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Beebe's Kid

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Posts posted by Beebe's Kid

  1. Bills fans are unbelievable!! I posted before that the Bills won't ever get to the playoffs until Jim Kelly's ghost appears. Maybe I should add Marv and Thurman and Andre and the list goes on. QUIT CLINGING TO THE PAST!! MOVE ON!! Its no wonder there are only 300,000 of you left in Buffalo!! No one has anything better to do than sit at home and trash every player that the Bills have ever drafted since the 90s and compare everybody to past players. Haven't any of you figured out that it has been so long since the Bills were contenders that the current players don't have a clue who you are talking about when you mention all those names. Edwards was right when he said he was not a Bills fans, he was a Bills player. He and the other players are not living in the past with the rest of you. They are trying to win in the present. Leave them alone. Support them. Without the injuries, the poor head coaching, the lousy decisions by the "brass" and the "stupid plays" that Kyle Williams mentioned this week, this current group of players would be competing for a playoff spot right now!! Let them play.- And Edwards is the future of the Bills so watch out that he doesn't get traded to a team that appreciates his talents and comes back to haunt the Bills for years.


    I respect the past. I appreciate the past. At times, I put in the 30th anniversary DVD to watch the old players. I think it is great that the alumni are around and supporting the team. I wish that is was less talk, more action, but at least the foot is in the door.


    I agree with this post, minus the Edwards bit. Trent quit on us. Trent will be gone. Once he quit, he lost my support. If you quit once, you'll quit again.


    This team could have contended for playoffs, and were close. We have a lot of positives, I know that few agree. We can spend hours arguing that there is a better player or players at the same position somewhere else. You're right. There are better RBs than Lynch, better Safeties than Whitner, better receivers than Evans/TO. Believe it or not, there are better DT's than Stroud (who I like, but don't get his free pass,) the list goes on. The fact of the matter is that there were better players at almost every position in our glory years as well, with the posible exceptions of Bruce, and in my opinion Kelly.


    The truth is coaching has a lot more to do with it than fans seem to care to admit, and the talent is'nt about every player being the top at his position...it's about the team playing well together, and finding ways to win. Period.


    We can spend $10 mil per on a coach, but that doesn't solve the problem. We need to not have practice squad level talent on the OL and at LB. Schobel and Kelsay should be replaced with physical players. OL, DL, LB, and obviously QB. We spend some $, which we have the ability and willingness (?) to do.


    Want to continue to hate, hate. I hope you get a crow-sandwich. Obviously not a guarantee, but I hope, because I am a fan. I want the team to succeed. It is a lot more fun talking about a good team. The negativity seems to be fashionable. Good luck with that.

  2. Thanks to you & everyone for their well wishes. It has been a long battle, but I'm still here over 2 years after the Drs. only gave me a 35% chance of living past 90 days. :thumbsup:

    :thumbsup: Fighting the good fight!! A tip of the cap to you, my friend. When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us. I don't really partake, but in this situation... :lol: Here's to you and your recovery. May you see the Bills win the Super Bowl...a couple of times!! :)


    There is a lot to learn from someone like Flbissfan. I think that a there should be a little inspiration for Bills' fans. If you just lay down and let what "could" happen, happen...you don't stand a chance. If it really ever comes down to it, fans need to do what they can to stop it...not make negative posts on message boards crying about how bad we are and how doomed the franchise is. To the OP....be a part of the solution, not part of the problem...or just go like the Pats.


    Again, Flbillsfan, you are an inspiration.

  3. Another epic JP Post..I will give JP credit. If it wasnt for my curiousity to see the next spin on "I want to have JP Losmans child "topic I wouldnt visit so much.. This is awesome...You people are all thats wrong with with Buffalo Sports.. Its like beaten woman syndrome. Daughter gets beat by dad, daughter finds and marries man who beats her .. Bills keep sucking, fans desire players who suck....


    Cant wait till tomorrows JP post..

    JP coming back would be like the woman going back to the abusive man. The way he was treated here was near criminal. Mind you that I am not a JP fan, I never liked the idea. I was of the opinion we needed a plug and play QB, due to the lack of patience and ability to develop a QB. My opinion has changed in that respect. It is unfortunate that our organization's has not. I think Losman was an up and comer and would have panned out...enter TE, another up and comer....now we have two Qbs on the scrap heap. The most important quality in a QB is confidence. In himself and his teammates. We do not foster that at all. The coaches were quick with the hook, and the fans give up fast. Had JP not lost his job he would have started to make the adjustments that he was so slow to make.


    It is easy for us to say he never would have gotten it, but how much difference did it make in your work performance after a couple years on the job?


    I hope that he does well. He would be a huge upgrade here, especially with a qualified coach, a coach that actually coaches and cares about and develops his players would get a star out of JP.... The fans that don't want him back do not have to worry. If anybody else is interested, why would he ever come back to Buffalo? The weather? The nightlife? The warm-fuzzy feeling the fans gave him? We stand as much of a chance of seeing him back as OJ.

  4. I know that everybody wants to trade Lynch and Whitner...I don't. I think trading either would be a big mistake. That's my opinion, I don't care to argue, I am just putting it out there.


    What about Schobel? Kelsay? Do these two have enough trade value to possibly move up for Suh? I should clarify, do they have enough value to trade up for Suh, without giving away our top picks for the next few years?


    I think Stroud has gotten off easy this year. I don't see anybody calling him out for his play. I am not saying he is to blame, but he isn't playing lights out. Before somebody get all offended, due to a man-crush on Stroud. I really like the guy, and I am wondering if he is hurt or if he is slowing with age... I know he missed a few games (knee?) and maybe he is playing injured.


    If a player like Suh comes along, and he is, in fact, a Bruce Smith type player...I don't think we have a choice. Why not trade Stroud? I like Stroud, and he allows us to say Talkin' Stroud, but what if we could scream SUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH!!!!! every time he ripped an opposing QB to the ground?

  5. What is the deal with a wristband? I live in Erie, but I have taken some pictures at games, and I have a couple nice Freddy and Poz shots...I was unable to catch Maybin, just the motion blur from that first step...and more of the same while he was getting two-hand shoved off of the field.


    Seriously though, I would really like to get them signed for my kid. What would I do to get a wristband? No chance of getting one when you show up?

  6. I'd rather have a QB that gets p!ssed at a loss, rather than one that cries and needs his head rubbed.



    BTW Thanks Bobby you and your 6-6 seminoles for screwing the Canes out of the Gator Bowl. If you had any nads you'd turn down the bowl.



    “I realize some people may look at this as a sign of weakness. I cry not because I’m less of a man, but because I am a man.”


    - Bruce Smith

    Professional Bad-Ass



    I would take the guy that cries. He left it on the field, and it was good enough this day, but usually is. UF will probably force Cincinnati to withdraw from the NCAA... He is pissed, not punching people in the face pissed, he is going to prepare of Pike & Co. Unfortunately for Cincy, they are going to feel the wrath.


    Tebow is a winner, and will win in the NFL. It is amazing that so many people are so sure this guy won't make it... What do you think he thinks about that? You think that would drive him to prove critics wrong? I just hope he is not too old to develop a little arm strength...


    We don't need a guy with a winning attitude. The Flutie era was horrible...the only people that did'nt love this guy are the ones that said the same things they are saying about Tebow. Think about it. All of the Flutie haters said too small, no arm, blah blah. They got proven every time he won, and are still bitter. Bring up Dolphins fumble, stats, whatever. We were a foce when he was here.


    We have had athletic...Rob Johnson and JP didn't work out...smart Trent Edward, Fitzie, any takers?


    You can't teach or develop winning attitude. You can train for agility or strength, but you can't teach decision making and winning drive, and the truth is Tebow won in the SEC... Not every game, but there has only been one undefeated team, look at the whole body of work.


    Did anybody ever look at his INT totals?


    I am not a professional talent evaluator...but I did make an observation that guys like Tebow and Flutie keep winning, despite all the claims that they can't...it's called defying the odds, and you can hate them, or appreciate that it is an unquantifiable attribute, and appreciate the rare athlete that has it.

  7. You do realize that Chicago is named the windy city not because of actual wind speed?


    Thanks. I was hoping that was going to get pointed out.



    I would say no more CA QB's based on superstition alone. F--- me once, shame on you, f---me twice shame on me...three times? Maybe it's time to look at QB development in Buffalo. Truth be told the argument about where a QB comes from is asinine. Truth be told....it doesn't really matter. I have always thought it was a dumb argument.


    I thought Kelly was simply saying that "We've had three CA QBs in a row, and nobody really worked out, let's pick from a different pool." You know, kind of tongue in cheek. I bet he didn't intend to keep answering questions on this. It is funny the things people zoom in on.... May I propose we address the QB development program, or lack there of.

  8. Hold on guys!!! Don't do it!! Don't drink the TO Kool Aid!! It was a marketing ploy!!! All they want is your money!! He's not one of the greatest receivers of all-time!! He doesn't give us a little (a lot of) swagger!!! He doesn't demand a lot of attention, possibly freeing up Lee Evans!!! Fools!!


    I love it... the Bills have an attitude. The Jets are talking smack, Peter King a little smack. This team, the motley crew of second string practice squad players that can't win won't win...here we are. Excited on Gameday, believing we are going to win!!!


    I got so sick of hearing the "marketing ploy" agreement that I can't help be happy to see that we did bring in a true impact player. It was more than a little tiring hearing that we were idiots for cheering for this team....maybe I am, but I am one happy idiot. I can't/won't root for a loss, I can't/won't root for another team. We have suffered, and while we aren't out of the woods, it feels good again!!


    My prediction for the fight....PAIN!!!

  9. If last week was any indication, we can surely expect Fitzpatrick to be throwing the long ball early and often! Whatcha gonna do when Ryan Fitzpatrick gets "LIVE" you, brotha! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Ye Ole' is ready for THE FESTIVITIES!

    Sumbudy bes tel' Missa Revis dat der gonna be sumptin!!! Missa Tee Ohh aint none to happy 'bout the lass game, an he ses he got him an edumacated man who aint skared no mo, an he mad. I's feelin offlee sorry for Missa Revis.

  10. don't mean to nitpick...but it's nit knot knit.


    carry on


    I was trying to convey that I was not trying to offend, since that is a major objective most of the time. I thought it was interesting that the throw to TO was Fitzy's call. I was incorrect about the spelling of the nitpick, as has been kindly pointed out...twice, and the play call. I had received the info second hand, and should have done the research myself. I just hope I don't lose my job at the Tribune over this.


    Also, I apologize to the OP for his thread being cluttered with a bunch of worthless posts about my incorrect spelling of nitpick. I also apologize to other readers that came looking for pertinent information about the Bills, and were forced to skim over multiple posts about a typo. Unfortunately, that is the case with many threads, but that is the price you pay when you are surrounded by the best and the brightest...and so it goes.


    You do a fine job every week, and I did not mean to disrupt what had started out as a good discussion. I am excited to read your post tomorrow, informing us what your views were about us ripping Rex Ryan (is he still "genius" status?) and his J-E-T-S to pieces, and with is being Friday, my editor should be in to avoid another travesty of the Queen's English.

  11. To those that say Edwards was not throwing T.O. the ball, that's a bunch of bull. The majority of passes that Edwards threw to his WR's were to T.O. IMO, Jauron severly hindered Edwards' progression this year. In training camp, we heard on multiple occasions that Edwards & T.O. hooked up for 60 yard plays and other long passes, but 10 days before the start of the season, Schonert gets fired and stated "Jauron said there were too many plays and wanted a pop-warner offense." It's obvious that Fitz does a much better job at reading defenses and changing the plays at the line of scrimmage, but for T.O. to almost double his numbers in 2 games compared to his first 9, you've got to wonder if he was barely giving an effort. T.O. said that Edwards was either underthrowing or overthrowing him, yes on some plays Edwards did, but the others, T.O. had them in his hands and dropped them. Plus, a lot of the blame should be placed on T.O. on why him & Edwards never got into a rythym, T.O. missed 99% of the pre-season because he hurt his foot by wearing the wrong sneakers...coincedence or did he purposely say that to miss the pre-season (kind of like Bruce Smith getting his knee scoped before the start of training camp to avoid the pre-season).


    Jauron killed TE's career...in Buffalo anyway. I believe he may have killed his love of the game. DJ called a designed QB sneak in Tennessee for f#$k's sake. The guy just came back from his 2nd serious concussion, and he's lucky he didn't have more. I take pics at games, and I can tell you that Trent got hit a good percentage of the time he threw.


    TO missed how much preseason? He hurt the toe in the 1st game. He had to get warmed up a little bit. I compare him to the guy in baseball that is getting a little older, that can't produce when they come off the bench. That is what we saw with TO... I am not saying he was on the bench, but he would get a throw here, a throw there, and they were mostly horrible. He dropped two TD's in the Tampa game, but those didn't matter because we gave TB a case of red-a$$ at the home opener. He was/is used to seeing the ball alot. That being said, after the "streak," we repeatedly forced the ball to him. He dropped a few, but there was some wretched throws.


    TO is high maintenance, high reward. I don't mean high maintenance in the way always associated with him. I was always a little suspect of the "trouble" he caused. I am not saying he handles himself correct, but I do not believe it was ever ill-intentioned... I mean you need to get the ball to him alot to keep him warm. I am really impressed with his zest, even at a time when a lot of fans were turning their back. Cleveland game...Special Olympics with no fuzzy feeling...he is firing up the crowd and firing up the team (trying anyway)....that was not an easy task.


    Whatever happened between TO and TE will not be public until TO writes his mem-wahhh. That was a big deal. Trent tanked the throws in Tennessee, I am absolutely convinced. It seemed TO was trying to fight for the greater good, and get the team to succeed, and TE took it personal. That is his immaturity. TO doesn't give two d#@k shakes about TE personally, but TE (speculation) saw it in a "This is my team, One-Year Blunder, and this team follows me." TO yells on sideline, a suggestion is made to TE, and he says FU...It had been going on all year. Fitzy in Jacksonville looks at the laptop with TO, next series 98 yd TD. Fitzy picks up what TO is putting down, and you have chemistry. TO knows his football, to deny that is insane...I am a struggling 3rd year QB, nicknamed Captain Checkdown, I am listening...TE didn't, if he were a few years older, and had gotten over himself, it may have worked.


    Unfortunately for us, Trent is a good looking guy, played to the most prestigious position in sports, was smart, went to Stanford, got a fancy "C" on his jersey, received slow-head from DJ, etc. He thinks he is pretty hot-s#$t. He was not going to listen to some side-show receiver, made worse when everybody on team was drawn to his charisma, and the fans all show up in TO jerseys, and scream chant TO, TO, TO, then the coaches are going to listen to him??? Couldn't handle it. That brings us to the current. Trent is a pouting little b#$ch on the sidelines, TO is kicking arse, and making Fitzy look like a real NFL QB...but really what I care about is we stand a chance to win on any Sunday.

  12. Let him go then. Shanny and Snyder are made for each other. They can spend themselves into oblivion.




    Shanny going to the Redskins would be a good thing for us, I think. I am falling out of love with the idea of Shanny by the minute.


    It would be funny to see him with the 'Skins...I thought he wouldn't like a meddlesome owner...ERRRR


    It will end up a pissing contest over who will be able to lure the most aging free agents with ridiculous contracts to a truly pathetic franchise. I look at the 'Skins as in way worse shape than we are in.


    I have read that Shanahan is only focused on cementing his legacy and winning another Super Bowl....ERRR


    Good day then, sir. We never knew ya!!


    My luck is we bumped the offer, gave him the keys to the city and a 15 year contract in Buffalo...I am not down with the Shanny move, I may be wrong, but I don't think so. If I am, good thing I am just a fan...those billboards will surely be something!!!

  13. GM first to design the plan to win the superbowl. Frankly I'd give the young Pollian kid a serious look.

    GM decides on the coach we need

    Draft and free agency to fix the trenches first and linebacking this year. T"HERE IS NO PEYTON MANNING in the qb hunt this year. Build the lines and perhaps take a flyer on a qb in the third or fourth round, if that.

    SIGN our "franchise" players. Hell...we could build a playoff contender with the players we let leave the bills over the last six or seven years.

    Be aggressive in free agency.


    That's how it needs to be done. We could have a playoff contender next year and be deep into the playoffs the year after if only we follow this plan.



    Pick a used up big name guy whose best days are behind him...(hmm...Jauron, Chuck Knox, John Rauch)

    Hamper the coach by creating friction with the non-support of the front office (Phillips, Mularkey, Williams)

    Draft from the back up....Safeties and cornerbacks, receivers and running backs and ignore the offensive and defensive lines.

    Let stellar players on board see you pay lesser players top dollars in free agency and let them "test the market" with the inevitable result that we lose them. (Washington, Fat Pat, Jason Peters, Clements, Winfield, Spikes, etc. )


    Deming said if you have three men who fail in the same job, you have to look at the job itself. Time to reevaluate and rebuild. Phillips is a head coach and both Mularkey and Williams are hot prospects for a head coaching job right now. The problem may not be the coaching....

    Couple days too late. He's done been looked at, and the golden child is the heir-apparent in the Indy.


    GM with an up and coming coach is probably the best way. Cowher only guy I would give double duty to, but that may be short lived, there is a reason those are 2 very high paying positions.. They are both demanding, and high turn-around. Too much for one guy.

  14. I must be coming down from my post-Jauron high. I'm not as enamored with the "big name" as I was a couple weeks ago. I'm not saying Perry is THE GUY, but he has shown that the right amount of coach-interaction, attitude, personnel moves and motivation can light a fire.

    I'm much more concerned about player personnel and getting the right people in here. I mean do you really think Jim Caldwell and Sean Payton would be undefeated in Buffalo? of course not. Any GM that's capable of being in the NFL will know they need to fortify the trenches. Look what Cincinnati has done with a much improved O-line and D-line.

    Above all else, the Bills really need to make a smart decision about QB. Fitz is showing in spurts how beneficial it is to have a QB that can recognize defense and coverages. That play where he scored the 31 yd TD, he knew the play was designed to flow left so when he got flushed, no one would be on the right. That's smart QB'ing. So was the audible for the long TO touchdown pass (2 weeks in a row).


    Speaking of QB, I've done a total 180 on Tebow. For most of this season I just figured he'd be an average pro or below. He isn't the greatest passer, doesn't have the best arm, etc... Now I've come around to see that he's smart, a winner and has a ton of confidence. He's just one of those players that will refuse to be average. I don't care who is around him. He will probably be drafted in the top 10, so if the Bills keep winning they may not get a shot. If they did take Tebow, I would not be disappointed at all.


    I agree with you 100%. $10 Mill per is a lot for a coach...especially if he gets 5 years. Then you have to think...what if the guy doesn't last 5 years? Then we owe another coach, who left us worse than we were, but we owe him $10 mil per.


    My take, worthless as it is, would be this...if it isn't Cowher, it isn't worth the money. He, really, is the only coach I could justify ponying up that kind of scratch for. He was a fiery leader, has a boat-load of prestige, and is allergic to losing. Remember the end of the Chuck Knoll era? Cowher built that team back into a perennial contender, they always draft well (which doesn't mean an All-World player every pick,) and I am struggling to think of a time that he made a poor decision. I am sure some didn't end as he wanted, but at the time made sense and would put his team in a position to win. He wants $12 Mil, and a couple Sabres ducats, give it to him... slow-head or hand-release from the Jill of his choice...so be it.


    Shanahan...although I was riding high on the prospect of the rushing game, and would have kissed the ring immediately after RW told DJ to "Step into my office." DJ: "Why" RW: "You're f#$king fired, that's why." I was not surprised by his being fired after finished 3 games ahead of Jauron, from 06-08, and he had an open checkbook. The team was in flux, but he held the purse.


    Gruden, the end of his Tampa career is frightening. He is fiery, and sounds good on MNF, but if the fecal matter hits the oscillating air relocation device, he kind of snapped and it wasn't pretty....and we've been known to have a s@#t-storm or two in B-Lo.


    So, after Richard has finally extracted Mr. Wilson's house shoe from his corn-hole, I have to say that it's big bucks for Cowher, or else we start looking real hard at other options. Other options being, Perry, or another up and coming coordinator, or the dude from the CFL, not some washed up failure of an NFL coach...we've done that. Somebody that is winning somewhere, and is a leader. With a very limited specimen, Per-Bear, has two check marks. I am not saying hire him, but time for serious consideration.


    Tebow doesn't require the same diatribe. Tebow=Win Everything. Drink the Kool-Aide. This guy is going to be a great NFL QB if he has the right coach and the right scheme. I don't mean he needs to be in a spread...wouldn't hurt, but he is smart, and he will figure it out, because that's what he does. Haters keep on hating. That's fine. He's been getting it for three years and only responded by kicking all kinds of arse. UF loses, he rallies them and back they come. Stats are sick, his leadership is sicker. 3 years of total domination in the SEC...there are a lot of current NFL players that he has torched.


    Cowher mentoring Tebow, who is way more athletic than Ben, uh-oh. Shanahan hoping for an Eway Jr.? Fun time to be a fan.

  15. I assume he is running the scout team offense at this point, so he has to learn a few of the oppositions plays each week. I think that would make it difficult for him to learn our offense, even as simple as it is, and give him a fair shot at competing on Sundays.


    He is a third qb and as such is developmental at this point. His chance to stay on the team will be in the off season and preseason next year.


    1. Better him than Trent


    2. I know this is all probably right, but I WANT TO SEE HIM!! I did stomp my feet when I typed that!! I want to see him for a few reasons...A. I want to see him, redundant, yes, but we know noting about him, which leads me to my next point. B. It will be a long, long off-season when all of the professional talent evaluators on TBD are split into an early HOF induction and death by stoning, which, even is we see him, is the likely scenario, but at least maybe the ones that use an ounce of logic would have something build on.

  16. Like the post as always!! Thank you.


    One little snag, I believe the bomb to Owens was an audible from Fitzy. It was supposed to be a run, but Fitzy audibled out and went for the throat. I am definitely no trying to knit-pick, but I think is unfair for Perry to have that on his resume, and Fitzy's doughnuts to be overlooked.


    Again, don't mean to offend, I really enjoy your posts, and I agree with all points and analysis made, especially Whitner. He was huge, and has been very good this year. He may have finally arrived. I am going to duck as the DW-Hate Club is sure to be swooping in any minute.

  17. please... Toronto is a joke of an NFL city, especially when LA and San Antonio don't have teams....


    Who could forget San Antonio's rich NFL history?


    Some freaking closure on this would be fantastic. Gentlemen sitting next to me on Sunday, told me there were some plans for a new stadium in Buffalo? I haven't seen that, but easily could have missed it, I guess. Any truth?

  18. How much influence do you think the press has on coaches when deciding what team they will coach for next? If something like this has already been posted then please delete this topic and accept my apology.


    I see one factor that may be a detriment to our coaching search, as far as media is concerned.


    Schlep and Bullfrog...if a HC candidate likes to listen to sports radio, we're f#@ked.


    Seriously, in market like Buffalo, the attraction may seen to be out of the spotlight, nationally anyway. To deal with the local media, it would be interesting to see how they stack up against a few other teams in that area.

  19. Those clowns run this team, Ralph Wilson is sitting by a window and thinking if he needs to install more bathrooms in his house. The only time he doesn't need to pee is when he is already peeing.


    Look at the talent the front office has drafted the last 4 years, in or around the top 10 of the draft. Who decided to not draft an O tackle this past draft, and not pursue a tackle in free agency? Then they cut the right tackle because he wasn't quick enough to get to the line for the no huddle, then they scrap that scheme. Then ask yourself, why do these people still have their jobs?

    No offense to Aaron Maybin, but was he drafted to appease the fans? Because they had to know he wouldn't be a big contributor this season. Hopefully at some point Maybin will eventually become a starter, just kind of wasted when the O line really needed help this year.


    So many stupid decisions the last few years, while the front office continues to run a near billion dollar franchise into the ground.The way the front office handled the Jason Peters situation, they really scrood the pooch with that. Most of the fans posting here were constantly point out the problems the team were going to have ahead of time. If the fans here can see the problems, why can't the people in the front office?

    I suppose as long as the cash keeps flowing in, stadium filled, merchandise sold...


    This franchise is in desperate need of a real GM, who knows football talent.

    Oh boy, here we go. Don't forget TO, he's not a good receiver he was a marketing ploy designed to take your money!! What happened to those posts?


    Few points on your sunny opinion....


    1. You keep coming back, as do the rest of us.


    2. We are far from in the ground. Our team is young, with a few exceptions, which I am sure will be pointed out to me. The change of coach, and attitude has proven, albeit short-term, that our players are not as bad as many posters will have you believe. This seems to me to be the most attractive HC job on the market. Cap room, young talent on both sides of the ball. We have a few glaring gaps, and a, until Per-Bear, alarming lack of direction and leadership. Plug a few holes and get the players to believe/buy into a system, and we are talking playoffs.


    3. Ralph Wilson is from the Great Depression era...I know that probably doesn't mean much to you except he pees alot, but most of those guys have the first dollar they ever earned. Ralph doesn't want to sink this team, he doesn't want to cause YOU hardship. He simply thinks that he can employ tactics that have made him a successful business man, for a very very long period of time, and compete in the NFL. When all of the owners were old and cheap, it wasn't as glaring, but now it is becoming obvious. The culture of capitalism and the excessive spending that younger generations see as normal is appalling to RW. The were taught to hold on to every penny, and we've been brainwashed to spend them (I am as guilty as anybody.) Point being Ralph thought he could outsmart the spend-a-lots and put a great team on the field on the cheap. Unfortunately, for Mr. Wilson, the days when the owners colluded to keep salaries down, etc. This generation pays...Mr. Wilson has not. He apparently wants to open the purse strings, which sometimes people get extremely generous when they know the inevitable is coming.


    Short version: Generational divide is the issue here. A shift in cultural perception has left Mr. Wilson struggling to keep up. I believe he sincerely wants a Super Bowl in Buffalo, and if he grabs one of the boxes under his bed, he could make a big splash really fast.


    4. Bills have drafted talent in the last 4 years, not with every pick, but we have a good nucleus to build around. Check back this time next year, and I bet there are a lot more people that agree with me.


    5. They have their jobs because you didn't answer your phone.

  20. I wasn't a Derek Schouman fan to start the season but he was looking pretty good after the first two games. Losing him really hurt our offense, and it especially hurt Trent. Having a solid TE is critical when running the no huddle , and after he got hurt in the second game the no huddle fizzled. Hopefully he is fully healed for next year because he was looking like a #1 TE at the start of the season.


    I think Nelson is going to need another year or so before he can be a every-down TE. He makes too many mistakes, and he seems to be called for at least one penalty a game. The ability is definitely there, lets just hope the Bills don't ruin it.

    :thumbsup: That is funny. Your post is right on, but the comment about the no huddle reminds me of the part in Major League when Dorn shows up to spring training.


    Lou "I though you said we didnt' have any high-priced talent."


    Charlie "I forgot about Dorn, because he's only high priced."


    Seems a little off, since we aren't really talking about price her, but I seriously forgot about the no-huddle. What a joke!! I don't know about you guys, but my spirits are 10 times higher than when the Richard Jauron's Traveling Circus was in town. Holy s#$t, I don't like to type LOL, but I am really laughing out loud thinking about what a debacle that was.


    As far as Shouman, it would be great to see him back, because I never got tired of saying "Hello....Shouman," but seriously, he did look good. A little slow but good blocking, and would be a perfect compliment to Nelson...the Yin to his Yang... Disclaimer: I know nothing about Nelson's Yang. I am not trying to start any rumors.


    I wouldn't count out Stupar. He's shown potential throughout the preseason and in his limited playing time during the season. Might turn out to be a real diamond in the rough.

    You're right, Stupar looked better than Fine (what is better than fine, good?) I apologize for getting down on him. He has looked good, I just think Nelson looks like a star, and I am way past waiting patiently.


    We should put a sign out in front of the Ralph, Tight Ens for sale!! Cohnah Backs, we got Cohnah Backs!!! Step right up and get an undersized D-Linemen, get 'em while their still fast!!

  21. our offense is anything but complex.

    The complex part was very, very sarcastic.


    I'm not sure why you think this is shocking news. He is not a veteran QB who could be plugged in late in the season. The Bills grabbed him to see what might be there respective to his talent. It was a smart move by the Bills as it cost them little. Also potentially steps up the QB competition for next year.

    I guess shocking wasn't what I intended to convey...more like disappointed. We have been down so god damned long, that is looks like up to me. I just wanted to see the guy, no expectations, outside of a string of Super Bowl wins.


    What, you thinking it's easy to learn two different alignments? How far behind the others on the team would he be? (Not the newcomers signed during the last month, the veterans who have been with us for more than half the season.) Ouch! That's too much tongue-in-cheek even for me.


    Let Brohm get out there and show us something. No, it's not the whole audition, but we would at least have a first impression.

    Thanks...that is what I was shooting for.


    Because Fewell is auditioning for a job, either with the Bills or another team, and he's going to play the guys that give him the best chance to win each game, not the guys with the best future or to see what they got.

    "As we have let him take reps he has an impressive arm. He throws the ball very accurately. He makes good decisoins when he’s throwing the football."


    We've got a winner!!! :thumbsup: Fitzy is anything but accurate, or in possession of an impressive arm. ::ducks waiting for the "the throw he made to Owens!!" outrage :: I know he makes a good throw once in a while, but he is for the most part horribly inaccurate. I feel we win the Jacksonville game going away with a little more accuracy, and Carolina, and the Jets...is that all of the games he's played? (that is tongue in cheek)


    He very well could get cut, but I don't think there is any way he does. Edwards will be on the first thing smokin' out of Buffalo on January 4th. I think he quit on us, which we'll never truly know, but if he did, good day, sir.

  22. If (well when) we get mathematically eliminated I would want Brohm to play against the Colts. Surely their 2nd and 3rds will be playing that game--it would be a good indicator if we need to seriously consider spending our top draft pick on a QB or if we already have something worth developing.


    That's what I am saying. I guess I wouldn't mind if he took the field earlier. One game will not be a true indicator....well I guess maybe even the rest of the season wouldn't be, but I am anxious to see him. Fitzy picked up this complex offense pretty quick, and he wasn't practicing with the starters either, although, he is a Hahhhhhhvahhhhd man.


    It would be great to not have to burn a high draft pick. The more the Tebow debate burns on, the more I like the idea of him coming to town, but if Brohm is a potential star, I would love a LB, or LT with our first pick.

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