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Go Bills!!!

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Posts posted by Go Bills!!!

  1. I think the Bills' Defensive is on fire, with the exception of Gilmore. He got torched again yesterday. Their only other problem is Tyrod Taylor. Either WRs can't catch what he throws, or he puts it 2 feet above their reach. I think the Bills D got bogged down in the 3rd Quarter yesterday due to being hot and exhausted. All because of Tyrod-Three-And-Out-Taylor!


    What do you think about the Bills' penalty problems? Was this the current Bills' best play without stupid penalties? Last week was close too! I like to see this. Adolphus Washington (Beast) had a stupid 'roughing the passer' penalty, but he was real fired up at the time. I think that was the worst penalty yesterday!


    How is Colton doing today? He got rocked on his punt. I would be pissed if I was him, especially since Tyrod through his second chance out the winder after the guy took one for the team!!!!



    Saratoga Springs, NY


    Go Bills!!!!!!!!

  2. Fine - give up if you want, but I absolutely guarantee that the Bills will not lose this Sunday...


    GO BILLSSS!!!!


    16 and 4 baby!!!!!


    I was waiting for someone to say The Bills wont lose this week! That reminds me, there are some people here at work that love taking bets. They don't care who the Bills are playing, they just like to bet against them!



  3. Wow, a heartbreaking loss, but not enough to abandon my Bills, or be dormant! I think the injuries are killing the Bills more than anything. Hey, I didn't expect Rex to create a prize-fighter right off the bat. Face it, he brought just about his whole Jets coaching staff with him and they've sucked the last few years. I figured we'd get some exposure (which we have) and have a boost in excitement choosing Rex (Season ticket purchases). I think we'll win more games this year, probably not get a playoff spot and we'll be fighting for real next year!


    Yeah, this team is in constant re-building mode, but the buzz is still there in Bills land. I've been a fan since 'Talking Proud' so I've seen some big ups AND big downs. The fact that I'm seeing more hats out there and getting more high-fives from people in the supermarket (Upstate NY Fan) is a sign that the interest in this team is coming around again. I don't think an injury depleted loss is going to derail the comeback with this team.


    GO BILLS!!!!

    We all need the bye-week!!!!


    p.s. EJ Manual sucks!!!! Nice guy, but bad QB!


    Haven't seen anyone mention it but the play that left me with my jaw hanging open was when the Bills got a lucky break on the kickoff and the ball did not bounce into the end zone. It took a perfect backwards bounce and for a second was just laying there at the two yard line and somehow the Bill's coverage team allow it to be scooped up and returned to the 30. I was flabbergasted.

    I think that play summed up the whole afternoon! This game had some of the WORST tackles I have ever seen!!!!!

  5. I'd say depending on the source, when there is a tie in a division (Record, not Conference) they might post it alphabetically. Buffalo usually gets the benefit of B coming before J and N! I know, stupid but I'm serious. Right now, Buffalo is in 3rd place since the tie-breaker goes to the Jets. points don't matter unless all other tie-breakers are even.


    I know I didn't. In preseason I shared my view that each AFCE team would be .500 or better. You look at the two common opponent divisions we play, AFCN and NFCE, both divisions are trending to have down years.


    My biggest concern coming out of the Jets dumping the Colts is that now our week 1 victory does not really look that impressive.


    That's just what I think! The Colts getting beat in Buffalo says they are in bad shape. The Colts getting beat by The Jets at home means we're not as good as we thought beating them in Week 1!

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