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Posts posted by abc


    You know it's funny that I agree with both perspectives here. My initial gut reaction is that you don't simply draft a QB to take a shot that you might have a future HOF'er. Then when I go back and look at the Bills draft history, I can see that in the last 20 years, the Bills have drafted exactly 2 quarterbacks in the first or second round. E.J. Manuel and J.P. Losman. To boot, neither of these guys were really high draft picks where there were a ton of expectations out of the box. So for 2016, what do I really want? Well, I don't want to see a forced pick of a QB in round 1, just for the sake of trying. But....if the front office thinks there's a guy that has that potential to be that guy, then I'm good with it. I like what Tyrod has done. He's been the best QB the Bills have had since Jim Kelly. But his biggest flaw is that he doesn't make decisions quickly or makes them too quick. He's got two moves. Lock onto the first read and throw a 1-3 yard pass or wait 3-4 seconds for the deep ball. That won't cut it long term. Some of it is play calling too. How many slant routes have we seen Sammy run mid-field? I don't recall any.


    Anyway, on the fate of Rex and Whaley, I don't know how I feel. Whaley isn't calling plays. Should he be the fall guy for failed defensive schemes and play calling? I don't see how quite frankly. None the less, there's always going to be someone to blame. Rex won't be a 1-year and done coach here in Buffalo. I think there's almost no chance of that. The Pegula's would look like complete idiots if that were the case. It looks bad now, but I don't believe for a second that starting over completely is the answer.

    Wait you are forgetting about Todd Collins in the 2nd round in 1995 :doh:

  2. Clear as day ODB is better, running routes, getting separation, consistently catching the ball, and making spectacular catches Watkins isnt....doesn't matter who the QB is to see those things. IMO Beckham is the best player in the league right now. As I said in a different thread, Sammy is more like a bigger Lee Evans, than a smaller Julio Jones. He gets some first half strikes, but after defenses adjust to his speed, he becomes largely invisible...doesn't have the route running ability to get separation, running ability to turn short routes and reverses into big gains, nor the vertical to win jump balls. Against eagles also had some crucial drops.


    He's good and can help win games....as Lee Evans was...but to compare him to OBD and a handful of other trule elite WRs is kinda silly.

    Agree with this, although I think Lee Evans is a bit of an undersell and if we want to stick with former Bills as benchmarks I'd say Sammy is somewhere between Lee Evans and Eric Moulds. A very good to great receiver for sure but not OBD, Megatron, J. Jones type. The trade to move up to get him was silly but that's what you get with fantasy football GM Whaley.


    Oh, I'm letting his deal run right down. Don't misunderstand me. He's got 20 games left to prove something.


    Not so long ago, 14 games wasn't enough time to judge EJ. I think the same can be said about the guy we think is good.

    EJ's first (and second) season vs. Tyrod's first season as a Bill are completely different circumstances. EJ is playing out a rookie contract and there was no pressure to decide whether to try to extend him based on what can charitably be described as 'uneven' play. Tyrod on the other hand is a free agent at the end of next season and by any number of objective or subjective measures is on a trajectory to establish himself as an above average starting quarterback. It's only 10 game sample in regular season but he's 6-4 on a team with an average defense, a QBR rating in the top 5 in the NFL, and impressive running statistics and capabilities. Each game we get more data by which to update our estimates of his longer term value.


    Here's the conundrum however: the more quality starts Tyrod produces over time, the more he's valued as the uncertainty about his capability level goes down, the more the Bills want to keep him long term, the more they have to pay as they wait longer to sign him to an extension. However if Tyrod starts to put together poor games, the lower his perceived value goes, and the less the Bills are even interested in resigning him anyway. Of course we could end up somewhere in-between with mixed results.


    Where I end up on this is if the next four games go about as well for Tyrod as the prior ten, it behooves the Bills to sign him to an extension in the off-season. Training camp, pre-season, and fourteen regular season games played for a guy who got to be an understudy in Baltimore for 4 years should be enough to know that at worst they'd be getting an average QB who gives them a chance to win if the defense is solid at all. They could get him at reasonable market rates this off-season. I question whether the incremental data gained by another full regular season of games is worth it in terms of understanding his downside risk compared with the possibility that his price tag goes up much higher and they possibly lose him to another team with more cap space.


    Again, not saying to extend him right now, or even in the off-season if he seriously falters in the next four weeks, but if he continues playing like he is I say lock him up for another 3-4 years at least this upcoming off-season.

  4. why does it take a day for an MRI? You'd think the team would have one at the facility or easy access to one now?

    High end MRI equipment and facility would be a few million dollars and high annual maintenance costs associated with staffing it. However the information gathered say 18 hours earlier would be of little practical value. Whereas the team obviously does throw it's money at the problem by ensuring they have access to an MRI on Monday after a game - something you or I could not do for anything short of a potentially life threatening injury.

  5. Very tough to read. And Dunne is the real deal. Reminds me of a guy from the WashPo that always drew you in with his writing as well, William Gildea. Just someone you always enjoyed reading his work, as I do with Dunne.

    I've been very impressed with Dunne. The quality of actual journalistic reporting as well as the writing, without the bitterness or snarkiness that Sullivan has some of the time and Bucky has most of the time, is noticeably better than we've seen in the News since the days of Felser and Kelley.


    I hope he stays around for a while but do expect him to find greener pastures at some point.




    Classic Leodis: https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/E059248B731143366698414632960_378038945bd.0.1.17545058291792028950.mp4?versionId=EC2F19b3QZBTpOWF_Y5IZ690qhlVClhW


    Leodis McKelvin is REALLY excited to get back on the field. "S#%^ I'm ready, man, I haven't played in a (bleeping) year!"


    Mckelvin expect to return kicks Sunday. "Most definitely. I'm just going to get the ball in my hands go out there and do what I got to do"


    "Oh stewardess, I speak jive"


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