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Erik Flowers

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Posts posted by Erik Flowers

  1. If people only followed winning teams, there would be only a few teams with fans. You can still love a team, without having to wear the rose colored shades.


    +1. Being realistic about the season lessens the pain when they find new and exciting ways to lose. I have followed the Bills since birth and always will (unless they leave Buffalo), but being a Bills fan doesn't require you blindly believe they are going to win the SB every year.

  2. Apparently your intellect doesnt allow you to understand the statement, so let me explain...


    In Trents wins, he did very little to help us win in a LOT of those wins. We literally won INSPITE of Trents below average performance thanks to the running game, D, and ST. He has only had a handful of good outings. Even in our 4-0 start last year he had two bad games.


    In Trents losses, in almost every single loss we were in the game throughout the WHOLE game and almost every game was winnable. And almost in every loss Trent had below average or outright horrible game.


    Therefore, Trentative actually LOSES us more games than he goes out and WINS for us. But you see, you are only capable of seeing Trent as the winner and loser in a game, when in reality its a team game. But the problem is, in our mass majority of our losses, the rest of our team keeps us in the game while Trent sinks us.


    For instance, even just average QB play gets us all 4 divisional wins that Trent started and a win against CLE and SF. Thats 6 more wins with just at least average play. Add in the two JP divisional games and we could have amassed 8 more wins last year! YES EIGHT WINNABLE GAMES last year we lost becuase our QB (both loserman and Trentative) couldnt get it done on the field...


    So you are saying if Trent was just average, we would have gone 15-1 last year? Yikes! Quit mixing Everclear with your Koolaid!

  3. Here's a rather obvious point I'd like to offer as we continue to disect this team through the preseason... and remember, it is the preseason. I so respect the enthusiasm and love that is consistently displayed on this board. It is one of the reasons I am so proud to be a lifelong Bills fan. Even though my family and I live very far away from Buffalo both myself and my kids know the Bills to be our team.


    Here's my two cents - One key aspect of winning in football at ALL LEVELS is those positions and schemes CLOSET TO THE BALL. Simply stated, if we do not improve in the area at the line of scrimmage we will not improve this year and will continue to struggle in this division. Each of our rivals approach the game with a very physical, tough, punch you in the f'ing mouth attitude and as of yet neither our players, head coach or mgmt embody that attitude or ability. Do we have a few that have it within themselves (Poz, Whitner, Marshawn)? - yes. The bulk of our guys? Average at best, high character, Dick Juron/Marv kind of people... good citizens and great for Wegmans commercials and March of Dimes functions. So what's my point - simply this, please let's all be very honest with what we have here talent-wise before we spend anymore time bashing our Bills to be more than they are capable of for the year.


    The teams that are regularly successful in the playoffs are the teams that are the most physical. They have depth and talent and grit CLOSEST TO THE BALL. We, as of yet, are not built this way. Couple that with our lack of cohesiveness and leadership in the front office and you have a middle of the road team not positioned to do anymore that in recent year's past.


    O-Line: the NEW center was a guard, one ROOKIE guard was a center in college, the other ROOKIE guard a tackle, the left tackle is a right tackle, and the right tackle is a guard (I know he played it in college). Not only is everyone on this group either learning or re-learning a new position but two of them are rookies. It is a complete overhaul. It is also one of the few areas during the preseason where you can really get an accurate sneak peek at what you can expect during the regular season. If guys are getting rolled because of poor technique and scheme then that is not something that you can fix during the season with personnel moves - only playcalling. The Green Bay game was a prime example of what I am speaking of... man to man, at the snap, 1st team (key point) players being overwhelmed and beaten - regularly.


    D-Line: Finished '08 #22 vs Run; T-3rd worst (28th) in sacks @ 24

    Kelsay: finished 41st for D-lineman in tackles

    41st Chris Kelsay BUF DE 47 tkls 33 solo 14 ast 2.0 sacks 1 FF

    Stroud: 48th Marcus Stroud BUF DT 45 tkls 29 solo 16 ast 2.5 sacks 1 ff

    Williams (the best of the group!): 16th Kyle Williams BUF DT 55 tkls 37 solo 18 ast 2.0 sacks 1 ff

    NOTE: he actually finished 8th amongst all interior lineman in tkls!

    Denney: 58 tkls 40 solo 18 ast 4.0 sacks 1 ff

    NOTE: actually much better than I would have guessed and notably better than Kelsay!?!

    Schobel: obviously w the injury the jury is still out on how effective he can be...

    Maybin: undersized (250) and young (came out after soph year) but very athletic and raw - great upside


    Finally, examine the actions of those that we must beat to succeed and move forward. They DO MORE TO IMPROVE consistently that our owner and management are willing to do. This is a fact and it is unfortunate. This team once embodied the attitude and spirit of the hard working people of Western NY - those prodominantly blue-collar people that pay exorbident amounts of money to watch and support them... but that is no longer the case. I have the utmost respect for Ralph and what he has meant to the game and the area but until their is some sense of urgency that is passed down from those between him and the field we will remain - stagnant and average.


    Guys, I hope I'm wrong. I love this team, its fans and its owner. But neither you or I or even Ralph can control the product on the field on Sundays. Only the players and their coach can do that. So be fair with your assesments - watch other teams. Listen to how successfull coaches address the media - especially after losses or poor performance. I don't doubt our team - I am just to a point as a die-hard fan that I want to be realistic with what I believe this team can achieve. That being said - Dick, feel free to surprise me.


    Jim Kelly, Thurman, Bruce, Andre, Talley, Bennett and best of all Carwell are not "walking through that door" anymore.


    Buffalove in KY for ever. Go Bills!


    This team is seriously lacking in talent at WAY too many positions to be competitive this year. That lack of talent is only compounded by the poor coaching and losing culture that has developed over the last 10 years. It will take a head down change in leadership and a serious influx of talent to reverse this trend.

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