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joey greco

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Posts posted by joey greco

  1. Yea, Easley's gonna emerge. His bad hands and alligator arms will magically improve, and the cast of nobodies will be entirely unaffected by the loss of their best receiver. The only quality, proven, wideout will experience no difficulty being the focus of the opponent's db's rather than the second concern. Good post.

  2. There is more than enough money to renegotiate with any player on the roster that they want to AND sign free agents, which they chose not to do. The cap has nothing to do with the reasons why this team failed to improve through free agency.


    Oh, sorry, that was not precise at all. The NFL salary cap has nothing to do with why the team failed to improve through free agency. The owner-imposed cap, however, has everything to do with it.


    BTW, resigning Poz and Whitner is the kind of thing that good teams do. They don't have to be starters, they provide the kind of quality depth that winners have and this franchise is totally lacking in. There are zero cap reasons that they couldn't be resigned. There were no attitude or legal issues with either guy, yet we're still left with poor talent behind the starters. There is absolutely nothing behind the starters, as we saw all throughout the preseason.

  3. This whole cost-cutting thing is complete nonsense invented by the Chicken Littles. Answer me this? If Ralph is selling next year why did we extend Kyle Williams, and talking extensions with Parrish and Steve Johnson??? DUH!!!




    Are you kidding? You get a mandate that the team cap is 20 million below the actual cap. You still do your best to have as good a team as possible. You sign guys, but have to release/trade others to stay within the team budget.


    Do you really need to have something this simple spelled out for you? 20 million under the cap for no good reason except additional profit. Cheap.





  4. So they paid Evans $1.1M in bonus to avoid a backlash from fans for not getting a pick? Again if they cared mostly about the money and not the team, why would they care what the fans think?

    They gained about 7 million in real savings and a fourth round pick at a cost of 1.1 million. Not very hard to understand.


    And ngu is obviously playing the company stooge and trying to discredit a reporter who has let us all in on what really counts to this franchises. It's just a no u argument and there is absolutely no reason to believe it.

  5. Chandler is a mortal lock-he's the only TE that's shown a thing and they'll keep at least one. Rinehart and Johnny White are near locks. I'd also think they'll keep Searcy, Cordero Howard, Roosevelt, Huggins, Nelson, Sanborn, and, just for fun, Wrotto.

  6. OK. There's nothing to see here. Nothing at all. Sure, the atricle is written with an ever-disappearing professional flair, but there's no real news here. Evans "modest gains" raised him all the way up to 25th in the League. If that means gains, how bad was he prior? We all know this. One-trick pony and not a Channix guy. Anybody here really think the Bills would give him a new contract at the end of his current one? Anybody?? Otherwise, just unsubstantiated rumors of trade bait for one round earlier. Then, for the glory of the doom-sayers, Jackson's 'wonderment' of where all the players have gone since his rookie year.. Kicked to the curb, Freddie. If you tell me you're not surrounded by better players today than you were then, I'd seriously consider starting someone else.. While trying to hide behind "..'the Free Agent loss of Paul Posluszny.." the author alludes to new, better talent. It's what we've demanded, right? Poz may have been a fan fav for some, but seeing Barnett in that role is day & night -to say nothing of LIGHTS OUT!


    Yes, we're weary of the gates of hell we've been subjected to this century. But this is just the start of Year 2 in the current rebuild and even the most ardent Doomsayers here have to acknowledge we have more NFL talent than in recent years.


    Spin? Whatever. Nothing to see here..


    Well, they could have possibly resigned Poz, who's not great, and signed Barnett. They certainly have the money to burn, and they do need 2 starting ILB's and quality depth. You don't get better by constantly creating new holes to fill, you need to build on what you do have, and improve whenever you have the opportunity.

  7. The only replacement pool that the Bills draw from when they lose/trade/release their good (read high-salaried) players is the draft/UDFA pool. Coincidentally, those players play for far less money than the players they are replacing.


    I'm sure in April we'll be hearing how the Bills are hurting at wr and need to spend an early round pick to replenish the talent pool at the position.

  8. I don't think it's a salary cap issue at all. I think Disco here below has got it right.


    The only source for that rumor is the Bills in-house propagandist. Evans has no reason not to admit to it now, but hasn't. His pre-trade comments should more likely be read as a signal of his class and professionalism. I'm sure he's not unhappy to be gone, but there is 0 evidence that he formally requested a trade. P.T. Barnum would have loved you guys.

  9. I love all the typical board criticism after a loss. All the closet coaches come out of the woodwork to tell us all how a real coach would manage the team. Yup, Nix, Gailey and the linebacker coach fellow, what was his name, oh yeah, Wanny... yeah, well, they all suck and have no idea what a good football player looks like. Fire them all.


    Come on... seriously?


    Just because they're being paid doesn't mean that they're any damn good. I think everyone has finally admitted that a poll of fans would have done a better job drafting than this franchise's paid professionals, so dismissing that the same could be true of the coaching based on nothing more than an identical appeal to authority seems fairly silly.

  10. I have dubbed next year the "O-line draft". They have addressed the D-line and LB pretty well I think through draft and free-agency. Now it's time to probably spend two out of the first three picks on offensive tackles.


    Really? There's only one starting caliber LB on this roster and he can't stay on the field. We also have a poor defensive backfield, as will be made very clear when our improved defensive line actually requires teams to throw the ball for a change. Oh, and they might want to replace the only deep threat they had in the organization. Maybe improve at QB, too. Fred Jackson isn't getting any younger either. The only place you can reasonably say that they improved over last year is on the defensive line. They are objectively worse at linebacker and wide receiver.


    They won't be able to focus solely on the offensive line next year either.


    30 million under the cap.


    this is the first time in 20 years I have wanted to get out of my season tickets. This not an NFL team. Everyone of those players should be ashamed to get a paycheck. I dont see us winning any games period. Terrible team, terrible.


    I think they'll win a few. They have a lot of really awful teams on the schedule this year. Of course, all those teams are also saying the same about the Bills, but I'm sure they'll find a way to win about as many as last year.



    I'm not suggesting fans shouldn't be disappointed by what happened on the field in Denver, but history has shown that what occurs during preseason is rarely what occurs when the real games begin.


    Who are you, Rip Van Winkle? You sleep through the last 10 years? What we've seen in preseason is exactly what we've seen when the games count from this franchise. Same issues, same problems, same lack of answers, year after year, with the same bull **** thrown around by the same suspects preseason after preseason.


    I'm really tired of people muddying the waters by throwing out veteran teams who've had historical success and their preseason performances. Situations are not comparable at all. Longtime losers usually have a good preseason when they're on the verge of having a turnaround season. The Bills aren't close, and shrugging off a performance like they turned in last night takes willful myopia.

  12. D. FInd him a real QB to throw the ball.


    Fitz put the ball perfectly into his hands and he promptly popped it to a defender. Fitz is not the problem (not that he's a playoff-caliber qb either) with Easley. Given all the physical tools he should have shown something, however all he's shown is that he's a liability.

  13. It's one pre season game, get over it. I hope the team doesn't think like some of you or else we're in for a long season. Horrible effort, I'm sure they'll admit it, but hopefully they step it up next week.


    I agree. This team will be great as long as it refuses to accept reality. They should all attend self-esteem seminars, then they'll all be winners. Unfortunately those things are like 25 bucks a session, so there's no way ralphie's gonna spring for it.

  14. What are you guys going to have to B word about when we come back and win this one


    I'll B word about what matters. That the first and second teams were treated like prison bitches. That our starting offensive line is embarrassing. That our secondary is a joke that was disguised by our inability to stop the run. That we traded one of our few NFL quality players for monetary reasons while 30 million dollars under the cap.

  15. Denver drafted ahead of us & knew that this was their big chance at home for a win to sell tickets, they went all out. This really meant that much to John Fox & Chan came into this prepared to lose / watch his players fail, that couldn't be anymore obvious. The Denver 3rd stringers practiced set plays in preparation to score points, no mercy.


    I think we better look long & hard at some OT help / Any extra LB for depth, we're sorely lacking at those spots. Pray for health with who we have, that's my best advice.


    Sorry but you forgot to add cornerback (sorry Bill, but it's true. This team is going nowhere with the terrible db's it has atm.) and wide receiver.

  16. Normally I would agree but you can see this team in serious trouble. I have never seen so much go wrong in a game, pre-season or otherwise. We really must be cursed.




    Or we just a have a terrible owner who is simply counting down the days to his own death (and that's !@#$ed up in itself), who would rather protect profit than pay to put a respectable product on the field. This team is a joke, and it's not because of some ridiculous curse.


    30 million dollars.

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