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Estelle Getty

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Posts posted by Estelle Getty

  1. It is just icing on the cake. He clearly did not want to call that timeout. He lost 15 seconds because the play clock would have started at 25 secondss rather than 40 seconds because of the review. That's to bad Bill. The refs forced him to call T.O. because he was delaying the game in my opinion.


    Also he just looks like a fat confused old man who has lost his touch in the press conference.

  2. I’ve been a die hard Bills fan since 1980. When I was a kid I used to live for football season and the wait between Sundays for each game was palpable. Since then, I’ve moved away from WNY but my fandom has never wavered. The Bills are still #1 in my heart when it comes to pro sports. However, over the past 10 yrs with the revolving door of coaches, players, and lack of front office competency I’d started to lose that feeling you get during the week to soak up as much Bills info as possible…catching the national and local sport shows, seeing features about Bills players, checking the individual and team stats, seeing where we sit in the standings, etc… You could never get enough and by Friday you were bursting at the seams ready for kickoff.


    Well this team has pulled me back in…fully. It started last year and has grown with each game. I love this underdog team with a retread coach and underappreciated players who have found a way to put it all together and exhibit the kind of fortitude every fan identifies with. They’re young and improving with each game. As a fan you want to see that the team comes out every game and competes. It’s been so long since we’ve had that. They’re entertaining even when they lose. I truly believe the sky’s the limit for this team this year. Do I think we’ll win against the Pats this Sunday? I think it’s possible… and that’s all you can ask for as a fan.


    How do you pass the time between Sundays? What are some things you do during the week to get amped for the coming game?


    Im with you. I wake up and hope it is sunday

  3. I have come to respect the Patriots over the last couple of years after hating them since the 1999 season. Cheating or no cheating they are the greatest team of this decade.


    The reason why the patriots win is because no one (besides maybe rexs fat #ss) knows how to contain Brady. The reason no one can contain him is because he has as long to throw as it would take Carmelo Anthony to say his ABC's. No matter who is in front of him they manage to give Brady all of the time in the world. This is why he methodically picks apart the opposing defenses. People seem to forget that this time Brady is allowed is the main reason for the Patriots success.


    Besides the Giants in 07' and the Jets in last years playoffs I can't remember teams applying any real pressure to Brady.


    So in closing we can't act suprised when he is consistently getting 6 seconds to throw every pass since he has a mysterious force field in front of him. I guess they never hold either....so don't wait for a flag to save us.


    Heres hoping to a lucky bounce of the ball or three.

  4. My glass is half empty and filled with piss. I'm not a very positive person. I live expecting the worst, if life takes one of it's collective dumps on me I role with it in stride. Brave I know, but that's how I am. So please consider that before reading the rest of my post.


    I have a weird feeling about Sunday. Emotion in sports is a funny thing. BB is a master at getting his troops ready to play. I don't expect New England will come at us with anything less then 100%. But even in the dominance they have shown over us, the league, this season, I feel this could be one of those moments in sports in which a team (The Bills) dials up the intensity to level the other team simply can't match.


    The streak is past being well known at this point. Many of these guys have heard it subtly for several years. At this point, with us 2-0, the streak and New England's dominance over us has been discussed more in depth then any Patriot match up I remember. Each team is not separated by the distance most think. Any given Sunday, game of inches, one play. These are cliches, but they became that way for a reason. That is how much each game is usually decided by. A feverish intensity level, one that is born from being told you can't win, your not good enough. The us against the world mentality. It provides motivation that people naturally can't create by themselves.


    If we can start of well that is a huge part of it.




    U need to try the power of positive thinking

  5. With Rosco done, who will most likely get the chance to make the biggest contribution as the slot receiver in the 4-5 wide set? I think it will be Smith, and he also adds the unpredictability aspect as he can at anytime move into the backfield to run the Wildcat or to throw a pass.


    Woopie Goldberg.......on a side note I once stold a lawn ornament from her house when I was drunk.

  6. I love how the OP is talking about roscoe, and how everyone is supposedly in love with him because of his speed and he is living off of his college reputation, and then throws in how the Bills need to let him go and give the spot to Rosevelt, a guy Buffalo fans are in love with because he played at UB


    The only knock on Parrish is that he has not been able to stay healthy, does anyone have an idea what kind of injury he had yesterday and how long he will miss? It seemed to be some kind of leg muscle injury as thats what they were working on on the sidelines before leaving the field.


    "The only knock on Parrish is he can't stay healthy." That is a pretty big knock and you are about the fourth person to use that Excuse. How about another knock is he has never been a productive reciever, is overpaid, and never knew how to run routes. The best is the poster who said he can't be covered.....that is a good joke.

  7. He is one of those guys many fans are for some reason enchanted with. I would guess because of his speed. He has never had more than 400 yards recieving or 3 tds including returns. (had 3 once his second year). He is one of those players we are stiiiiiiill waiting to turn the corner but there is always some excuse for why he hasn't.


    The reason he slows down the offense is because we feel obligated to incorperate him because he is a "playmaker" but never really seems to make any big plays. The same reason Evans hindered the growth of our offense by catering to his one dimensional play for all of these years. Parrish isn't to the same effect as Evans because he is not suppose to be our # 1 option.


    I can hear it already about how he has "so much speed" and "he makes the defense account for him at all times." These are the same people who thought the departure of Evans would really hurt Steve Johnson. The STATS don't lie. He is not a big threat on offense nor has he ever been. I would rather see a young player like Roosevelt get an oppurtunity. A guy who actually produces when he gets a chance, not someone living off his college reputation at this point.


    My final reason to move on and one I have called for for the last couple of years is the purging of players from this roster who don't know what it is like to win. I think people are finally starting to understand that with the new attitude and confidence of all of the young talent and veteran leadership from players who are use to winning

  8. "why you gotta troll when its already been established and confirmed as just cramps?" -Dareus


    Were you guys watching the game? His groin injury was clearly bothering him towards the end of the game before he started cramping. I hate to break it to you but I think this groin injury is fairly serious.

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