that, I feel you are setting a double standard. Our children are subjected to the everything at such a young age and there are real issues that nobody pays attention to, but they jump on LJ for saying the "f" word... I am pretty sure if you go to any playground during any recess in any gradeschool in the country you will hear a lot worse.


    If you are hurt, and would take the time to contact the league office and complain, to make sure LJ "gets what he deserves" are you any better? This guy didn't call his coach a fag because he really thinks his coach is a homosexual, and because he was hoping to step on the hornets nest and get the gay community fired up. The true crime would be making it your mission to ruin this talented athletes career, and cause him possible financial duress (I know he has made a pile of money, but what is he going to do when it's done, and he donated his body to the making football fans cheer?) over a Tweet that had nothing to do with his sexuality, but rather just and undereducated member of society voicing his displeasure with his employers ineffectiveness... look in the mirror and ask who is the bigger jackass. His attack was nothing personal against homosexuals, while unfortunate, it was done out of ignorance. The subsequent crucifixion would be done with vengeance.


    So when you are gasping about the harm he has done to the children, remember that you are showing them that when you try to nail him to the cross for it. I remember something like two wrongs don't make a right, and although the comments were a horrible decision, remember don't educate, forgive, or overlook a person of limited intelligences inability to always make the best decision...just go all teeth and claws, drag in the muck and the mire by giving it constant media attention. I can already see Bob Ley doing an Between the Lines...tsk tsk LJ. Always go for the jugular, because to err is human but to completely blow the situation out of proportion, take offense to something that had nothing to do with you, and then ruin the perpetrator's life is divine....have a blessed day.

  19. I vote for the 50/50, but not necessarily all out of the back field. Both catch and run really well. I love the arguments...Freddy did so good...blah blah blah... They both have been shut down the last few games, and I don't think it is either of their faults. The guy sitting behind me at the Browns game said it about as well as I have heard: "Lynch is rare talent at back, if we trade him we will be crying about it for years while he runs over the rest of the league." I know, I know, he dances etc. Maybe you want to go out there and run right into a pile of 300 lb. maniacs, who's sole intent is to rip you to pieces....any takers?


    I like them out of the split back, with one down field or blocking and the other as a check down. On a team that has some glaring holes, it is laughable that while on one thread we say we need this, and this, and this, and so on, but we have two backs worthy of starting almost anywhere else, and you feel like we need to pick one or the other. I like having both of them, and I love the difference in their styles.


    I think the real problem is not the arrows, it's the Indian. If you can call the right plays, play the right packages, etc. You can make the best talents look horrible...How did O.J. do his first year here? Once in a lifetime talent, and the wrong system...he wanted out of football. Thurman...you try pounding him up the middle every touch (see Jackson, Freddy last two weeks) and he is out of the league and bagging groceries. You play to his strengths and he revolutionized the RB position.


    My $.02

  20. I like Edwards. I am not a fan-boy, I simply think I have seen him make good decisions and good throws...before you go nuts and start spitting Natty Ice all over the place, I do not mean in recent games. I thought he looked good against NE, and TB. Then the Saints hit him a few good times and the wheels fell off. I think coaching should step in and try to "coach" him through hard times... Trent has never been afforded that benefit. I will say that some of his play lately has me second guessing him as the QB of the future for the Bills, like I was once sure of.


    Fitz played well enough to keep us hanging around on Sunday. If he threw a pick 6, we're done. He loses a fumble that is returned...we're done. Thankfully he kept us in the game long enough for the Jets to lose it.


    I keep reading "this team needs a complete overhaul...top to bottom" What the f#@k does that really mean? There are some great talents on this team. The team has no identity or direction through an obvious lack of leadership. This is Richard Jauron, and his staff. The reason we are not on the bottom of the "power rankings" that people put out is because we really have a team that began this season with a legitimate shot at the post-season.


    I believe the "overhaul" is the single dumbest thing I have ever heard. If we had an impact coach, we would be talking about the post-season. We may not be a Super Bowl team, but we would have a chance to dance. When you see Trent afraid to do things, this is trickle down from Richard and AVP. They are scared to take chances and lose and they cost our team, which could only win by taking and succeeding with these chances, the narrow victories. If you look at the lower seeds in the playoffs, and the teams that just missed. There is always a glaring discrepancy in winning close games and games against teams you "should" beat (read Browns.)


    I like almost our entire defense...the starters, not the emergency crew. I think if you line up Maybin as a pass-rushing LB you start causing a lot of problems for a lot of teams. I think that our OL is going to become a force, it is learning, but you can still win by helping them learn. The guys possess the ability, just not the awareness...that comes from experience and COACHING. Trent has shown the ability to win and make good decisions, and I think he can do it again...I think he needs a little moral boost, not a coach that avoids him after a mistake, teammates that let him sit alone, while the 73,000 "fans" are screaming obscenities to the point of nearly stoking out in the stands.


    If they overhaul this team we would kick ourselves...or go B word on the forum...for years about letting Lynch, Jackson, Poz, McKelvin, McGee, Mitchell, Shoebel, Whitner, Evans, Nelson (I predict good things,) and the list goes on, walk away. There are a lot of players that would shine in another uniform, but they are stuck in Western NY with fans that boo them, a coach that's most admirable quality is a lax camp (strength and conditioning related to injuries?)


    Maybe I am just a homer, but I like the majority of this team, and before I run TE out of town, let's see how Fitzy holds up on Sunday. We should be able to run the ball all over Carolina, we just need to learn to run inside and outside. Maybe we pass on a "running" down...you know...make them guess.


    So I am sorry if the post was rambling, but it hurts to go through this s#$t every year, as you well know...soap box is open.

  21. But the players love our home jerseys...and they also love our coach......



    That is good stuff...


    I love the throwbacks, as I think all of the fans do. I have quite a few jerseys, with my only "clown" jersey being a home Whitner. I keep thinking I would like to pick up a road jersey, but truth be told...I want this era to end.


    I bet in a similar poll, we would be voted towards the top in voting on coolest throwbacks. The Chargers powder blues are great, but aside from them we have to be next. The white jerseys we wore in NE are ridiculously sharp... It is funny that in every poll I have ever read, the throwbacks win resoundingly, yet we continue to march out in the "dark-era" jerseys.


    I am a little bit of a superstitious fan, but I bet that even the most conservative fan cannot help but equating the current uniforms with losing. They were the Bledsoe/Beginning of the end duds.


    It is funny...well not really all that funny, but it can feel, at times, that this franchise is f$#king with my emotions, and whatever I would like to see them do, they do the opposite... I know I am not that important for Ralph to be intentionally missiling my dreams, but I know the fans have spoken, and if we keep getting demolished why not try out some other unis...you know? Just in case that is the reason, not the inept front office/coaching staff...

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