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Posts posted by Salty

  1. I live in LA area and the thought of LA (or Toronto) stealing my Buffalo Bills makes me sick to my stomach. After what this teams fans have been through for Bills to move anywhere is pathetic and would be the perfect icing on the cake of Bills fan sadness. Ive been a diehard fan for 20 years and although Ive never stepped foot inside the state of New York doesnt matter to me, I would erupt like Ive lived there my whole life. I cant think of any other teams fans that have dealt with so much drama the last 20 years IN ANY SPORT.... 4 SB loses BACK TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK (I rest my case), nope Music City "miracle", 12 years no playoffs, hell even OJ (I dont drink oj it will kill you) I guess the football gods said we get one great thing a miracle, Kevin Everret walking again. I will take that, but I still wish we could win a SB out of western New York to help erase the past. LETS GO BUFFALO!

  2. Yeah that would def rock, but then we hit a real meaty part of our schedule and unless this team is the dream team, then we will be losing plenty (hopefully no more than 6 loses all year) Im thinking loses at SF,at ARI,at Hou, at Pats is half. I hope Im wrong and they do better, not worse. So 1st half they lose some bad games get a little respect and then come on hot at the end of the year. That would be a nice change of scenery for us diehard Bill fans. Its going to happen sometime.

  3. I think Dareus and K. Williams are going to be exploding the middle of the line setting up blitzes on the outside (Moats). Also Im wondering if Byrd gets a blitz (risky). Mostly Im hoping we dont need to blitz much, but if its obvious that we arent getting pressure, then the Bills D better get a different scheme going or the "Stache" is going to get smashed. Blood is in the water, this year do we have a couple sharks??? The Pats have to slip sometime, lets start now, by putting Brady on his TUSHY. :)

  4. Im going with positive thoughts. Bills 28 Pats 24 Somehow the AFC East gets turned upside down. 3-1 Bills 1-3 Pats. Bills go for the throat and pullout the win. This year has been very interesting, with supposed to be good teams not doing so good "yet". Im hoping the Bills have fooled everyone into thinking CJ Thiller is a no go, but he is ok to get in the mix (doubt it) and that Action Jackson is better then he is telling everyone. That would rock the Ralph and with a win the media will have a field day. LETS GO BUFFALO!! goodtimes

  5. I hope the Bills try going deep early in the game against the Pats. The Pats CBs wont be afraid of Fitz going deep so they can focus more on short passing game. They know we dont do that, so lets do it early, to let them know that its real. Its going to be interesting to see what the offense looks like if we dont have Jackson or Spiller. Im guessing ground and pound this week, more Dickerson and Lee, with maybe a throw from the wildcat, Smith to Jones. Throw it up, Jones will do his best to make sure the defender doesnt get it. Whatever they do, it better be time consuming by substaining drives, keep Brady off field.

  6. They were "playing with a chip on their shoulder" this week! They lost. It can't go on forever, they are still good, but they have some serious weaknesses too. I can't stand the attitude of Bills fans that are scared of the Pats because it makes me think the team is thinking the same way, Eff that team! The Bills are trying to maximize their own potential, regardless of the opponent.

    Yeah its kinda like weve been living under some authoritarian dictator for decades and were always scared of the Pats, I was just reminded here, that we were kicking their butts the last game of the season 21-0 and then KA PLUNK! Further fuel for the Bills insecurities, but EFF them its our turn, even with injured RB, Bills find a way this weak. Bills 27 Pats 24 Bills run them into ground w/Choice and whoever FJ or White. Positive manifestation.....
  7. Just remember its the internet. But around here always remind yourself:

    Fitz is garbage

    Ralph is cheap

    buddy never brings in quality free agents because he is asleep

    we are doomed

    Refs hate us

    Kelsey is always over paid

    Sanborne is the reason we suck.

    I know youre telling it like it is and all, but YOU keep Sanbornes name out of this!! Hes the reason we still have a team in Buffalo and legends arent made overnight unless your SanbornED. This board and I will be waiting for your apology. :(
  8. Im going with a payback game on the road, Bills 23 Browns 14. The Bills have lost to the Browns I think the last 3 years???? I dont remember, but I do know that they have to get better on the road and it starts in Cleveland with the running game. They must give Fitz some good playaction setups and go downfield deep (the Pats have to see we will go deep) I think the D comes to play and maybe a throw from Brad Smith out of the wildcat (wishful thinking, please throw one time) Bills win, Pats lose in Baltimore, then Pats come to Buffalo lose and everything is gravy. But Browns first LETS GO BUFFALO!!

  9. I dont like it either, how about a giant sigh of sorrow from the crowd. Im serious, Fitz is our QB so we have to do everything possible as fans to keep his spirits up, that doesnt mean kissing his ass, it means giving him at least a couple games into the season before we throw him overboard. These players are doing the best they can, lets roll with them as a TEAM. LETS GO FITZPATRICK!!!

  10. I still cant believe the RB for Arizona (lucky dude)fumbled the ball when all he had to do is go down, but instead on 3 and long he tries to juke with one hand holding the ball, SHOWTIME BABY, dumbass just need to hold on tight and fall down. I thought only the Pats would be so lucky and then SHANK. What a good day of football so far, now the JEST need a loss and the Dolphins MEH....



    He was inactive last week as well.


    Speaking of that punt return fiasco, based on what I've seen of those replays, if I didn't know better and was a complete paranoid conspiracy theorist, I would say the Bills threw the game. It's like some players just stopped playing on that return.


    GO BILLS!!!

    yeah it was weird its like the first guy stopped on a dime then all the others cleared a path, I just think they all just got juked (by what Im not sure) and it made them look pathetic, sheeet happens I guess.
  12. I root for the team and want a team that keeps chugging along when a main wheel goes down, thats what good teams do. Also as far as not having a RB to watch is the last problem we have on the team, Spiller is sound and exicting to watch, but I much rather have Jackson/Spiller combo, I hope Choice steps up and pounds some LBs and Spiller hides from them. Ive got 20 years of fandom, so Im rooting for whoever wants it, step up Bills players. LETS GO BUFFALO!!


    How about rooting for Marcel Dareus this week, a talented player who just lost his brother, yet he's gonna be out there fighting for his team (and his brother I'm sure).


    What about George Wilson? He had to fight and claw his way to stay in the league. His passion level is at the same level as Fred's. And he's worked his way up, changing his position,

    to become a top safety.


    How about Spiller (as others have mentioned)? A top pick, who has been a patient, team guy...doing and saying the right things, now he has his opportunity to shine.


    How about Kyle Williams? The guy has never ever taken a play off. He's a beast who almost everyone doubted early on.


    How about Mario Williams? Our big FA acquisition? You could root for him to prove his contract.


    How about Stevie? A 7th rounder who is now talked about in Fantasy circles and on the national media on a regular basis. Plus he's a pretty darn good WR.


    I could go on and on...honestly, what do you mean there is no one else to root for with Fred out. (Of course, you root for the whole team and a win first and foremost).


    But, I mean, Fred is one of my favorites too; he's even on my fantasy team...I was devasted to see him injured. But football is a team sport and the Bills happen to be

    a very likable team that has a lot of guys with great stories and passion. So, there are plenty of individuals to root for. And once they start winning, it will be easy to

    root for the whole team.

    Well put, I also want to root for Fitzpatrick, he represents the season this year, so I think he needs all the positive manifestation "thrown" his way that is possible from Bills fans. Positive thoughts and confidence, hes done it before, lets see it again.
  13. After 20 years, the first 4 years being the back to back to back to back Super Bowl loses, has created a phoenix, risen up from the ashes, crashing down in flames, twisting in footballs burning winds of fire, a unstoppable loyal fan win or lose (very dramatic, I know) Ive learned long ago that these guys get paid good money to play a great game, it hurts when they lose, but the real game of life is so much more FARKED. Try being a diehard news junkie that is engrossed in geopolitics and Middle Eastern conflict. LETS GO WORLD!! OH I meant LETS GO BUFFALO!!!

  14. Hard to predict which team will show up to play. Im going with a gut pick and say the Bills come back pretty decent this week. Fitz calms people down, Spiller runs good with Choice, some WR steps up, defense does ok, Bills 24 Chiefs 20 One game at a time LETS GO BUFFALO!!

  15. Im rolling with you, Im not ready to throw in the towel until at least a 7th loss (depending on playoff chances) The game was a complete cluster Fark, but the season is still young and sometime you have to wait all season for payback. Wishful thinking LETS GO BUFFALO!!! One day things will change and theyll be on the crap end of the stick for 10 years.

  16. I still think the Bills can have a good season, 10-6 is possible, but if they look like the team that showed up against the Jets 7-9 is our record for the year. It is early and I still think the Bills will regroup and make a good run in the second half of our schedule. This cant go on forever, the Bills will be winners again someday, its gonna happen.

  17. Even after the blowout last week I think the Bills find a way to win this week, it might not be a pretty win, but the year just started and Im not ready to decide who this team is yet and what kind of heart they have. They win against KC, Browns, pull a fast one on the Pats and the rest is history. (wishful thinking) LETS GO BUFFALO!! Weve seen the spark last year, lets do it again, but FOR REALS!!

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