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Posts posted by abc

  1. no. only two opponents are not known. the rest is 100% certain.


    and there is enough reason to have a reasonable understanding of what is to be - if this was the more volatile nfc east where they go high up or down every year, or the afcwest where they're all pretty good...it'd be different.



    if it makes you feel any better, i can tell you all the teams we will play in 2020... except for two. i'll even tell you where we play them.

    OK, 2 unknown opponents, that's fine. The much bigger factor is how much teams change season to season, in unpredictable ways.

    I don't have any data on hand to make my point, so maybe I am mistaken and forecasts for two seasons out are almost as accurate as those for the upcoming season. And those forecasts are...so incredibly accurate!


    In any event, if you have a prediction for the Bills W-L record in 2018, that and $3 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. :w00t:

  2. Does anyone really think that the Bills are STILL discussing this? That it takes a full week to make this decision?


    The fact that they are pushing it to the last second tells me that they won't match, and are just waiting it out to mess with the Pats.

    I agree they probably aren't still discussing it, but I like making the Pats wait every single second for a decision either way. No reason to give them more time with more information for planning contingent actions either way.

    It's not clear to me it means they will match or not match, however.

  3. I was taking the garbage cans back to the garage this mornig and thought how neat it would be to have a nice big stadium on the site of the old rockpile. Instead of building it long enough for 80000 seats it could be build higher because really all we need is 100 yards and maybe 50 yards on either side so thats a total of 200 yards. Instead of building it only 300 feet high you can build it 700 feet high and double the occupancy. Think of a short long cardbored box and a tall narrow cardboard box. Build it taller and get more people in it with sky boxes way uphigh. Those rich people dont watch the field anyway they are too busy eating crockettes and can o peas. I'm going to the city council this month to look into this I think.

    (quote him) you wouldnt call me old fellow if you saw me. I get up at 3:30 every day. Oatmeal with keenwa and dates with my juice.


    I often think "Why am I spending time reading these posts?" and then I come across one like this and it makes it all worthwhile. Bravo!

  4. So you went back to dreaming about a 10? You obviously didn't know that you could keep drinking until they're a 10, right? If you only drink two beers, how could you ever reach that? I'd rather keep pounding them tall boys down until I see 10's across the board. I mean that's what the Pats did. Tom Brady was like a 1 coming out of college and is now a 10. I think the Pats followed my logic and kept drinking those tall boys for 15 years. And look they're still drunk.

    I think the Bills logic is to stop drinking and go with Cardale Jones, Nick Foles, etc. I.e. "their hand".

  5. If TT is determined by the new staff to be worth a total of $40m over 3 years (roughly the deal now - could be re-done), as one of the biggest T-Mobile supporters out there I would still draft another QB (and that assumes EJ is out). They could do nothing at QB - including keeping EJ and letting him battle with Cardale for #2 to help CJ develop. If EJ wins out then he wins out as the #2. Not likely but with the new staff, it seems anything is possible.




    EJ is a free agent and highly unlikely to be part of the Bills in 2017. If we talk about EJ, might as well talk about any other FA QB.

    If EJ is lucky he will be a back-up somewhere that he doesn't actually have to play and could parlay it into a Todd Collin's-esque career of holding a clipboard.

    Or maybe a better analogy is a Bob Uecker-like career - he used to say that his career was shortened when they actually got to see him play.

  6. I was living in Georgia at the time and actually went to the game.

    Soon afterward I got married, moved to Pittsburgh and went to grad school, had daughter #1, moved to New Jersey, had daughter #2, moved to Corning, NY, had daughter #3, moved to Tokyo, moved back to Corning, moved back to Tokyo, moved back to Corning, got divorced, got married again.


    I remember the Bills leading at halftime and I went and called my brother on a pay phone instead of watching Michael Jackson perform at half time.

    Then it went to sh*t and I ended up with one of the worst hangovers of my life the next day.


    Hard to believe they just played the last football game in the Georgia Dome. It's only 25 years old.

  7. His 42.6% completion rate to him can be accomplished by any WR. In fact if you want to keep TT as QB he is the worst WR you could have. you need one with a catch radius not someone that needs a perfectly thrown football to him.

    Bingo. Goodwin is not a football player he's a track guy playing football. His inability to adjust to throws not perfectly on target was maddening. I believe part of his injury pattern is his lack of football sense in how to protect yourself when getting hit or in other potentially dangerous situations. Guys playing football since they were little kids have learned subconsciously how to avoid the big shot or landing the wrong way. Goodwin has not.


    It's not just Tyrod who is hurt by a receiver who can't adjust...it's not helpful for any QB.

  8. Without sounding too whiny is there any reason that he dressed week 17 in a meaningless game instead of having surgery almost a month ago?

    Seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. Don't play in Week 17 and continue to have your toughness and commitment questioned, especially when you may not be clear additional surgery is needed. Play through week 17 and have your intelligence and commitment questioned because you didn't make a different decision with knowledge you didn't have a month ago.

  9. because he did so well with his failed restaurant downtown, his Ponzi scheme on tv and his contract/merchandising company that Michael Vick quit from. I can respect his playing experience but Kelly's nothing more than a big fan these days.

    You should check this out:




    He has literally saved babies lives. Not figuratively, but literally by leading the fight to increase newborn testing and fund research to find cures.

    I saw him last year when he came down to Corning on his own dime and time to do a fundraiser for a regional charity. His talk was inspiring. Even my Taiwanese wife who never saw him play and is just learning football was motivated by it.


    But I guess he had a restaurant not work out...and I guess he's been prosecuted by the Feds for a Ponzi scheme? Or maybe not... but you casually throw that accusation at him, OK whatever, dude.

  10. You really believe the kicker is the reason why this team is not in the playoffs or at least still alive in week 17? LOL

    He's not saying that at all. Merely pointing out the difference between one reality and another, in the short term, can hinge on very small things.

    If Carpenter makes a kick and the Bills win last week no way Ryan is fired Tuesday and no way Taylor is benched. It's that simple.

  11. Wow, I'd just love to own a business where the customers would buy my "defective" product year after year with but few real complaints; and my "professional association" (read NFL) would chip in a ton of money via TV revenues. What a cash cow!!

    Indeed...you can have such a business if you can come up with $1.4 Billion in cash to buy it...

  12. Because we're stupid. Running the clock down to the 2 minute warning was the play there. And the way we're running the football, we probably get the first down. The Bengals don't even get close to the Hail Mary if we just run the ball there. Stupid is as stupid does, and someday, our poor play-calling in the clutch will cost us a game.

    Completely agree. Yes, a completed pass wins the game but so does a 3 yard run. On the other hand, an incomplete pass stops the clock and gives the Bengals about 3 'free' plays in comparison with running the ball and winding down the clock. The best answer isn't always highest likelihood of success but also must be weighted with the outcome if failure occurs. At that point in time with the Bengals having expended all their time outs the clock was our friend and the coaches blew it by stopping the clock.

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