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Posts posted by Salty

  1. Sorry for your loss, nothing really can be said in these situations, so lets just think of your dad looking down on the game, drawing a bad ass picture of Buffalo Bill roping a Jet, bringing it down with Rex face as the pilot LOL or maybe Rex tightly holding on to a giant foot while Buffalo Bill ropes the foot and drags him around. I bet your dad was pretty cool. RIP

  2. Here in Thailand I am waiting to go to bed, kick off 12 am (until fall back then it is 1am) I stay up until 3 or 4 to see the whole thing. The only thing good about being unemployed right now I guess.

    That would drive me up the wall having to wait all day to watch. Im in Cali 10:00 and then I get all day to REFLECT..... plus if I had to watch the games that late the neighbors probably would call the cops, theyre sitting there on the phone explaining to the police how Im about to kill some guy named Bill.............or is it making sweet football love..........Bills better wine me and dine me tomorrow.
  3. I feel good this year and cant wait to see what the Bills can do. Even with a loss against the Jets, I got them going 10-6 playoffs, hopefully not 9-7 missing the playoffs, but then again Im a Bills fan and IM READY FOR ANYTHING. Waiting every year, for the last 15 years for players to pan out for us, coaches to pan out, BIG NAME FREE AGENTS TO SIGN WITH BUFFALO (I dont think its all Ralph is cheap, Buffalo is a hard sell, weve had to overpay everyone the last decade that we can manage to sign) Now we got a pretty good group of players together and the last obsticle is INJURIES, but do we have backup?? Im hoping this year is different, because it feels different. It begins tomorrow but its a long season, win or lose. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!

  4. Ive had DTV for 10 years and never had a problem. The last couple years Ive been reading about how everyone gets NFL Sunday Ticket for discounted prices, even free. So I decided to save myself some money this year and it took about 1 hour and a couple goofy run around artists, but after threatening to just cancel everything because the first guy I talked to didnt want to help me much, so I bluffed into dropping all service, mentioned Time Warner, Dish Network, sports bar, ect... So I tell this goofball cancel it all and I swear he started to talk about how I could get a discount on the warranty for my equipment and whatever???? I had to ask him "why would I want a warranty when Im going to cancel????" Asked for somebody with approval to authorize a REAL discount. Now Im talking to somebody coherrent and helpful, found out since Im a long time customer, I get NFL Ticket FREE, a couple movie channels for a year FREE, and 15.00 cheaper bill every month for 2 years. Had to sign a 2 year contract, but so what I wasnt going anywhere anyway. THANKS GUYS FOR HELPING ME SAVE BEER MONEY, I WOULDVE NEVER KNOWN.

  5. The game is important, but it doesnt set the whole season up for failure if we lose. If we lose, then we must win the next time at our house. It will be harder to compete in our division if we dont sweep the Jest, but I still see a 10-6 season even with a week 1 loss. Would love for us to do what we did against K.C. last year. Could you imagine beating the Jest week 1 and theyd have to eat crow until the last game of the season, which theyd lose also. LETS GO BUFFALO!!

  6. I have us losing this game, but the rest of the season if we stay healthy and tons of injuries dont pile up, I think we go 10-6 slipping into playoffs or 9-7 barely missing playoffs. Jets 20 Bills 13 = Bills come out flat and it becomes a wake up call and we do pretty good the rest of the year beating Jets at our house later. I would love to be completely incorrect with my prediction. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!

  7. I would love for Fitz to come out and light everyone up like he did at the begining of last season. Our offense was doing good until the injury bug attacked us (again) also a terrible call during Bengals game stole game from us. Fitzpatrick did throw a terrible pass during the Giants game, we wouldve won probably, but he was close to a 5-0 start and then injuries knocked everything out of wack. Either way everyone better start throwing some positive manifestation his way and maybe we could enjoy watching another fun offensive performance this year. LETS GO BUFFALO!!

  8. I want to see them pass out of it......

    I know!!! It would be nice if just once they would throw out of the wildcat, if the other team thinks you might take a shot downfield then maybe it will put more pressure on their defense. I want us to gamble and throw it downfield sometimes, we gotta take shots at defenses this year, even if we dont think we have a great deep threat, just throw it and see what happens.
  9. No matter which refs are doing the game, it seems the Bills always get screwed on bad calls, even bad calls on reviewed replays (what dafuk.....Bengals game) I dont watch every teams game every week so yeah I know that every team gets screwed by refs bad calls, but being a diehard Bills fan, watching most games twice, watching plays over and over, it is pretty amazing. All this last decade, all the crazy calls against us or non calls on the other teams playing us, it just seems crazy bad luck (go figure) One day the ball will bounce the right way and we will celebrate in football paradise.

  10. Here you guys go again. I was trying to be as nice as I could be with the Bills stinking up the joint and then you guys try to pick a fight. Again. Normally I'd introduce your knee to Mr. ball pean hammer but I laughed so much last night that I am still in a good mood so I won't take the bait.




    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

    Ayyy Yooooo!! Welcome to stinkin up DAH joint wit Jimmie Spaggssss and Im YAH host, JIMMIE SPAGGSSS, AYYY YOOOOOO!!! You sound like some made up character on a sitcom show, like a funky Fonzarelli, but Im still in a good mood so I'll take it easy on youzz Jest fans, coming on our turf talkin all tough about hammers and wait until a cop finds out who your small time friend is, anyone roughing up hookers is on the low ranking side, a perfect fall GUYYYY for real gangsters doing real work. Ayyyyy YOOOOO!! LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!
  11. Still little (if any) better than a random post here.


    Also, most never watched thigpen, who's better than given credit for.

    Thats kinda what Im thinking also, he seemed ok at times with KC, but then again Im really not sure. Either way, when we started to get our butts kicked they always kept Fitz in, for what??? Lets get the backup some reps, just to see why you pay him, who knows maybe you get some good out of it, if not then so what we already lost. (this year our 2nd QB comes in after were ahead in games)
  12. Kelsay has been the whipping boy for the Bills defense for years, I think most hate comes from his coverage skills, he had to play out of position all the time, he isnt nearly as bad as everyone makes him out to be. Kelsay has been on the same ride the fans have been on for years and maybe now he can become a "winner" along with the Bills. If Kelsay plays the same as he did last year and the defense stays healthy, I think Kelsay will have fans cheering.

  13. I love Byrd. He seems to be around the ball all the time, hits hard, catches the ball when thrown to him and seems to have a quick reaction time. Also we must resign Byrd so my neighbors still get to hear me scream "BYRDMAN!! BBBBRBRBRRrrrrrdddddddddd BBBBBRBRBRrrrrddddd" (thats a bird call sound and then picture me jumping around flapping my BYRD wings bbbbbrbrbrrrrrrddddd) ps Im not jokin this is for real.....AM I THE ONLY ONE DOING THIS????

  14. I wish they wouldve signed him for 3 years instead of 2. I know hes getting older and we might want to go with Spiller soon, but "Action Jackson" should stay healthy enough to still contribute in that third year, as long as they both can share playing time without animosity. Everyone calls him Fred Ex, but Im still stuck on yelling "ACTION JACKSON" when hes making plays, am I the only one that yells that???

  15. Los Angeles, from Chicago. Never been to the Ralph or even to the state of New York, but diehard Bills fan for 20 years. 1992 I started to like football and the Bills stuck on me and made me loyal, win or lose, it builds character. NO MOVE TO LOS ANGELES!!!!! Bills fans couldnt have that kind of luck, could they.......

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