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Beebe's Kid

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Posts posted by Beebe's Kid

  1. We have to ask ourselves, can we handle having an o line that is in the top few in the league ? If so, sign Rich "Conrad Dobler" Incognito now - sign the best affordable fa - and draft another in the 1st or 2nd round. We'll start to have something then - start to.

    Agreed... although the man has a history of a less than desirable character...this will not fly at TBD. If we want to improve we grab this dude on the cheap, and move forward.


    He is going to take a paycut, and we are giving him a second chance. Win/win. If we don't, somebody else will. I know the holy-rollers will look down from their perches and take issue with this, but we need to get better...


    Do you think this guy's name has anything to do with his rage??????

  2. Are people really that ignorant that we have to see this stupid crap time after time after time after time..


    NO VICK!!


    He's mobile with a strong arm

    He's also inaccurate, inconsistent, and not that good at reading defenses


    Sounds like Losman...except that Losman is a human being, not a hardened criminal


    The only way Vick should come anywhere near Buffalo is to get his cowardly ass thrown over the Falls.

    !@#$ that POS!

    Well said! Ignorant!! Damn right!! Commoners and their forgiveness....makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.


    I would bring Vick in... Ignorant means having know knowledge or awareness of... I have knowledge and awareness of what Vick has been through. I also believe people can redeem themselves. To err is human. The guy made a serious mistake, poor judgment, and no doubt a product of his environment. What's your excuse?


    Unfortunately, if I had to pick an example, today, to show my son what human beings are all about. I will take the man who has erred, acknowledged his wrong-doing, owned his mistakes, paid the consequences and persevered. I will take that over the guy that judges, makes comments based as much in misunderstanding (true ignorance,) hatred, and rage any day of the week. There isn't a religion, or sane person in the world that doesn't believe in compassion and forgiveness, but there have been plenty of lunatics that believed pure hatred and grudges, and generally their stories don't end well.


    I would like to see who the coward was if Vick were in front of you... would you still call him POS, and throw him over the falls. Because he would still be who he is in front of you. He is a man who's poor judgment was put on trial in front of the world, who's humiliation was a public event. He has been to hell and came back, yours is only known in your head and your heart, and I hope, for your sake, that you can get over it.


    I wouldn't trade Lynch for Vick. Putting our eggs in the Freddy Jackson basket are a bad idea, in my opinion. I would be more inclined to trade future picks. I think that we would need the depth at running back to help with Vick's shortcomings at the QB position. He would be a much better than just a stop gap like a Pennington, while we groomed a young QB to come into this league...the right way.


    This will be one interesting off season to say the least.

  3. Better quit plugging Wood into your line combo's. Nobody's wanting to speculate yet, but I'd be surprised to see him play next year if ever. Too bad cuz I love his attitude, skills and nastiness.

    I heard on the post-game show that airs on 1260 AM yesterday in Erie that Wood will be fine, and to expect him back. I don't know who the host was. When I did a search I came up with Carucci, but the host talked to Carucci on the phone, so that isn't it.


    Was he being optimistic? That would seem out of character for any Bills' radio personality...

  4. We could get the trifecta:


    A complete and utter bust named Williams


    A complete and utter bust named Trent


    To complete the circle.....a complete and utter bust named Trent Williams.

    Trent Williams...that's a little different than just us taking up the poop-shoot on draft day...that's a break-off!!

  5. Brian Orakpo had 4 sacks yesterday and a forced fumble, several tackles and QB pressures and even a pass defended.

    Aaron Maybin sucks and so does the person responsible for taking him over Orakpo!

    I will gladly eat my words if Maybin proves to be a star one day, but for now it was a big mistake.

    Holy crap!! That is ground breaking stuff. Today Orakpo took a shat that weighed in at 3.4 lbs, and Maybin, while he made a quick first step to the john, sat broken hearted....




    NFL Draft History


    Here is a link, you can dig up thousands of examples to get all upset about, and second guess every pick...hours of fun!!

  6. I don't want to trade Lynch, but I think there are valid responses to your two points.


    First, playing well is not a reason to not want to trade him. After all, buy low and sell high is the most basic principle of business.


    Second, you might need two backs to succeed in the NFL, but you don't need two backs of the quality of Lynch and Jackson. And if you have a surplus that is being used inefficiently at one position and deficits at so many others, it makes sense to try to reallocate your resources.


    BTW, here are the YPC of the top two backs on the four best teams in the NFL:

    Minnesota: Peterson 4.5, Taylor 3.8

    Indianapolis: Addai 3.7, Brown 4.5

    New Orleans: Bell 4.2, Thomas 5.3

    San Diego: Tomlinson 3.2, Sproles 3.3

    I'm not sure how good any of those backs are, outside of Peterson.

    The answer to the quality question is no. That no is more resounding when you have Favre, Manning, Brees, or Rivers as your QB. We have Fitzy, a quitter, and the practice squad cast away, who has a ton of potential, but we can't let him play.


    Reallocation is not necessarily valid in our particular instance. I agree if we had two 24 year old stud running backs...we don't. Jackson is getting older, and will be past normal RB prime inside of 2 years. Lynch is 23.


    I see that it has been stated we are set at WR...far from it. If Owen's leaves, and the whiz-bangs at 550 are ready to drive him to the airport, along with half of the posters at TBD, including those that were riding his pee-pee after the 'Phins game, we are hurting and hurting bad. Reed is old...and worse yet, free-agent old. Roscoe is a broken man, and although I would like to think I could make him a useful piece of an offense (I have very strong Madden credentials!) he is not going to work out. Evans is a stud, albeit a micro-mini-stud with a rocket in his arse, but he is a stud. Steve Johnson is going to be busy with book signings and cleaning his HOF bust, and may not have time to be the savior he once was, and Hardy is still the same slow, bad hands, can't run a route Hardy he was last year...only he hasn't played competitive football in a year....


    Freddie can catch the ball...does he help us with the slot WR? Why the f#@k not? I think he moves to WR when Lynch is in the game, which is the majority, and we win. One or the other is pointless.

  7. Let me say I listen every week after the game.

    Nothing is better than listening them trashing the Bills, mocking callers with sarcasm.

    Best line so far...

    Bulldog: "I didn't want to watch the game, but my job makes me."


    "I'm not mad I am here or anything. I just want the season to end."

    Keep it classy Buffalo :wallbash:

    Bullfrog is a stuttering, Schlop-noot licking little b#@ch, and Schlop is a vagina....flat out. This guy isn't married, doesn't have kids...it's kind of like Colin Coward....they act like they are some kind of cool, free spirited guys, and the truth is they are negative, pencil-d#$k, pricks.


    I don't know when sports radio jumped the shark, but we're there. I feel Rome may be responsible...don't misunderstand that I am blaming Rome, or don't like him. Rome is amazing, unfortunately all of these guys want to be like him, and they can't hold his Bombay Saphire.


    Listen to Mike & Mike, Coward, Sclop and Bullcock, and you notice they all sound the same? Whiny little nerd voices, stuttering, exaggerated stuttering, saying crap like "Don't give me that," or "I get it." Hanging up on callers that disagree with them.


    Is there a good sports talk show out there, aside from Rome? Being a Bills and Sabres fan I would prefer local Buffalo talk. I am a Red Sox fan, but I refuse to listen to Pats* ball-lickers all day. Just good normal guys talking about sports would be good.


    Oh, and all the people that keep saying you're going to quit watching the Bills...we are gonna miss you, but you're only making this harder on both of us by staying. Please...just go. Don't go away mad....just go away. The weekly threats and hearing about how you have nothing to live for anymore takes away from the momentum of a good topic. When we're back on top, you can come running back telling everybody how you are such a die-hard fan...we won't tell, but we'll always know.

  8. This is all pure speculation on my part, but I believe theres more behind this then meets the eye. I'm willing to bet there was a clash of heads and Hamdan defended Trent then lost his job because of it. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if T.O. was right in the middle of all the back stabbing and turmoil that tore this team apart, again all pure speculation on my part and everyone knows dog14787 has a wild imagination...



    None of this is true, it was the wax Elvis that fired the second shot from the grassy knoll...


    Hamden????? This one takes the cake!!!


    I am glad you brought up Edwards though, I think there are a few other points we should discuss....


    1. Draft Picks, and how they were all selected in a secret conspiracy to alienate the fan base.

    2. Maybin...why don't we put him at LB

    3. Steve Johnson and the criminal act of not giving the Second Coming PT.

    4. Marv as GM, what's your take? Did he do a good job.

    5. I don't care how much better Whitner gets...he was 8th overall.

    6. Should we throw games for a draft pick?

    7. Do you think Brohm will play, even though we have been told he won't, I think he should.

    8. Marshawn v. Freddie....you can't have two running backs!!

    9. TO is not a HOF receiver who can make a difference on offense, he was a marketing ploy... I know I said we needed a good receiver on the other side of Evans, as did most fans, and despite us not being able to get them the ball...TO is not good enough.

    10. Last, but definitely not least....I think JP would come back, don't you think we grab him before the rest of world finds out??

  9. No way, I'd MUCH prefer to beat the Patriots* than the Colts, especially if the Colts are 15-0 heading in... nothing would drive Pats* fans crazier than to have their most hated rival go undefeated only 2 years after them! In fact, I'd love to see the Colts and Saints meet for perfection in the Super Bowl just so Pats* fans' heads would explode when it's guaranteed that their undefeated regular season is lessened even more when there's a 19-0 season.


    I would rather beat the Pats, because, well, they are the Pats. The Colts going unbeaten would also let the classless bastards that are the '72 Dolphins to finally quit having their annual circle-jerk party....on second thought the Saints could do that, right? Beat them both!!

  10. Hey Senator -


    Did you see Jason Peters tonight?


    Did you see Jason Peters, NOT give up a sack...to the GIANTS defensive line???



    He is horrible. Fat and lazy bum.

    You know, we should just call a "trade-back" on him.


    Seriously, what is the point of this. These turn into bitter pissing contests, and at the end of the day, there is no winner...just the same tired, circular argument.

  11. Sorry I started the other thread... Mods please delete if it causes a problem.


    I used to think that a QB was the answer, until I saw how dominate a guy like Ndamukong Suh (Nebraska) can be.


    Defenses win games as long as the team doesn't have a total slep for QB or O coach.

    This team is guilty as charged. I know our teams D gets busted on in here a lot, but with the normal offensive drive consisting of three embarrassing plays and a punt, then right back out for the D, they never stood a chance.


    AVP...good bye. Fitzy is horrible, flat out f#@king pathetic. I would talk about TE, but I gave up on him, like he gave up on this team... I would rather see Rob Johnson at QB than Fitzy....hell, I would rather see Spencer Johnson than Fitzy.


    I was discussing with my buddy tonight, the option of a backup that may have some strong potential in the league...I would hope we could agree that rushing a rookie into this lineup is going to be disastrous. I know everybody is down on Vick, but I think that after seeing him the last couple weeks, it would be hard to deny him a chance, even if it was to come here and keep the spot warm for the kid. He looks to be playing pretty well.... That is just an observation, I don't know what my position on that move would be, since it doesn't have to happen today. It will be interesting to see if we see him again, or if Philly even lets him go. They may pick up the option and trade.... I don't need a history lesson that Vick has had his troubles, and how intolerable some fans are of human error (albeit MV's was worse than many.) I was just kind of airing the opinion.


    It would be nice to grab a QB in the 2nd or 3rd, and get front 7 help in 1st round. I would be all for signing our OL help in free agency...It would be nice to not have to have another OLman come in and have to learn all about the defenses again...I would prefer plug and play.


    I just hope that light at the end of the tunnel is not a train.

  12. I just don't understand why Steve Johnson is not in the Hall of Fame yet.



    T.O. was the man two weeks ago. Has a tough game against one of the top 3 corners in the game, and we're back to Steve Johnson. Why can't anybody see him for the once in a generation talent he really is??


    Don't get me wrong, he looked like there might be something there last year, but him over T.O.??? This argument is about as sensible as bringing up Marv every 10-15 minutes to kick him.


    I know that the true evaluators of talent are stuck in 9-5's and post on message boards, but you think at least 1 person that has a job on an NFL team would have seen if St. Johnson was the second coming.


    Everybody has all the answers on everything that this organization has done wrong, we've all seen T.O. make big plays...the kind he has been making for 14 years, and yet, Steve effing Johnson is the problem????


    If all Steve Johnson d-riders are right, we will finally have a prolific offense once we get rid of Terrell Owens, and have a rookie QB, or washed up vet, and Josh Reed (you HAVE TO get rid of TO!!) and Steve Johnson lined up at WR next year. I wonder what the problem would be then...there has to be a problem...


    I would love to see us trying to land a FA QB... "Don't you worry about TO, we would never bring him back, you are going to have the biggest secret in the league....Steve Johnson!!! Not to mention James Hardy and Josh Reed!! What? Lee? Oh you don't have to get the ball to him...and, pardon me asking, but with the previously mentioned stable of talent, why would you? Either way, please rest assured, the future first ballot HOF'er WILL NOT BE ON THE ROSTER. So let's just wrap this up and win that Super Bowl!!! What do you say, Mr. Pennington?"

  13. How would you rate Marv Levy's two years as General Manager, Hiring Jaron, 06 and 07 drafts and free agents signings?

    Will it hurt his legacy? :rolleyes:

    Wow. Do people really need to keep piling on Marv??


    I am sure you would have done a better job, especially with the amazing hindsight you have.


    Maybe we focus on the future?


    Do no regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it, my friend...just freaking move on!!

  14. Do you honestly believe the Bills want to lose? Do you think Ralph hired TD, one of the most respected GMs on the market, and gave him full control to lose?


    I'm so sick of Ralph doesn't want to win. We haven't been winners but it's more that Ralph has trusted the wrong guy, got burned, and then decided to trust people he respected. The results obviously have been terrible but I think it's complete Bs to say Ralph doesn't care about winning. At this point, he simply is struggling to figure out how.



    Thank you.


    I have said it before. Ralph is from the depression era...that means a lot about how he is going to spend his money. He is a successful business man. You don't become a successful businessman by just spending the top dollar on everything. I am sure there is a great argument against that, or should I say an exception to the rule.


    He has picked up what he thought was a "deal" as of late, without blowing the whole dough-ball. I believe what he said when he got his ring. I sincerely feel he is as frustrated as we are. Successful business owners are not satisfied with incompetence. Ralph does want a Super Bowl.


    Ralph IS THE REASON THERE IS A FOOTBALL TEAM HERE. I know many posters like to believe it is their god-given right, but he started the team and kept them here. Does that mean he hasn't made mistakes? He is not a poster on TBD, he is just a mere mortal, and has made poor choices. We can't all be perfect.


    In relation to the big conspiracy...if you are on TBD, you obviously follow the Bills pretty closely, and would fall under the umbrella of "idiots" that continues to support this team. Good news is, when we turn it around, you will not confuse us with the fair-weather Patriots fans. What we have gone through for the last ten (or 50) years, will only make it feel that much better when we win the big one.

  15. I know this place is good at grudges...somebody should save these, so when Maybin turns out to be a stud, you can put them in your signature.


    At this point, it is not hurting us any to have him as a project. It may end up working to our advantage. Next year, at the ripe old age of 22 he will have a year of NFL experience, and still be younger than a lot of guys coming out in the draft. The obvious issues with his being overpowered will, no doubt, be addressed in the off season. He is not Schobel or Kelsay. He is 21 years old. He still can add muscle and bulk quickly. The other undersized DE's we have are on the physical decline.


    Maybin does have some fire, maybe a little misplaced, but he has emotion...see his celebrating every tackle. He is a competitor, and is embarrassed of his lack of productivity, be sure of that.


    A little HGH, a strong workout program...this guy will be stronger. Hopefully he has a little help on D, and isn't surrounded by the practice squad and can play to his strengths.


    It won't really matter though, because even he turns into a Pro-Bowler, there will be something to complain about, and that is what is truly important. It is hard to believe that people think the FO needs to be held accountable for this...if this was even close to the worst thing they had done, we would be in good shape.

  16. I don't think he will bash the Bills. The fans treat him very well, and I think with some winning he would really like it here, would finish his career here.


    Terrell Owens has had an 'off' season, but who hasn't on this offense, with this unstable offensive line? He is one of the best players on this team, so I can't understand why people want him to go away. Probabaly the same people who wanted Losman out of her, and Edwards, and ...


    ...and Lynch, and Whitner, and Poz, and Evans. Not Stroud though, or Steve Johnson.


    As far as Johnson goes...he is having fun, and he doesn't effect me at all. I think it is too bad that his antics are punished so heavily by the NFL. God forbid that this GAME be fun, and that the players and teams that we (fans) spend millions on are allowed to entertain. Chad doesn't cross the line, in my opinion. To call him lame, and have "grown tired" of his antics is sounds a little old. He would probably be flattered.


    It was great, I thought, when TO mocked Joey Porter in the Miami game.


    All of this in mind, I could do without Maybin celebrating every tackle with a running fist pump and a yell to the crowd...maybe that is the first sign on me getting old. I would accept it on a sack or a big tackle for a loss, but when happen to be in position because you have been dominated, are on the ground and grab a foot as it goes by...I'll thank you for being aware, but could go without the celebration.

    • Building through the draft? Nope, we suck at that.
    • Athletic ability? Under Donahoe, we looked for overachievers and "high-motors".
    • Football temperament, aggressiveness, and love of the game? Exhibit A: Trent "I'm not a fan" Edwards.
    • Durability? Exhibit B: legions of walking wounded and the never-ending IR bonanza. :censored:
    • Players with firing neurons? Exhibit C: Losman, McKelvin, Roscoe, Bongs Away Lynch.

    Meanwhile Polian keeps racking up wins in a small market, which used to be known more for auto racing.


    Whewww!! I was concerned that there was actually going to be a conversation concerning throw $10 mil per at a head coach, and how that is not the answer to rebuilding our franchise. I really enjoyed the article, and thought that it is kind of telling of the direction we should take... but why think about the future when you can ALWAYS be right by trashing the past?

  17. i just bought 4 tickets on Stub Hub for 20 each, original price $105 each.


    Misery loves company.

    Wow...That is a great deal. I was considering it, and may have to look at it a little harder if ducats are $20! It is a good time to see the Bills win, and we might be able to beat the Chiefs!!


    The only drawback is the 14 hour drive to KC...

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