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Posts posted by xsoldier54

  1. This is going to be Buffalo's first win.I hate the Jets and can't wait to see what they say when they get beat.

    Rex Ryan is a big fat big mouth ass hole.

    Unfortunately, even though I agree with your assessment of Rex Ryan, I just don't see the Bills beating the Jets this week. NY is a much better team defensively than New England and our defense is suspect at best. I don't see us putting up 30 again and until we can stop someone on defense, the only way to win is to outscore them. Don't see it happening against this D.

  2. Just have a question for all you long time bills fans. By long time im talking like 30-40 years. Anyways, my question is: Has there ever been a lower point to be a bills fan? If yes, when? Just curious. Go bills :bag:

    I have been a Bills fan since Day 1. I was 6 years old when my sister brought home the first team photo. She went to Buff State teacher's college and we lived in Hornell. I tacked it up on the wall in my bedroom and watched every game of the old AFL team. Over the years, there have been many low points and many bad teams. There have been good front office teams and bad ones as well. I agree that this current stretch is very discouraging and disheartening, but I do believe that eventually it will turn around. I don't believe we can expect much this year as the first three games have shown that we just aren't a very good team right now. What I will look for as a fan is improved performance and something to build on for next year. I think the offense performed much better last week, but the defense was horrendous. The rest of this year, I will look for some consistency in the offense and improvement on defense. I guess another thing that comes with age is the ability to put football in perspective. That same sister that brought me home the first Bills team photo is currently suffering from stage 4 cancer and the treatments are not working. She is suffering a great deal, so please Bills fans keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the games as best you can, but remember, it's only a football game. Go Bills.

  3. I think you missed the point of the article. They are do-gooders and are giving WNY'ers a great name in their charity work and Buffalo Bills Passion!


    Go Bills!

    And what point exactly did I miss? I said "God Bless them for their charity." and talked about the pure joy they exhibit watching Bills games. That is exactly what the article was about. It talked about how much fun they have watching Bills games and the charity work they do. I mentioned both, so what exactly am I missing?

  4. It all started with the "can't wait to see Brian Brohm threads" and "Fitzpatrick just might be the answer at QB comments." I would love to have a day where a true and intelligent discussion can take place that honestly presents one's opinion in harmony with what skill/ability level the Bills currently have in players on their roster.


    I'll go first.


    True Statement: The Bills are a QB, LT, C, RT, TE, 2 WR's, a legitimate NT, a DE, and 2 LB's (one inside and one outside) from being an elite level football team. Now...let's have true statements about the positions of need


    QB: Ryan Fitzpatrick has more guts than Edwards. Brian Brohm may be capable of starting a few games in Fitzpatrick's place for the Bills this year. Otherwise, both are career backups (nothing more than that..period)


    WR: It was a huge mistake to sign Lee Evans to a long-term deal. He is fast and has good hands; otherwise, he has been a huge disappointment the last five years. Roscoe Parrish is fun to watch but will never be more than a #3. The other WR's are feel good stories, but there is less than a 10% chance that any of the receivers (including the beloved Steve Johnson) are going to be legitimate #1 or #2 starters in this league.


    LT: It is nice that Bell is related to Karl Malone, and we all wish he had his dad's talent, but Bell is not Peters (so as much as it hurts) we won't catch lightning in a bottle twice and have a TE become converted to a solid LT. We have no viable LT or LT prospect on our roster. And, for those that say Wang is a legitimate LT, I reply, "how many LT's have been drafted in the NFL from China in the 5th round?" Be honest...Wang, Meredith, Bell, and the other guys are not real LT's.


    C: Hangartner was a starter in Carolina (when the team was a little better). He really isn't a starter but the o-line is so bad that he occasionally looks serviceable. The truth is he is nothing more than a backup. It's like holding onto a girlfriend that is a "6" hoping she'll become a "7" but the truth is...she doesn't have it in her...and you know (deep down inside that you honestly haven't had anything better than a "6" and won't...so you are stuck with her.


    RT: Cornell Green sucks...He's old and useless, but he probably is the Bills second or third best tackle on the team.


    TE: The Bills haven't had a legitimate TE in about 10-12 years. Nelson is fast but he'll never be a good blocker (a desperate need with a terrible o-line), and Stupar and other TE's are just waiver-wire guys that good franchises didn't have room for.


    NT: We love Kyle Williams because he is a hardworking, overachieving, white guy who is a blue collar player. He was picked in the latter rounds, and his motor is consistent. He's gritty. He's a solid rotational guy, but he isn't ever going to be a solid NT. He's much better as a DE in a 4-3.


    DE: Edwards and Stroud are solid backups but they aren't particularly good at anything anymore (other than leadership or nice guy personalities)


    LB's: Some people are still delusional thinking Kelsay is worthwhile. Note: If you think Kelsay is a good player (you should be banned from this board for the season). Again, we like him because he has "stuck with the team, is a captain, a nice guy, and is "gritty." Poz is okay but is nothing more than what he is...an injury prone reach LB that we all hoped was Shane Conlan 2.0. Davis was a nice pickup because we can't get anyone. The rest of the LB's really are nothing more than backups. Maybin is what he is...Yes...he is fast...but we hate to admit it inside, but he is....__________________ (something with the words bust...useless....one dimensional are appropriate)



    So deep down....keep in mind that the Bills really are what you know they are rather than what you hope they are.... So, if that is true (and it is), please stop with the Brian Brohm or Ryan Fitzpatrick chants...And, yes...Chan Gailey is an upgrade over Jauron and Nix is an upgrade over (whoever that marketing guy pretending to know football guy is).


    But again, the Bills are a girl rated as a "4". She's chunky, some stretch marks, some staining on her teeth, etc. but you've been with her for years and she occasionally shows flashes of excitement. The same is true for the Bills offense, defense, and for the franchise. While I commend everyone for their "faithfulness, fidelity, integrity, and loyalty" to your "4", let's talk about the Bills players as they really are.

    Wow. Pretty impressed with our own opinion, arent' we? While some of the things that you state are probable true, please keep in mind that your opinions are not facts. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but facts have to be proven. Stating that someone is no good simply has no merit, because there are no facts to back it up. So while I respect your opinions, they are worth no more than my own or those of anyone else on this board. Your opinion is not necessarily the truth, it's only your personal view.

  5. I say to that BS, neither Gailey nor Nix fixed the O line in the off season, all they did to upgrade that line was to bring in RT Cornell Green who is actually worse then Langston Walker. So while LT Bell learns his position and the O line goes through a learning curve on protection schemes with a new O line coach, Edwards paid the price.


    I get it, all the fans are ecstatic now that Edwards is gone. Just give me this pitch about how the Bills are better off without him after the Jets game, and then again after the Ravens and Steeler games.

    I don't have to wait. I'll give it to you now. The Bills are head and shoulders better on offense without Trent Edwards. Fitzpatrick is an average QB and the offense was 10 times better last year with him than Edwards. Same result last week. The same offense, with the same O-line was 10 times better without Edwards at the helm. What more evidence do you need? This team clearly performs better on offense without Trent Edwards.

  6. Sorry, but I just can't say thank you for this game. All it was was just another loss. And do you really think that NE feels bad about giving up 30 points? Believe me, they'll take the win. At no time did I feel like the Bills were gonna win this game. New England controlled the game and the Bills could not stop them. Was it more entertaining than last week? Sure. Was it a good effort? Far from it. The defense looked pathetic and Fitz threw two critical INT's. The sad thing is that this team has been so bad recently that a lot of fans were happy with this game. Not me. They still looked bad and they still lost. There are no such things as moral victories.

  7. Today's game was like a microcosm of Ryan Fitzpatrick's entire career. He will make some plays for you. He will put some points on the board. He will also throw some bad interceptions like the two in the fourth quarter that ultimately will cost his team. That is the reason he has been a backup and that is the reason he performed the way he did today. Over the course of the rest of the season, he will help this team win some games and he will also be frustrating to watch at times. This game was entertaining to watch, but at no time did it appear to me that the Bills would win. Fitzpatrick is more fun to watch and more effective than Trent Edwards by a long shot, but in the end, the team still lost the game. Fitzpatrick wasn't the entire problem today, but I sure would have liked to have those two picks back.

  8. First, Edwards gets named the starter, when the majority of the Bills fans knew he was a skirt wearing, brittle, checkdown Sally. For whatever reason, Chan has to know that first hand before he awards Edwards his rightful spot on the team, the pine. Then, last week, out of the blue, Chan starts Lynch at RB against the Packers. Either he wanted to see if Lynch really sucked that bad, or it was an obvious attempt to showcase him for trade bait.


    Now, Chan, a coach that is supposedly an offensive genius who would ride one back the overwhelming majority of the time, suddenly does a 180 and goes RB by committee. Is this Chan's doing for real? Do zebra's change their stripes to polka dots? Someone at OBD has to be pulling Chan's strings. It's clearly obvious that Fred Jackson is easily the best RB on this team. He runs the ball... it's 4.5, he catches the ball, it's 8.1. Why the "F" make this BS out to be so complicated?


    Fitzpatrick is clearly the best QB on the Bills roster. It's not even close. However, that ain't saying much because, in reality, Fitz is a career backup. That's how bad the other two QBs on the roster are, and Levi Brown must really suck if he couldn't at least make the PS with the Bills "rosterizing" the other 3 schleps.


    So Chan dicks around with Edwards at QB for the first two weeks when everyone else knew Edwards was a POS and Fitz should have started from day 1. Now he's dicking around with Lynch in hopes that the Bills can get a 4th rather than a 5th when they send him packing instead of starting Action Jackson. Is it about winning, or is it about figuring out if certain players (that we all know suck) can play? If it's the latter, the Bills will be in perpetual rebuilding.


    So, is the Edwards/Lynch crap Nix's or Wilson's idea? I certainly don't believe it's all Chan.



    On top of this, I see at least one other team is playing games too. In Philly Andy Reid tells everyone Kolb is the man, then does a 180 and annoints Vick. So, is he shopping Vick now?


    What the hell ever happened to starting and riding your best 22 players and let the chips fall where they fall instead of dicking around with all these useless possibilities that go nowhere?

    While most fans have seen Trent Edwards and his pitiful play the past three years, I believe what Gailey has said about giving him a fresh start. He won the job in an open competition, which unfortunately didn't include any real games. He looked good in practice and the pre-season, but once the bullets were flying for real, it didn't take Gailey long to figure out that this was not the right guy for the job. As for Lynch, he was not fully healthy leading up to week one or he would have been the starter. Spiller will be used much as you saw on Sunday, on returns and in passing situations. He will get the occasional touch in the run game, but that will not be his primary role. As for Jackson, he still is not fully healthy. He got more reps on Sunday than he did the previous week and I expect that trend to continue. As his thumb gets better, he will see more reps. I believe the biggest problem with this offense has been addressed with the QB switch and we shall see. This team has a lot of holes and switching QB's will not fix them all, but I believe it is a step in the right direction.

  9. I'm seeing a lot of posts like this and a few friends of mine who are slowly moving away from being a Bills fan because of the past 10 years.


    It's sad, I'll give you that, but as Doc said...it's just football. While I want them to win, yet realistically think they won't every week, I'll still root for them. They're my team. I grew up with them and will stick with them to my grave.

    I agree completely. While this team is a train wreck and I no longer expect much on Sundays, I grew up a Bills fan and have been one since the inception of this team in the 60's. There have been a few periods like this one where the team is really bad, but eventually things will turn around. As fans, we don't have to like what is going on with the team right now. In fact we shouldn't. But hang in there folks. As many have pointed out, it's only football and not really that important in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully at some point this year, the team will be more competitive. I believe that benching Edwards is the right move. It took Gailey exactly two games to figure out that he is not an NFL calibre QB. He may look good in practice and in pre-season when there is no pressure, but as soon as things really count, he folds like a bad poker hand. Fitz is not the answer long term, but he showed last year that he will be more decisive and more competitive than Edwards. The long term answer at QB is out there somewhere and hopefully we find him sooner rather than later. Until then, I will continue to tune in and hope for the best, but I won't really be that let down when things begin to fall apart on Sundays.

  10. I realize we're all busy talking about how much Trent sucks and how bad a QB is but lets not overlook the dismal effort yesterday on the ground.


    We had FIFTY FREAKING YARDS rushing the ball. Our QB had twice as many yards rushing as our starting running back who also happened to be our #1 draft pick. That my friends is just dismal.


    We can survive a season with Edwards being a dismal QB, we can't survive if we can't gain more that fifty measly freaking yards on the ground.

    Not to be redundant, but the reason we couldn't run the ball was also because of Trent Edwards. Miami was stacking the box and daring him to beat them with his arm and he just isn't capable of doing that. Other teams know this and you can look for more of the same this coming Sunday. Until and unless TE learns to check down when there are 8 0r 9 men in the box and go to a three step drop with a slant over the middle, that is what we are going to get. After three years, he still hasn't figured this out. You can't run the ball when the defense is taking away the run. If you can't throw it in those situations, you are doomed to failure.

  11. I realize we're all busy talking about how much Trent sucks and how bad a QB is but lets not overlook the dismal effort yesterday on the ground.


    We had FIFTY FREAKING YARDS rushing the ball. Our QB had twice as many yards rushing as our starting running back who also happened to be our #1 draft pick. That my friends is just dismal.


    We can survive a season with Edwards being a dismal QB, we can't survive if we can't gain more that fifty measly freaking yards on the ground.

    Not to be redundant, but the reason we couldn't run the ball was also because of Trent Edwards. Miami was stacking the box and daring him to beat them with his arm and he just isn't capable of doing that. Other teams know this and you can look for more of the same this coming Sunday. Until and unless TE learns to check down when there are 8 0r 9 men in the box and go to a three step drop with a slant over the middle, that is what we are going to get. After three years, he still hasn't figured this out. You can't run the ball when the defense is taking away the run. If you can't throw it in those situations, you are doomed to failure.

  12. What was Chan Gailey thinking picking Trent Edwards and CJ Spiller to start. First off preseason stats mean nothing. Last years stats for the year mean everything. Fred Jackson after the first 3 starts last year was 4th in rushing and 1st in all purpose yards for running backs. By years end he had a record that put him 4th All Time in total yards gained by a NFL player. He started 8 or 9 games total and had these accomplishments. Trent Edwards was benched and out perfomed by Ryan Fitzpatrick, but not neccesarily by wins. CJ Spiller was in college.


    So in his infinite wisdom Chan Gailey starts Trent and CJ. Is anyone really suprised what happened yesterday. Heck if we had rebuilt the offensive line I might understand. This line is minus RT Butler starting last years. It has alittle more experience but 2 players are coming back from major injuries. Two players last year (Jackson and Fitzpatrick) were effective despite all the O-line injuries, wouldn't they have faired better yesterday. We are not building for the future by playing CJ Spiller. If anything we may hamper his progress by hurting his confidence behind this line much like Trent Edwards. Fred Jackson doesn't have a confidence problem and wants the job, he is down right pissed at Bills management for seeing the bench. Yesterday all he did was run 4 times for 19 yards, thats over 4 yards a carry. He had two good runs out of the wildcat, one that got called back because of a hold by Levitre. Fred looked good in the wildcat, looked in control. Given more chances in a close game Fred would have come through, he always does. This is a no brainer decsion that lets me know this staff has no real clue were it's talent really is. Fred didn't play much for Chan to see, he needs to watch more game film of him.


    Ryan Fitzpatrick isn't afraid to sit in the pocket and can scramble. He is not the most accurate QB but is capable of the big play. Yesterday could have used that in a very close scoring game. Trent is opposite of Losman and Bledsoe, he gets rid of the ball too quick. Yesterday when there was no pressure on a few pass plays, he still checked down. He often rolls out of pressure the wrong way also. He has little feel in the pocket. The results were predictable and no different than last year, check the Cleveland game. Trent got very lucky he wasn't picked off 2-4 times. This came very close to being a blowout.


    If CJ and Trent continue to start we will go 4-12 or less, not because CJ isn't any good, he is a rookie. We are not going to the playoffs but we could win 7-9 games with Fitzpatrick or Brohm handing off to Fred Jackson then Spiller. Fred has proven himself for a couple years and definetly last year, shame he was benched by Jauron. Gailey showed little confidence in the run game by running 4 out 12 plays to start game, 1st 2 series had no runs and were 3 and out. Also 4-5 WR sets at this point to start a game was not being tricky but truely stupid. Gailey truely hurt Trents confidence since he was sacked twice in 2 series. Lets hope Gailey is a fast learner, this could be a long season if he isn't!!!!! :wallbash:

    First, let me tell you that I agree with you about Edwards. Unfortunately, he is a good practice player. He looks great when there is no pressure and that is the only setting that Gailey has had an opportunity to witness until Sunday. Hopefully he will recognize sooner, rather than later that this guy can't play when it counts.

    As for Spiller starting, this one I can understand. Jackson was not 100%, practiced only a couple of times before this game and had some sort of plastic device on his thumb that limited his ability to hold the ball. I feel confident that he will see his fare share of snaps when healthy and may even be the starter. Spiller will do just fine when the opportunity presents itself. The problem in this game was Trent Edwards. Miami was stacking the box and challenging him to beat them with his arm and he just isn't capable of doing it. Look for more of the same from GB this Sunday and every other team until they switch QB's. Teams know that TE can't or won't throw the ball downfield, so they will continue to take away the run and challenge him to pass.

  13. Cry, Cry, Cry,Cry, Cry


    Well its just to bad isn't it, because Trent's not going anywhere, and TE's stats/results would be twice as good If it wasn't for the penalties and mistakes that he had zero to do with,


    Did Gailey seemed very concerned with the play of his QB, no he did not, in fact he specifically came out and said TE made some good throws and you can't blame him for everyone else's mistakes,


    So you guys just keep going on and on and on about a QB that isn't going to get benched and is only going to get better,


    Good grief, New offense,inexperienced O-line, whole new coaching staff, the most pitiful TE situation in the league over the last decade, the most pitiful left and right tackle situation in the league and Trents group of WR's is probably one of the the worse groups of receivers in the league when it comes to talent.


    This site is so full of cry babies right now looking to put the blame on one person its pathetic,


    Tony Romo scored 7 points last night, oh nooooooooo, the cowboys better bench Romo, oh dear, what are they going to do, the cowboys have on of the best OC's in the league, its got to be the QB


    The Cowboys,Colts,Bengals,Falcons, Eagles, Vikings and tonight we will add the Jets or ravens to the mix. All playoff caliber football teams losing their season opener, OMG what are they going to do now :o



    Give me a break with all the BS over our QB and put the blame on the whole team where it belongs :thumbdown:

    Obviously you are not watching the same games as everyone else. Noone here is crying, just stating facts. This guy is putrid. Are some of the other members of this team as well? Absolutely. It doesn't make Trent Edwards any better. He is terrible. He will never amount to anything in this league. Yes, it's true that the O-Line could be better, but even Fitzpatrick outperformed this guy last year and Fitz is no Joe Montana. We just need a competent QB and this team can compete. Face it. He is horrible.

  14. From buffalobills.com "As much as Sunday’s performance on offense may have reminded fans of the struggles of the recent past, the players trust in their head coach and their offensive staff and believe consistency will come sooner rather than later." I've got news for them. As long as they have Trent Edwards lined up behind center, this offense will never get better. We will witness game after game of his ineptness, just like last year when he played and the year before. I was very patient this offseason and gave him the benefit of the doubt, but after watching him "perform" yesterday, I am more convinced than ever that this guy is a loser and will find ways to lose games, not win them. He was pathetic and he cannot run an offense. He is too slow to execute, and not just pass plays. It takes him forever to get the handoff to a running back and by the time he does, they are swarmed. Plays need to be executed in a crisp, clean and quick fashion, not the plodding style of Edwards. I was disgusted watching this game, after all of my optimism and hope, it took exactly one offensive series to show me that we were going to look very bad on this day.

  15. Watching this game was like the movie Groundhog Day. I felt like I was watching the same exact game that I watched for most fo last year. The common thread? Trent Edwards. We will never win as long as this kitty is running our offense. At one point on that last possesion, he actually turned his head away from the pass rush and threw it right at the defender. Hard to complete a pass with your eyes closed. Absolutely pathetic.

  16. you need to be stabbed in the face. I'm just sayin.........

    This team will never win as long as Trent Edwards is quarterback. I have been very patient this offseason and have refrained from commenting, but he was pathetic today. He cannot run an NFL offense and will never be a QB that can lead his team to victory. When given opportunities to do so, he folds like a bad poker hand. Even at the beginning of the game on the first series, two passes batted back in his face and then a sack. Are you kidding me? On the opening drive? It was an omen of things to come. He just can't function under pressure. At one point on that final series, he turned his head away from the pass rush and threw it right into the defender. How can you possibly complete a pass with your eyes closed? I don't care who they would bring in, be it Levi Brown or Levi Strauss,this guy needs to go.

  17. These uniforms were never designed to be worn blue on blue or white on white. When the uniforms were unveiled, they showed the navy jersey with white pants and the blue pants with the white jerseys. Some idiot decided blue on blue was a good idea. At least if they went back to the original way the uniforms were supposed to be worn, they might look a bit better. I do agree though, a change would be better yet.

  18. 31

    Buffalo Bills (6-10)

    Right here and now I'm willing to go on record and guarantee that Chan Gailey's feat of having never missed the NFL playoffs as a head coach will end in 2010. Then again, it has been 11 years since Gailey got the opportunity to put that streak on the line.


    I just don't get it. Don't really care about these polls ... but I still don't get it.


    Go Bills!



    What a maroon! His rankings are laughable. Most of them are completely off base. He obviously has no idea what he is talking about. I want a job at SI.

  19. Bradley's the only reason we made it this far. He's a terrific coach playing with a lot of very good players and not one terrific one. And it's the terrific ones that win soccer games. At the world cup, every team is filled with very good players. The guys who aren't very good are few and far between.


    We've been really well-organized, and it's kept us in games. But we just don't have a Rooney, an Eto'o, or a Messi.

    Gotta disagree. His teams consistently get beat in transition. It is a trend that other teams have picked up on and he's had four years to correct it. It bit us again today and cost us the game. Also, he had some of his best players sitting on the bench to start the game. His tactics and failure to address the defensive deficiencies cost us many games over the years. Today they did not get beat by a better team, but a better coached one.

  20. OK,


    ...so we are probably in the slowest part of the season or close to it right now. And I am bored with the lack of things to talk or read about. I have never started a thread before as I have never really thought of anything original to say. But I was thinking the other day, I have some great Bills memories. And as much as some of you guys get on my nerves sometimes and I may disagree with you, you just might be cool in your own way and I just don't know it. so here is a chance for all of us to get to know each other a little better and share some good tales and just enjoy the comaraderie for a change. After all, though it doesn't always seem that way, we ARE ON THE SAME TEAM! Go BILLS!


    So obviously, i have to start. I've got 2 I'd like to share.


    The absolute coolest thing I have ever done as a Bills fan takes me back down to Tampa, Fl for the first superbowl against the Giants in 91. I was a young lad of about 21 and had just moved down to tampa in october of 90. I had started a furniture moving company up here in Rochester a couple years earlier and hated the snow so much, or working in it anyways, that I wanted to try my luck in Florida. So anyway, I had a 24' moving truck with no lettering on it sitting in my front yard. And then one day, a brilliant idea came to me. why not paint the truck up with Bills stuff and drive it down to the stadium for the game.


    So I proceeded to go buy some red and blue window paint(didnt need white as that was the color of the truck), the kind they use at car dealerships and such. I grabbed a yard stick and some tape and went to town on the truck. On one side, I painted a huge blue charging buffalo with a red stripe and wrote AFC champs next to it. And on the other side, I made a huge flag that took up a good portion of the side. I even made sure there was the right amount of stars on it. And next to that, I wrote "Our Hearts Are With You Troops". It came out awesome I really must say. And on the back I think I just wrote the bills, afc champs.


    Come Superbowl sunday, I drove that sucker on down to the stadium. I can remember watching the helicopter gunships with machine guns at the ready circling around. It was just a surreal day. As I got closer to the stadium, I can't tell you how many Bills fans, and even a few giant fans, stopped to take a picture in front of my truck. It was just an incredible, once in a lifetime moment and I am pretty sure nothing is going to top it. I almost bought a scalped ticket but it was 500 bucks and a little too much for me at the moment. So I watched the game outside on a huge screen they put up at the mall next to tampa stadium with about 5,000 people, about half bills fans, half giants fans. I can remember holding hands with people at the end, waiting for history to make itself. And well, we all know how that day ended. I think i cried, but not really sure. I was so damn drunk at that point. don't know how I got the truck home either. But alas, I am still here to tell you about my best Bills day ever.


    I know noone likes novels(but at least I am using paragraphs!), so I'll make # 2 short and sweet.


    ...a few years back, the last times the bills swept the Dolphins, or the time before that (it's all a blur), i was sitting with my buddy in our season seats, corner endzone Bills side near the scoreboard about 12 rows up. Anyway, I tell my buddy, i really wish i had a broom cuz we're gonna sweep these fu##ers!. now we are at the ralph. No way will I ever get my broom. So halftime, or sometime cuz I'd be lieing if I said I knew when, my buddy goes to get us some beers. When he gets back, lo and behold, he has a frigging broom with him! How the Hell? don't ask me how, but he found a janitors closet and stole the broom. How cool was that?!


    Needless to say, we swept the phins that day. After the game, we stayed and partied it up in the parking lot like good fans do. And then,.....the dolphins bus came rumbling towards us down the road. I ran up next to it and started waiving the broom back and forth. oh man they had to of been pissed! that was AWESOME! what a day! :thumbsup:


    ok boys, and girls(at least cablelady and lori-are there more?), those are the coolest Bills things i have done. sorry so long. Have at it. and go BILLS!

    For me it had to be attending the 1990 AFC Championship game against the Raiders. The atmosphere was incredible and watching the Bills dominate Oakland 51-3 was absolutely the best. I remember coming to the realization at some point "Holy ****, my team is going to the Super Bowl!" One of the greatest feelings a football fan can have. The memory still lingers 20 years later. After waiting so long, it was an incredible feeling. Hopefully next time the end result will be better.

  21. So could we all, but I for one see much merit in his comments. By rushing to make the selection, they eliminated any and all possibilities of gaining extra picks. And btw, how many running backs have you seen achieve success on a team on which every offensive tackle on the roster sucks?

    It used to be pretty much only me and a few others making this claim on this board. Now, it is common knowledge in virtually every major media outlet (including TSW) that the Bills cannot block.

    Bills running backs have gained over 1000 yards in each of the past two seasons. The problem with the O-Line is not run blocking it is in pass blocking. Spiller will be just fine running the ball.

  22. I think Gailey is saying all the right things and it appears the guys are really buying into his offensive system and the defensive players seem to like their systems too. Here are some reasons to feel good about the season coming up; (Of course some Jackass!! will put a list of why to feel bad about the season, but he or she is a sad, sad person, JMO)


    Subterfuge - I can't remember the last HC that was into subterfuge on offense and defense like Gailey is. IMO subterfuge is a huge asset for a squad. They say that guys should be able to beat a play even if the other team knows what's coming and I agree with that, but that doesn't mean subterfuge doesn't greatly enhance a plays chances for success.


    Gailey's ability to tailor an offense to the talent he has and not try to cram a system down the players throats that they aren't suited for.


    Practices - Gailey is throwing a lot of stuff at these guys and doing it quickly. He's expecting a lot from his players and the players seem to be responding well. I've always felt, and Gailey seems to agree, that if you expect an A++++ from your players some are going to exceed that, some are going to meet that, some are going to go at an A level and the lowest level players will either be cut or performing at a higher level than usual. Jauron seemed to think a C+ was ok as long as guys "were trying hard". Gailey seems to think that "trying hard" should yield tangible results. If there are no tangible results then guys aren't trying hard. I like that 'tude. The only question I have about Gailey is if he can work with players in the newer NFL. Players and there expectations from HC's today are different from 10 years ago. Chan Gailey is what Gregg Williams wanted to be. It seems that Gailey respects the players as men though. I doubt airhorns will wake them up at camp. JMO


    Gailey's old school mentality - It seems that Gailey's expectations are that players work very hard on and off the field and if they do, good things will happen. I have a feeling that when I go to training camp this year it's going to be much different than any other training camp since they've moved to Rochester.


    Players - I've long thought there is a lot more talent on this team than Jauron would have anyone believe. These are the players I think will have there best years in a Bills uniform so far;


    Shawn Nelson

    Demetrius Bell

    Jamon Meredith

    Donte Whitner


    Marcus Stroud

    Kyle Williams

    Aaron Maybin

    Leodis McKelvin

    James Hardy

    Steve Johnson

    Spencer Johnson

    Lee Evans

    Trent Edwards

    Reggie Corner

    Ashton Youboty

    Terrance McGee

    Roscoe Parrish

    Eric Wood

    Andy Levitre

    Geoff Hangartner


    If I'm right about 25% of those guys the Bills will have a better season than last. If I'm 50% right then the Bills have an outside chance of the playoffs. 75% right and they make the playoffs. 100% right and they win at least one playoff game.


    The front office shakeup - It seems the Bills decided to smash the system and start over almost everywhere. So far that looks like a good idea.


    Well, I'm sure there's more reasons to like the upcoming season but off the top of my head this is all I can come up with.

    First let me say that it's good to read a post here that isn't full of doom and gloom. I too like what the new regime is doing. I think the team will be better both offensively and defensively, but in reality who knows what that will translate to in terms of won lost record. And to the bozo that suggested we wait to see a couple of pre-season games, are you kidding me? Pre-season games? Do you really think pre-season games will give any indication of what kind of team this will be? I had to laugh at that one. I am always hopeful that the Bills will win each and every week and this year will be no different. It has been very frustrating watching this team the past few years, so let's hope that at least they will be a bit more entertaining to watch. As for record, who knows? Anything is possible from playoffs to complete bust. Only time will tell, but again, it is a pleasure to read a post with some optimism instead of all the doom and gloom.

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