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Go Bills!!!

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Posts posted by Go Bills!!!

  1. I have reason to believe this is your new head coach. I am not completely 100%, but would not post it in this manner if I did not think it was credible. There are no links for this information. I know it will be ugly if I am wrong, but I thought you would want the information.


    Could be as soon as tomorrow.


    I just checked and Rich Kotite and Wayne Fontes are available for the head coaching position. We may not need to hire Chan Gailey!


    Gino in Saratoga

  2. You know, The Brian Shittenhammers of the world can kiss Buffalo's ass!!!!! Pretty disrespectful for him to turn a franchise down that is interested in him being their coach. It's not like The Bills are asking him to be the offensive coordinator. Heck, you'd think he'd listen to the Bills just because his old man played for the Bills.


    He's busy with the playoffs and all, he could have atleast had the Bills visit him to hear what we have to say! Go to hell dude, just more reason for me to hate The Jets. I'm always looking for more reasons!!!!


    What does anyone think about Fewell being the 'worst-comes-to-worst' coaching candidate?


    Gino In Saratoga

  3. Why set yourself up for failure? I wouldn't accept a top position in a company if I knew I'd ultimately look worse when it fails. Afterward, you have a tougher time getting any job. Stay with somewhat competent organizations and keep building credibility until a solid, stable offer comes along.



    If Buffalo is a 'resume killer,' then why was Wade Phillips given a chance by the team that demolished the Bills in the Super Bowl?


    Gino In Saratoga

  4. I'm sick of all the people crying that no big name coach is gonna come here. I think that's bull! Shannahan didn't come for an interview just for the fun of it. Maybe he didn't like the offer, but his visit is enough to say he'd consider it! Who cares if we don't get a Cower, Gruden or Shannahan! I'll bet there are plenty of hot coordinators out there who could do a good job and would jump at the chance to be a head coach. Buffalo is not a lost cause. The ship can be righted, let's have a little faith. We know that we need a QB and O-line, there's someone out there who knows what it takes and might just give it a chance!


    Let's be positive! Hey, Jauron got fired mid-season and no one expected that!!!!!




    Go Bills!!!!


    Go Sabres!!!

  5. I'm sure you all already know that the game will not be televised in the Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo markets by Time Warner. I called Time Warner last night and they informed me the NFL Network has exclusive rights to the game. This means it doesn't matter if you are in the primary or secondary market, & if you do not have a cable provider that has the NFL network you will not see this game. THIS SUCKS AND I DON'T KNOW WHO TO BLAME, THE NFL OR TIME WARNER!!!!!



    No doubt, both sides are to blame! NFL Network wont give in to Time Warner's idea to show it on the Sports Tier and Time Warner says it has to up it's fees if it puts it on basic cable! Time Warner is full of crap since they raise their rates every year! The NFL is full of crap saying they want the exposure of basic cable, yet are very happy to keep this going and have NO exposure at all in TW-Only markets!


    My problem is I have too many trees for Satelite and FIOS isn't available! I'm stuck with TWC!


    Here's a funny one, my brother used to have Adelphia and the NFL Network. When Time Warner bought Adelphia out, they had to offer the same channels as the previous provider. Now my brother has Time Warner, AND the NFL Network. The funny thing? Time Warner blocks out ALL NFL Network Thursday Night regular-season games due to their fued with the NFL!


    Doesn't that suck?




    Go Bills!

  6. I seem to recall seeing somewhere the Giants game was telecast here, presumably by one of the local networks. Was it shown & by whom? I realize that this past week being Thanksgiving might mean that there's no much to preempt whereas this coming week there might be.

    FWIW, I believe we're considered 2ndary mkts for both the Giants & Jets.



    No, WNYT 13 asked the NFL if they could buy rights to broadcast the Giants' game on Thanksgiving, but they were turned down.


    The game between The Giants and The Pats 2 years ago was carried all over, but that was the only instance I can

    think of! The Bills and Jets will also be dark in this neck of the woods!


    Time Warner and NFL Network have got to cut this crap out and resolve this issue. Neither one wants to give in to the other!




    Go Bills!!!


    Beating The Jets And Fish in 5 days would be an early Christmas present!

  7. Right now I'll take a 1st round playoff exit over a 3 and 13 season! Marty is a winner, and a great

    motivator! Hey, didn't he beat the heavily favored Oilers to advance to the AFC Championship game

    against The Bills in the 93 season? So he has won a play off game, right?


    Go Bills!!!


    Squish The Fish!!!


    with Schottenheimer you may get to the playoffs, you just won't win any games once you get there
  8. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/...ills-were-no-1/


    Seriously, did the Bills pull a Joey Porter and talk smack this week I am unaware of? Wonder if he throat punched a handicapped kid on the way out and ran over some kittens in his limo.


    I mean, I expect this from juiced up, over stimulated players, not 86-year old geriatrics.



    Ralph needs to rocket a tennis ball down Bud Adams' throat!!!! :lol:

  9. I agree with JW here! A win is a win is a win. Wow, why so harsh against this guy? Doesn't he get

    to give his opinion without being told he sucks? I'm not forgeting the Bills problems, but a win in the

    division on the road against a team the Bills haven't beat in a while is a good win. The kept fighting

    in OT and won it, that's been a long time coming! The Panthers suck, but I will be very happy if and

    when the Bills go down to Charlotte and beat them!!!


    Go Bills






    why did I ask the question about how significant this win was at a time the team is crisis? because that's the story i'm writing today. in an objective world, the Bills win to some degree blunts some of the criticism that's been heaped on coach and this team.

    they won a game they weren't supposed to. did it with a injury-depleted defense and with no one believing they had a shot. there's something to taht.


    there are times to be negative and there are times to hold back. the bills won, and ugly as it was, they won. the better questions after that game should be directed toward Rex Ryan and the Jets for forgetting they had a running attack.


    this was not a day to be critical.


    j (guess i suck) w

  10. How do you know they a'int coming to Buffalo? They may just be looking for a challenge and

    that's whay The Bills are! Fassel interviewed before Jaruan, bot wanted too much money. Do

    you think he's lowered his asking price?


    Go Bills


    Jets 30 Bills 3


    I could see it. I think the Jets are getting better, but the are still developing, they will believe their own press clippings a bit too much.


    The Bills? Well, after that Pats game I thought "They probably just blew the whole wad on that game", they were counted out, picked on, just written off, and Brady was still getting it together, and the Pats needed some new leaders and probably figured to blow the Bills out.


    Now the Bills are are back to the same spot, they might do it with mirrors this week.

    But they still suck, and a win won't mean anything.


    I bet Jim Fassel ends up the new coach next season. Maybe he will be available after the UFL season is over?


    Cowher is not coming to Buffalo. None of the big time guys are gonna take this job, it's gotta be someone desperate.

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