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joey greco

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Posts posted by joey greco

  1. I will ask again,




    This is completely mind boggiling.

    Fred Jackson is the most consistent player on the Bills. Chan doesnt line him up in the backfield to atleast keep the D honest???

    I understand it worked sometimes early in the season. Even then i did not like it.

    But now defenses have seemed to learn how to stop whatever the Bills are doing.


    IF Chan is a great offensive innovator he needs to see this is not working anymore.


    I know i am pulling a needle out of the haystake of defeciences. But this is ridiculious.


    Pretty basic-he knows that the personnel is not good enough to line up and push people off the ball in those situations, so the best bet is to spread the field and hope to create an opening. He's trying to play to one of the few strengths that he seemed to have-Fitz's decision making in those spots.

  2. i live in new england.


    you have no idea how terrible the fans here are. in fact, you can't even begin to imagine.


    there was ZERO buzz for the patriots before bledsoe went down, during that season, during their playoff run, or even until the week of the super bowl.


    it's like when the leaves come out in the spring time.. at first, no ones wearing pats shirts, then one or 2 people, then 1 out of every 5, then everyone you pass on the street, including baby girls with pink patriots shirts.


    the celtics? i couldn't go to a bar and watch an nba game up here unless it was game 7 of the nba finals. after the summer where they acquired garnett and ray allen, every sports bar, every night, every celtics game. front and ceneter on every big screen.


    hockey? lol. i don't think i ever heard the sport mentioned. until last spring. when everyone suddenly owned a bruins tee shirt.


    baseball is the only thing i'll give these fans credit for. there was a SMALL percentage of people i hung around that were die hard red sox fans before ESPN started marketing the rights to their band wagon. but christ almighty if it isn't a religion up here now, with ever man woman and child forced into pedroia teeshirts as soon as they come out of the womb.


    don't get me wrong, it's a small sample size, and i'm mostly talking people in their late 20s and early 30s, but hands down terrible sports fans. the interest in the teams up here while we were kids and last decade was zilch. but now, it's from one band wagon to another as the seasons change.


    i love seeing the teams from that city melt down, and take even more joy in knowing that their run of prosperity is due to end soon, and another decade of irrelevance awaits.


    This is 100% accurate. Until last June I only knew 2 Bruins fans. Until 2001 the Giants were far more popular in this part of New England than the Patriots. Celtics fans were a little better. They are good baseball fans, though. That's the only team that exists, win or lose. I can't freaking wait to listen to WEEI on my way to work today.

  3. I'd say the same thing I did before last season-this team could have a worse record than Jauron's last bunch, but still be a better team. It's just in the nature of the way Jauron coached. I still don't like a lot of what they do as a franchise, but rating them below the boring, brittle, spineless, clueless, dickless wonder of a team they fielded 2 years ago is ridiculous.


    Are there actually people that said last year's team was worse than Jauron's purely because of the W-L record? That's straight up stupid.

  4. If you guys had been around during the first two years of Moulds' career, you would have called him a complete bust and cut him.


    And for every Moulds that takes a couple of years to develop, you have 1500 busts. The comparison is bad anyway because Moulds had actually proven himself in the NCAA, while Easley is a never-was. He's show nothing but bad hands a a propensity for injury as a professional. His entire resume consists of his height and 40 time. It's a joke.

  5. The Bills are a few veterans away from competence, not being competitive. It's just as important to have a veteran presence, and to build on winning some games, as it is to field a bunch of young players and hoping that they get better by struggling and being overmatched.


    Throwing players who aren't ready for big minutes is just as detrimental, if not more so, than letting them learn in practice and from watching how successful players conduct themselves, and letting them play limited snaps to get experience.

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