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Posts posted by skibum

  1. So, apparently sainthood must mean you don't fight dogs? And when was Big Ben ever convicted (or even charged for that matter) for rape? I also don't think people against Vick are OK with people that "fight bulls beat and rape women" either. Next time, take a few minutes to think before you write.




    So, keeping my pitbull in my 1500 SF condo during the day and then taking her for a walk around the block at night is just as bad as electrocuting and drowning her? Yep, OK. There really should be an IQ limit for posters.


    Neglect = Abuse, that's all I'm saying and I stand by it 100%. I never said it was as bad as electrocuting and drowning dogs, but it's a lot worse than most dog owners would ever admit. I have lived with two self-proclaimed dog lovers who keep their dogs imprisoned all day and the effect on the animals is obvious and profound. Very few dog owners even give this a thought when they rescue that cute puppy from the pound. I say this all the time: If your dog can't exercise freely and be an active participant in your daily life, then you should not own a dog. Where I live, dogs work on ranches and it's acceptable to take your dog to work, to friends' houses, and even to the bar. I travel the country a lot, and when I do I am shocked to see how fat and detached dogs become when people force them to live in isolation.


    The way I see it, dog neglect is socially acceptable cruelty in middle class America, and while the brutality factor is certainly not as high in the suburbs, this situation parallels dog fighting being socially acceptable cruelty in the ghetto. Middle class people neglect dogs because they see them as cuddly stuffed animals, and ghetto folk run dogfights because they see dogs as rent money. And they're both wrong - dogs are social animals with an innate need for engagement and physical exertion.


    I'll stop ranting now. Talk amongst yourselves.

  2. Not to excuse it, but I think the dogfighting thing was more a product of the neighborhood Vick grew up in than anything else. Newport News is as ghetto as it gets, and in places like that dogfighting is considered socially acceptable. Dogs are not the same beloved companions that they are in the Land's End catalog. They are trained killers. I doubt there are a lot of fat, happy golden retrievers chasing sticks and licking kids' faces in Newport News. Animal cruelty is something Vick saw a lot of from a very young age and he probably had a warped perspective on dogs.


    And by the way, professed dog lovers, unless you live in the country with a few acres of land for your dog to roam around on, you're pretty much committing animal cruelty, too. Dogs aren't supposed to hang around your condo all day while you're at work, or be placed in a little cage to keep them from being dogs. And a quick game of fetch, a milkbone, or a walk around the neighborhood on a leash doesn't even come close to making up for it. It's funny how so many people treat their dogs like goldfish, yet want to preach about Michael Vick's cruelty.

  3. My observation, and pet theory, is that Fitz tries a little too hard to put the ball in a spot where the defender can't get to it. This leads to throws that are often just out of the receiver's reach. I think if he were truly off-target or reckless with the ball he would have a lot more picks by now. Again, it's just a theory.


    I really hope Fitz gets his throwing issues worked out, because I absolutely love the way he plays the game.


    Remember, Trent Edwards was very accurate. Lots of guys are "accurate" and still suck at quarterbacking in the NFL. It's all the little things that Fitz does that are so hard to find in a QB, and I think a QB has a much better chance at improving his accuracy than he does developing the kind of intangibles that Fitz has. Look at Vick, Vince Young, Roethlisberger. These guys all had suspect throwing skills but great instincts, and eventually they put together the total package because they got a lot of reps. I believe Fitz has the foundation you look for in a star QB, he just needs more time to hone the arm. Hopefully it will come around.

  4. Didn't that last INT hit Nelson right in the hands? If so, will David Nelson ever get over his choking?


    Fitz forced that one because it was desperation time. It was a risk that real QB's with real ballz take when necessary.


    The Johnson INT was bad, sure, but you're going to have one of those WHEN YOU THROW 51 PASSES (and complete 61% of them).

  5. I agree with the article. First off, Merriman isn't going to make the Bills any worse.


    Second, one of the big things missing on this team is players who have used their elite talent to achieve success with a team. Torbor won the Superbowl but was a role player on that team. Stroud was once a great player but never won anything major (I think). And that's about it - the rest of the roster from top to bottom is mired in a culture of losing.


    Those Charger teams, despite their playoff failures, were incredible, and Merriman was a huge part of that. Hopefully he can be a leader for the Bills and some of his "greatness" can rub off and raise the bar.

  6. To me the only big risk at this point is that the Bills improve enough to slide out of the #1 draft slot. As far as the money and Merriman's chances of making an impact go, this team has absolutely nothing to lose so why not. It's "only" $1.7M.


    For the Bills, it's a can't-lose situation, however I could definitely see the argument that this makes no sense for Merriman's career. Too bad for him that he has no choice in the matter, I guess.

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