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Posts posted by BuffFromBuffalo

  1. This is why you draft a QB every year folks. San Diego just got a lot, for nothing.

    Couldn't agree any more Coach. Draft a QB every year. I like Zac Robinson this year, 5th round. Forget Claussen and the "one guy will save the team" mentality. He may not be worth a #1 That's for the braintrust to decide.

  2. This guy is not a first rounder. He isn't a great player and now he has severe off the field issues

    There were nine different scouts at the Colorado Pro Day yesterday. Not sure about the Bills. Alas, my Buffs have not exactly been churning out the talent (or wins) letely. But unlike Davis, one of them sure knows how to set himself up to get drafted. And act like a pro.



  3. Teams may interview as many as 60 players at the combine.


    Combine Interviews?


    Frankly it doesn't matter who anyone interviews, because in most instances it's a front designed to make other teams think they're interested in player A. Subterfuge reigns from before the combine right through the season.


    Besides, the combine has become more of a polished affair, with players getting coaching on how to say nothing.


    Interviews lose importance


    Thanks. 60 interviews narrows it down to.....a lot

  4. I read week NFL teams are limited to a certain number of players they can interview at the combine. I saw Claussen's name and a few others the Bills had spoken to. Wondered if anyone had the complete list of player's the Bills talked to. Could be some draft insight there instead instead of the endless speculative posts. Thanks!

  5. Buddy doesnt have to send anyone. He comes here for all his info. :rolleyes:

    My apologies. I only heard a brief part of what this guy had to say on the radio, including his words on the Bills. I thought it was the Senior Bowl, it is in fact the East West Shrine game he was referring to.

  6. Senior Bowl practices and game week festivities are attended by more than 800 general managers, head coaches, assistant coaches, scouts and other front office personnel from all 32 National Football League teams. Just heard on the radio from a scout here in in Denver who was there. Guess how many scouts the Bills had there? One. ONE! Trying to stay positive, but that is not good news.

  7. I'd also like to improve our D. We can package Kelsay and Parrish to move up to #1 overall and take Suh.

    Pat Bowlen is on record thad if Brandon Marshshall keeps his nose clean this year (which he has), he will get a long term contract. You can count on the Broncos doing so. As for the Bills, draft a QB EVERY year, just don't do so in the first round unless you have a sure thing. Bradford, Tebow, McCoy and Claussen are not in this realm.

  8. I know Klopfenstein was a major bust in STL. The guy has skill. I always liked his potential. Considering what is available at the moment I think this is a solid signing.

    Klopfenstein was a stud here at Colorado. But the Buffs are like the Bills sadly. If not at the bottom, close to it. Does the Chinese Calendar have the Year of the Buffalo? Sure wish it would get her.

  9. Get off your high horse John. These kids did a harmless prank after Mcdipshit cost the Bills the game by his lack of game awareness & stupidity. Then he comes out openly says I do not want anybody arrested for this. I could almost see pressing charges if it was some middle age 35 year old who did this. These kids are just in high school & probably hit dad's liquor cabinet too hard that night & thought it would be funny. It is ironic but I do not remember the public outcries for that lady that Lynch ran down on the chip strip. F*ck Mckelvin, I just lost what little respect I had for him. & if you think these kids should be punished to the full extent of the law then by the same token Lynch should of been suspended for the whole season, not just three games for his actions were 100xs worse then what these 16 year old kids did.

    I agree with you Gordio. Any time an NFL player pulls a stupid stunt (Vick, Burress, Lynch, Little, Dale Carter, Michael Irving, and on and on....) all we hear is they deserve a second chance after a less than normal person fine or sentence. So these two KIDS do something stupid and now everyone starts talking out of the other side of their mouth. McKelvin should forgive them and bring them to the Ralph, talk to them, set an example. And hope they straighten up. Being self righteous won't solve this issue.

  10. what does this mean, insurance claim. there was nothing damaged on his lawn.

    and what do you mean maybe the Buffalo News had it right and the NFL beat reporters jumped the gun.

    The AP reported last night that the DA had the right to pursue this matter with or without McKelvin's permission.



    Didn't have time (or want) to read this entire thread but from 1130 or so miles away, and as a lifelong Bills fan, this is shameful. My thought is for Leodis McKelvin to NOT press charges and invite these teens to The Ralph, give them the tour and seats for the game. Who didn't make mistakes as a teenager? Turn it around.

  11. Listening to a football game (any game) on AM radio in the car reminds me of riding with my dad many, many years ago with the Bills on the radio. Him drving with a sandwich in one hand, a beer in the other, and a smoke buring in the car's ashtray. Ahhhh, the good ole days.

    Like a previous post, born and raised in Buffalo, moved to Denver in 1970. Many here believe I should be a Broncos fan, but I just can't do it. In the 60's my Dad and I would go to my Uncle Joe's house. He worked for Zenith and had a huge TV antenna and could pull in the home games from Rochester. Miss my Dad and all those early years of the Bills. Things sure have changed, but my heart is with the Bills always.

  12. No.

    This guy is fresh out of a trial last week and sends his agent in for a contract extension? When that is denied he wants to be traded? What is up with these idiots? And you want him in Buffalo? C'mon, wake up. He also skipped the second practice last night. This is the classic Great Body Bad Brain Syndrome. Don't even entertain the idea of trading for this moron.

  13. On a different but related note, Matt Cassel looked pretty bad as well.

    Since I've lived in Denver since 74, let me fill you in on a few details. Ever since the two Super Bowls, Denver fans would let Shanahan do and say anything, he walked on water. This is spite of all the bad free agent moves, drafts, mediorcre play, etc. In addition, fans thought Super Bowl every year. Bronco idiots. So then Shanahan gets fired and everyone says "Well, it was time for a change!" The whole Cutler saga started there though, because Cutler was Shanahans' boy. They even sounded the same in interviews. Take note of Shanahan (and Cutler) starting the answer to virtually every question with "Obviously...." So Cutler is already hacked off when McDaniels is hired, and they don't exactly hit it off. He skips mincamp and it gets worse. Then the Broncos talk about trading for Matt Cassell and Cutler goes through the roof. But when he didnt' return Pat Bowlen's phone calls, that was it. Say what you will, but if the owner of the Broncos calls you and you don't call back? End of story. See ya you punk.

  14. The only problem I have is that the Sunday Ticket doesnt kick in till first week of the season, so I don't get NFL Network until then :thumbsup:

    My brother in law (in San Antonio) is a Bears fan and is in the same boat. I have Direct TV, so get the NFL Network (but don't have the NFL Package) so I will see the game. Very odd. For the regular season, lucky for me there is a Bills Backers bar close to me here in Denver. Seems pretty strange scheduling though.

  15. that's right!!


    these guys should just be happy to be here.


    the Bills did them a big favor by drafting them at all.


    You can be the Bills feel they should be taking a discount to sign with the Bills,especially since the front office vacation is being disrupted to work on these contracts during the summer. :wallbash:


    The money part of this discussion has nothing to do with an individual player's signing. It all comes down to how much the player in front of and behing the player in question signs for. And if a player has never signed a contract, I believe it's inappropriate to call them a holdout. That is done when a player already has a contract. The picks will all be signed when the dollars have been determined by others, so placing the blame on the agents/players, and even the Bills is shortsighted at best.

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