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Posts posted by StamerforPrez

  1. So whatever winter storms that rip through the northeast, as they do every year, not gets compared to the utter and shear devestation that Katrina brought to a whole region. Do we need to remind Mr. Root that people were without food, water, and medical care for days upon days? Bodies lying in the middle of the street, bunches in mass burials because they had no one to claim their bodies.


    No ladies and gentleman, Mr. Root is a hack and an alarmist. It is one thing to criticize football moves and personnel being brought in, but to invoke what the people of New Orleans have been through is completely inappropriate.


    Yes, the Sabres are more user friendly, but I would argue that hockey by nature is a passion sport. Hockey is regarded as a 3rd rate sport in most circles. Hell, I'd contract half the teams south of the mason dixon if I could. I live in DC and I swear to you these people had no idea what hockey was until they got a genius marketing department and Mr. Oven-chicken, who is a first class ass. I hate to use the word cultic, but when you're a hockey fan, you are apart of a fraternity of fanatics.


    Come down here and witness how the Redskins are run and how Daniel Snyder has drained this community of a ton of money by jacking up ticket, parking, and concession costs while putting a team that is WORSE than the Bills. My friends always rag me for how much the Bills suck, well folks, they have double the payroll and still had 2 less losses and no one was beating down the door to work with this yo-yo.


    So is Ralph getting a little long in the tooth, yes...do we agree with him all the time, no. Is he one of the top 10 owners in the league...no. But trust me, we are not moving to Toronto or LA, they don't want us and if you want to see a real debacle, go down to Jax and see 40K of fans and not 72. Tim Tebow jerseys already printed because they know they're screwed without him. Goodell even said as much. It was like walking into Howe Field back in Hamburg for a JV game on Thursday night.


    Let me finally remind Mr. Root that Ralph was one of only 2 owners that voted against the CBA, which is widely viewed as the worst thing ever and it took 3 years for money bags' Jonesey, Fed-Ex Boy, and Kraft cheese to realize it.


    So are we in the best position in the world, HELL NO! But I am a BILLS fan through and through and I'll be there for the Jags game this year (My bro in law is a Jags fan) and I'll be tailgating at 9:00. If I can catch a Sabres game that same saturday, I'll do that too...


    But Don't anyone dare compare to what we go through with a winter storm to what that region went through with Katrina. Mr. Root has lost perspective, don't you all do it too...


    LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!! :cry:;)

    At least Snyder apologized over and over again for losing. Ralph blames it on the market and the inability to compete with big markets. I llive in DC too so I get what your saying, but there is a difference between an owner who tries every season to put a winning team on the field but fails because he doesn't know football (Snyder), and an owner who uses shortcuts and gimmicks to fill his stadium while continuously putting out a crap product with no signs of improvement(Ralph).

  2. Well deserved. Not only do teams have to worry about being pinned down inside their 5 yard line after a 70 yard punt, but they also have to worry about the speed and the occassional touchdown pass to denney. Dude can take a hit like a champ too, I don't know any other punter who would have gotten up after a hit like Shawn Taylor put on him.

  3. Exactly what is your farm worth and how much do I have to put up to take that bet?

    Very safe bet there my friend. All you have to do is look at how many people tuned into Vick's first preseason game with Philly. I know I was one of them, and if you didn't see the game I'm sure you caught the hours and hours of footage on sportscenter. If the Bills got Vick and their first game was on national tv the ratings would be through the roof. People still want to see if he's got it, and 1 season of being a backup at philly never answered that question. The majority of people won't let their moral issues with him get in the way of their curiousity

  4. Chan was given the credit for Slash, not making Kordell a decent quarterback, that honor was given to Mularky


    I dont want any part of Vick and I dont think the ticket sales would increase with him either

    You bring a another circus show in like vick why wouldn't they increase? With him as the starting quarterback the media will be all over it more so that they were with TO. Sure having him might give the Bills a bad image. But you know what they say.. no publicity is bad publicity. I say if anything the season ticket sales will stay the same from last year, even with all the turnover from this year.

  5. As someone who's read these threads for years but only started posting a little while ago...... Beerball has always entertained me with legit Bills opinions that you can either agree or disagree with. Either way they are always thought provoking.


    Get well my man :D

  6. You took all that time to write list reasons why we should keep trent? You either must have a lot of time on your hands, or be a very funny guy because those reason's you gave are hilarious.


    Trent sucks, doesn't have any marbles, doesn't have an arm, and doesn't have what it takes. His lack of passion for the game and the bills is constantly put on display not only on the field, but also at press conferences after repeatedly dismal performances. Personally, I'd rather have JP back in there taking chances and making stupid mistakes then have someone in there who's to scared to take any chances other than screen plays.

  7. Schumer's just puffing his political chest when he says he talked to Ralph Wilson. He knows along with everyone else that Ralph will not move the team. The real unsaid reason why the Bills are one of the top choices to move to LA is because chances are there is probably a 50/50 chance he won't be around in 2 years. I know it, you know it, LA knows it, but it's kind of a harsh thing to say outloud that your gambling on someone kicking it.

  8. Does it bother anyone else that whenever an article is written from a person outside of Buffalo about the Bills possibly moving, having trouble selling out games is almost always one of the reasons given. We get no respect.


    Check out the stats in this nytimes blog and it will tell you that under most circumstances the bills should have the hardest time of any team selling out, but they still do:


  9. I wish somehow we lucked out like the pats did and hired a underhyped coach that turned out to be a genious in the past. Hiring an established coach is what we need since our past 3 unestablished coaches haven't worked out, but you know what your getting with all of those candidates. It would be awesome to get an unknown coach that would completely turn the Bills around and not be associated with any other teams like Cowler would be with the steelrs, shanahan with denver and so on.


    I'm jealous of the pats and their dbag coach.

  10. Per rumor wire on espn insider this morning:


    Senior NFL analyst Chris Mortensen is now saying that Marty Schottenheimer's name is one under discussion by the Buffalo Bills in a recent Tweet.


    We had word on the Schottenheimer speculation last week, with credit to AFC East blogger Tim Graham, who included him on his list of candidates. Schottenheimer was dumped by the Chargers after leading them to a 14-2 record in the 2007 season, and played for the Bills in the 1960's.


    Last week we noted an interesting angle to the Schottenheimer hire: it would open the door for him to hire his son, Brian Schottenheimer, as offensive coordinator -- a reverse of what Lane Kiffin did at the University of Tennessee in hiring his pops as the defensive coordinator. Brian was considered a leading candidate to take over as head coach of the New York Jets following the ouster of Eric Mangini, but the team eventually hired Rex Ryan, which did not sit well with Schottenheimer at the time. With word that Ryan is going to spend more time with the Jets offense, perhaps Brian is being slowly pushed out the door. This father-son duo might be getting closer to reality.

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