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Iraq Vet

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Posts posted by Iraq Vet

  1. Weird how people personally attack each other in on this site... isn't this supposed to be fun? Every idiot has opinions..... that's what makes this fun. My posts definitely does not solve world hunger or world peace.


    Some of my post are less than clever. I usually attempt at being funny or thought provoking..... I fail more than succeed.

  2. Chip Kelly is screwing with the rest of the league. If he can get the Redskins to bite and think Tim still has worth, then Washington signs Tebow. Who wins in that case?


    Tebow RG3 and Cousins what a mess!!!! It gets better with the Giants, if they buy into it.


    BTW this is a huge nothing burger..... no one is signing Tebow.

  3. Was it "take a pay cut or be released"? If so, it says something about his worth on the open market.


    Things are generally worth what people will pay. You house is worth what others will pay for it, not the investment you put into it. A common mistake in the industry I work in. Yes, a rare crazy person might pay 100% more for your home. But that is pure luck.


    Sometimes when you buy something you get a seal of a deal... But overall, things are priced what the market holds them as.


    Urbik is a solid back up guard at about 1.5 million per year. Sounds about right...

  4. Possibly the worst thread ever.



    glad someone said it before I could....another in a long litany of inane off-season topics to drum up conversation -


    now, about Rex's foot fetish thing..... B-)



    Wow... I thought this would be just a fun thread..... Jerks with talent vs Good guys with talent vs good guys with little talent vs jerks with no talent. Not every post has to solve world hunger or cure cancer. :thumbsup: We are waiting for spring and the draft.....

  5. Last off-season, I was advocating signing talented jerks because we had a locker room of nice that were sub 500.... lovable team, yes.... good football team, NO! I don't want felons playing for the Bills, but talented jerks with a chip on their shoulder is fine with me.


    Then we got Spikes who was way better then expected, then Darius and Hughes went drag racing and then had pro bowl years. Mike Williams was a jerk too, but flamed out. Turns out dirt bag, ego Marrone was a huge jerk. But we were 9-7!!!


    This season.... Incognito is an ass, Percy Harvin another jerk. I think Shady has a a rep as kind of a jerk. Rex Ryan is awesome, but has a dangerously large ego. 9-7 to SUPER BOWL?



    By the way how do we reactivate this post http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/166443-list-the-all-time-bills-jerks/


    Yes it is my post... but we might have some additions. Who was that huge fullback accused of being a peeping tom and (I think) exposing himself? He was good. :pirate: I can not remember his name.



  6. I know the world does not work this way... but assume we have the 4th or 5th best defense again (without Kiko) or maybe better.....


    Having a #4 defense and a QB having another 1/2 second to throw and another 1/2 second for WR's to make breaks is huge, because you have to respect the run every play.


    There is no QB on the FA market better than EJ... The draft is a crap shoot. So giving EJ more time is the best we can do this year....


    Having Kiko here makes us the #1 defense...but how many more wins is that? I would argue none. The difference between 1 and 4 is nothing. A better offense is what we need. McCoy helps the offense, KIko was a luxury.... and has knee issues.


    This trade is a win-win.





    So if the team was valued at just under a billion dollars, and Ralph Wilson isn't on the Forbes 1000 list but someone with a net worth of $1 billion is, what does that tell you?

    This link lists the top 19 wealthiest owners all the way down to a billion dollars and Ralph Wilson isn't even listed:



    Your turn. Please provide a link showing that Ralph Wilson's net worth was more than what the franchise was worth by even a slightly significant margin.


    You referring to sports websites on owners values? LOL


    Oh by the way Forbes guesses at net worth (and are often wrong). There are several people that are not on that list because their holdings are not public at all. Remember Forbes undervalued the last 3 NFL team sales... there were not even close.


    Most extremely wealthy people hide their wealth... for several reasons (some legal/tax reasons, some are just very private people) Knowing Ralph like we did... it seems to me he might have been like that a little bit.


    I read somewhere that the Mars candy fortune people are almost hermits that way there are secret about their wealth. They never talk to the press, their donations to charity are done in secret. Some say they are the wealthiest people in the world but no one knows for sure. Hiding your wealth is smarter than flunting it.

  8. All of the big name coaches are hugely rich.. I get that. The difference in salaries are kinda small in relative terms.


    I think the original post was trying to say Buffalo is now a destination because of the wealth of the owner. Not their individual salaries. Terry can buy good people to surround the coach. Good trainers, good staff, good coaches, good equipment... it all helps a coach say "heck yeah... Buffalo might stink, but the pieces are there to build and the support is there."


    These HC's have huge egos... if you have the infrastructure in place.. it makes it that much easier to build a winner and be that coach that returned a team to glory. Rex pulls this off and we go to a SB... he is set for life and is remembered as a great coach. They all want a legacy! Which goes back to ego.


    Your going to sign with a team that give you the best chance to be remembered as great. We might have that now from a structural standpoint. Talent can be drafted and bought in free agency. Does Buffalo have the structure in place to now sell that to future HC's? I think we do.

  9. Ralph's entire worth was wrapped in the team's value. It's kind of like having $50,000 of equity in your house because you own it, but that money isn't cash you can spend unless you sell the house.


    A complete misunderstanding of finances. Your house is not making you money, unless you have rental property. The Bills were making at least $20 million per year profit. Ralph also had other businesses. Which are still making the family money.


    To take you example to the extreme. The equity of the Bills is at least 1 Billion... so in theory RCW could have secured loans against the value to invest in other businesses.


    Plus, didn't RCW often loan huge amounts of money to other teams to keep them afloat. Ralph was very rich, just not Pegulia rich.

  10. Vacate the AFC East title, (this means nothing in reality, but Bills fans will love it as the Bills are now defacto Champs). Their 3 #1 draft picks go the the AFC East in order of this years finish. Jets gets 2015, Miami gets 2016 and the Bills get their 1st round 2017.

    No other team will do something that silly again as not only does it hurt you... it helps your division rivals.

  11. Vacate the AFC East title, (this means nothing in reality, but Bills fans will love it as the Bills are now defacto Champs). Their 3 #1 draft picks go the the AFC East in order of this years finish. Jets gets 2015, Miami gets 2016 and the Bills get their 1st round 2017.


    No other team will do something that silly again as not only does it hurt you... it helps your division rivals.

  12. I don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of the Patriots constantly undermining the integrity of the league. As if it's not hard enough to beat the best QB to ever play the game, we now have to compete with cheating. As far as I know the Patriots are the only team to ever been caught blatantly cheating and fined by the league, and now it's happened twice. I don't pay good money to see that kind of crap.


    Shoot a quick email to the league by clicking "Other" to let them know.



    I agree. Swamp the email box is the only way to get the attention!!!! We need to save the league from itself.

  13. Wow... talk about over-valuing your worth. How many owners thought "Well if Doug abandoned the Bills after a winning season, why would he not do that to me? Where is this man's loyalty? Is it to the team or himself?.... I better find a more loyal guy.. let Marrone screw someone else".


    He might be blacklisted from HC for years now. Loyalty from a HC is huge to owners. They spend big bucks on HC's, they expect SOME loyalty in return.

    Also, if your a coordinator would you sign up to work for Doug? He has proven he will leave you hanging.....

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