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Erik Flowers

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Posts posted by Erik Flowers

  1. NFL: Hi, this the NFL, we would like to speak about rumors that Shawne Merriman was detained at the border, and PEDs were confiscated


    Border Patrol: Sorry, I can't comment about specific cases due to confidentiality rules.



    The end.

    You really shouldn't talk about things you don't understand. There is zero reason they wouldn't cooperate, and even if they didn't want to, have you ever heard of FOIL?

  2. Yeah, like the Federal Government is just going to give it to the NFL. Maybe I should contact Border patrol about getting some of the booze they confiscate everyday, I'm sure they would be more than willing.

    Don't be stupid. Of course they didn't hand it over to the NFL if its an illegal substance, and I didn't suggest that. They may very well have allowed some to be mailed to a lab for testing by the NFL. The border patrol almost certainly submitted it to whatever lab they use for testing. They don't know if its narcotics, steroids or lipitor without testing it. There aren't field tests for things like this.

  3. If they took the stuff off him and was submitted to a lab for testing then it is still there - of course they won't suspend him on a blogger's accusation, but you think the league won't look into this once they catch wind of it (assuming they haven't already) You think the border patrol won't cooperate with the league? Think again.


    I understand wishful thinking, but if what Moran said is true, prepare for Merriman to be suspended for a year.

  4. What a non-story. Can't believe I have wasted time on this...


    Although I did get a lot of people with the Pixie guy :lol:

    How is a Bills player being caught at the border with steroids a non-story? He's looking at a suspension. Any steroid is a controlled substance in NY, even if it isn't in Canada. I don't know the CBA in relation to banned substances inside out, but I would be shocked if they are allowed to possess banned substances even if they don't use them. What's he gonna say - I was gonna sell them, not take them? Maybe that's why poor Maybin showed up so far under weight - he was waiting for Merriman to make a special delivery.

  5. I really wanted to see the kid put at TE and take a year to work on that position. I watched him almost chase down Knox from the bears on that kickoff return man....Maybin is very fast. I bet he could be a decent TE. But what do I know...

    :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


    He is 25 lbs too light to be a LB.


    He would be 45 lbs too light to play tight end. With his height and weight, he is closest to a WR.


    And he is not fast. His 40 times are all over the place but beside the one outlier at his pro day (friendly hand on the stop watch, no doubt), most times have him in the 4.7-4.9 range. That is not fast.

  6. Just saying that the head of the scouting department probably had some say in who the first round draft pick is going to be. If he hated the pick and figured Maybin was juiced at the combine, no doubt he would have said so in no uncertain terms. If his opinion carried any weight (I mean he did just draft all those Pro Bowlers in SD, right?), they wouldn't have made that pick.


    Since I cannot believe they would ignore the loud objections of a guy who had such success at picking talent in SD (where he was Asst GM), it is my opinion that he was at least somewhat complicit in the pick.

    One would think that, wouldn't they? What is irreconcilable with that vision is the thought of Nix being complicit in the choice of a guy who is the antithesis of everything Nix likes in a football player.


    Notice that everyone who was in that room BUT Nix is gone, and even Brandon is back selling tickets? I think Ralph, and maybe even Brandon, learned a valuable lesson that day.


    By the way - Nix wasn't the head of the scouting Department - he was the National Scout. There are at least two positions within the scouting department alone above the national scout, and one or two people more between them and the GM. Hell, do we even know whether Nix was in the room? Maybe he wasn't!


    Check out this link of front office people. my link. That's a lot of people, and he is pretty far down the chain of command.

  7. What was interesting to me is that Nix said not only was Maybin too small to play the position, but he also wasn't strong enough. That comment jumped out immediately to me, anyone know his combine 225 reps? and where he stacked? It just blows my mind that our former regime thought so highly of this guy for speed alone...

    I believe the number was 22 at the combine when he was (suspected of being) on steroids. Not a very good number for a linebacker. And off the juice, you would expect that number to be significantly lower.

  8. You mean as "National Scout"?


    Anyway, it was pretty obvious back then that he was juiced before the combine.

    Right. Are you suggesting that as National Scout he had the power to "Nix" that choice?


    Maybin is everything Nix abhors in a pick - small, weak, dumb, no body of work.


    Maybin couldn't show us the baby - he wasn't even pregnant.

  9. Very funny Mr. Flowers :)


    What really drives me crazy is how the Bills scouts and coaches did not even see that this could of been the story with his sudden weight gain. Anyone with exp knows that if you gain 25lbs in 2 months of pure muscle something fishy is going on. To add to that as soon as you stop juicing you lose almost all that weight. I truly believe he did it to get a payday.


    Horrible the Bills (DJ) fell for this.


    Another example is Brian Cushing. There was evidence that he juiced throughout high school and college and no one cared. Texans draft him and he has a great season. Next off season he gets caught for a masking agent HCG (hormone only found in pregnant woman) and has not been able to stay on the field with nagging injuries.

    The signs were there. Dickie J was desperate to save his job and ignored the warning signs in the hope of hitting a home run. The front office was a hopeless, headless mess at that point. Notice that every one of them are now gone. You can bet Nix would never have allowed that pick if he had any say.

  10. Bills paid Evans 1 million dollar roster bonus and 100,000 workout bonus before trading him to Baltimore.

    Cheap Ralph very cheap- oh wait.....



    And you think they did that out of the goodness of their hearts rather than as part of the trade negotiations? He was getting the money from someone - sounds like Baltimore was smart enough to demand the Bills pay it.

  11. If you take a look at this article below it could of been possible that Maybin juiced before the combine to gain that extra 25lbs of muscle to improve his draft position. Its nearly impossible to gain 25lbs of our muscle without a little help. I have been weightlifting for over 17 years so I am not talking out of my #$%@.



    I still can't believe our scouting department could not see that this was possible at the time and drafted him anyway.



    Why didn't you predict this and warn everyone???





    They will shift the D, keep them guessing, hit gaps and get rid of it quick.


    This obsession with straight ahead speedsters has me utterly perplexed. Fans should pay attention to the offense we DO run, and stop pontificating about the offense we "should" run.


    Anyone here come close to sniffing Gaileys play calling credentials? No? Then find your own team to coach.

    If only we had a receiver who was really fast and could run fly routes...

  13. Improving the offensive line didn't have to be a three year process. There have been two drafts and two free agency periods in addition to the possibility of trades. Using a tight end as a quasi tackle and failing to utilize a first round draft pick halfback because of lack of confidence in the o-line is not a way to build a team. With all due respect, we needed an offensive tackle more than we needed Spiller.

    The best way to compensate for a bad offensive line is to get good offensive linemen.


  14. So if Maybin turns out not to suck, is Ralph still cheap?

    That is one of those questions that can never be answered, like if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to here it, does it still make a sound.


    Since Maybin cannot not suck, we will never know if Ralph wouldn't be cheap if he didn't suck.


    Get it, Kierkegaard?

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