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Posts posted by BuffFromBuffalo

  1. I started a thread last week with my suspicion that Barron would be the Bills pick, based on the fact I believe they have him rated as the BPA at 10, even ahead of Kuechly. Many teams are high on this guy, I bet the Bills are too. If the Chargers are, that should tell you something. Buddy wants a dynamic, impact player. That's what Barron appears to be. Of course raking someone over the coals for a bevy of picks to move up to get him? That would be OK too. Go Bills!

  2. One last thought is that if we do end up staying at #10 and taking one of the defensive playmakers, I don't think we can sit and wait for a tackle at pick #41. I think we'd have to go up and get whomever is left of Martin, Glenn, or Adams at the end of the 1st. Looking like we're not gonna be able to find a WR and Tackle with our first 2 picks.

    Sorry for not giving the Casserly link. He is just wondering if Barron hits the top ten. I do have one more thought, based on Buddy's comments yeterday. Is Barron an impact player? I think so. Is he an immediate starter? Sure. Then again, Kuechly would be as well. My speculation all along has been Barron is rated pretty high on the board and will be there.

  3. Kiper feels the same about you.


    Drafting really isn't that difficult if you know the strengths and weaknesses of your team. Knowing the weaknesses, you draft a player that you think will play better than the player you now have at any position. The draftee doesn't have to be elite, just better than what you have. Getting just three or four of those players in a single draft means you've had a successful draft and you've improved your team.

    Apparently, Chalie Casserly agrees with my speculation.....check out NFL.COM

  4. Chasing your tail. You can't let a safety go in Whitner...draft a safety in Searcy and blow another top pick on a safety unless he is the next Ronnie Lott and Ed Reed combined.


    I'm a little wary of defensive backs that played behind superior front 7s. I just wonder if he can duplicate success at the next level with more speed and less help. I'm not killing Barron. I just wonder.

    Chasing my tail and speculating as well. In essence what I believe, Mel Kiper, or anyone else believes doesn't matter, Buddy and crew will make the choice, I still feel BPA will have to be the choice considering the players available for our pick. And I am guessing Barron is highly thought of.

  5. I sure miss those fish frys back in Buffalo. It's one of those foods we MUST get whenever we visit Buffalo.


    Out here, they say "haddock? whaaa?"


    Did you squish it before you ate it?


    The game starts at 10 AM out here, so it's breakfast time at kickoff!

    I sure miss Fish frys too! Lebro's Thursday nights. Nothing like that in Denver.

  6. Drafting anyone certainly isn't an exact science. For all the Mike Shanahan lovers out there, here are just some of his bad picks. And yes, he was in charge of the draft in Denver


    WILLIE MIDDLEBROOKS 2001 First Round - Pick 24 CB Minnesota

    MARCUS NASH 1998 First Round - Pick 30 WR Tennessee

    MAURICE CLARETTE 2004 3rd Round - Pick 101 RB Ohio State

    JARVIS MOSS 2007 First Round - Pick 17 DE Florida

    ASHLEY LELIE 2002 First Round - Pick 19 WR Hawaii

  7. I know this isn't news, or new, for that matter. It's more of the same. But if you go to ESPN.com's NFL page right now (http://espn.go.com/nfl/), there are something like 8 articles about TO. And it's been that way for several weeks - I'm not exaggerating, ESPN.com has dealt with the quiet NFL July by covering TO non-stop. Where will he go? Who wants him? For how much? What will be the fantasy impact? How does his signing help or hurt the Bengals? Blah Blah Blah Blah. What lazy, uninspired, cynical reporting. In fact, between this and the LeBron fiasco (did you know that LeBron's interviewer was paid by - LeBron??), I've just had it with ESPN. It's not a reporting agency anymore. It's a media conglomerate, an entertainment company, masquerading as sports reporters. Conflicts of interest galore. They're making a mockery of the notion of journalistic integrity and objectivity.


    Wondering what our local media types think about this. I would think if you've spent your professional career trying to objectively report on stories, you've got to be more than a little upset about how ESPN consistently "creates" news, sells products (disguised as news), and makes itself the story.


    Not that CNN is any different, but at least CNN doesn't have a near-monopoly.


    I'll conclude by saying that I'm sure there are good people and good reporters who work at ESPN and do their best to stay objective. But that has to be increasingly difficult and frustrating. And rare...

    From what I understand from an old friend who works at ESPN, there are two factions always fighting. The entertainment side and the news/journalism types. Usually, entertainment wins. I couldn't agree more with your post. I have a journalism degree (which doesn't make me an expert by any means) but true journalism is rare this days. And very rare on ESPN. And their British Open coverage? Awful.

  8. I saw the parade that brought them to town and saw many a game in war memorial. Can still name the starting lineup of our AFL championship team, including Paul Maguire the Punter and second (or maybe third) string linebacker. I was in the service during the horribly bad years of Dan Darragh and Kay Stephenson and their ilk. Came back for Joe Ferguson and the Juice. The Superbowl years et al. Born and raised in Buffalo and love the Bills. I don't think they are well run right now and they are on a path downward from high mediocrity...but I'm hoping....

    You must be about the same age as I am. Don't remember the parade, but remember games at the Rockpile. And Shottenheimer was one of the backup LB's I think. Kemp and Lamonica. Ernie Warlick, Mike Stratton and on and on. Great days.

  9. Born in Saudi Arabia in 1957

    Brought to Buffalo later that year.

    Moved to Elma in 62 and stayed there till 68.

    Moved to Penfield (outside of Rochester)...graduated from Penfield High in 75

    Joined the Air Force in 76, retired in 94.

    Moved to Minneapolis and found work there till completion of my education.

    Currently live in Casper, WY and work as an adolescent therapist.

    Wife still lives in Minneapolis, and looking for work in her field for Wyoming move.


    I converted her to a die hard Bills fan too. Stepdaughters are on board as well.


    Go BILLS!

    Born in Buffalo 1952

    lived in Williamsville

    Graduated from Williamsville 1970 (before it was South)

    4 years in the Navy

    Moved to Denver 1974

    graduated University of Colorado 1985

    still live here, love it



    Go Bills!

  10. lol i think if the thread was about Animal House, it would have a lot of legs. That movie paved the way for quite a lot of others. There were A LOT of people in it too. actors at the beginning of their careers. it's surprising how many. When Belushi was eating in the cafeteria. lol classic.

    Seven years of college down the drain!

  11. If Nix and Whaley didn't take a QB this year because they think they can get one next year - that's what you're saying, isn't it? - then we are in for yet another lousy ten years or so. Because only a genuinely stupid personnel guy would count on something in the future that may or may not happen. It's a loser's strategy. If they did that, it would be enough proof for any reasonable fan to understand that they don't have what it takes to be successful as NFL personnel men. Yet another failed administration.


    Luckily, it's very unlikely that that's why they made the decisions they made. There are many far more reasonable explanations for why we picked who we did. And several of those reasonable explanations (we're rebuilding ... we understand that there's no way to fill all the positions we have large holes at in one draft ... we genuinely think our QBs deserve another year to show what they can do ... ) are exactly what the brain trust are actually saying.

    I'm saying the Bills know they need a quarterback at some point, but didn't believe the 2010 class had a QB worthy of their first, second or even third round pick. And the 2011 QB's look more promising. In addition, a 2010 win/loss finish in the bottom 3rd of the league is a reasonable guess at their finish.

  12. Denver, Cleveland, KC, Oakland, and the Bucs would all very likely take a good QB if their QB has a bad year. Plus there's always the possibility (likelihood, actually) of some team(s) that we don't expect stinking up the joint and being pretty lousy, and the QB would probably be a part of that.


    Not to mention somebody trading up ahead of us.


    Not to mention that both of the golden boys might have a terrible year like Jevan Snead did.


    Way too early to talk about this.


    You believe it's too early, apparently (Nix/Whaler probably included) do not. Think ahead!!



  13. Carolina have Matt Moore, drafted Jimmy Claussen, not likely

    Cleveland Jake Delhomme, likely but could be better than the Bills

    Detroit Matthew Stafford, not likely

    Kansas City paid a ton to get Cassel, not likely

    Oakland Jason Campbell, likely, but with their

    defense should finish higher than the Bills

    Tampa Bay Freeman, not likely

    St Loius Sam Bradford, not likely


    Overall, I'd say the Bills will be in position for one of the top QB's, both considered first rounders

  14. The Bills sure have taken a lot of greif on NFL Network and ESPN for not addressing thier "needs" in the 2010 draft. I believe they have been doing exactly what they should. The QB's available (beyond Bradford) should not have taken where the Bills picked. I do believe CJ Spiller was the best available. Looking down the road to who might be available at QB in the draft next year, we have Jake Locker and Christian Ponder. Mr Nix and Mr Whaley have to be sharp enoough to know the Bills should be in position to get one of these guys. Here are the bottom ten teams in the NFL listed with their current QB, their chances of drafting a QB #1 and listed by their odds of reaching the Super Bowl this year. Bills fans, I think their is a franchise QB on the horizon.


    Denver drafted Time Tebow 2010, not likely

    Carolina have Matt Moore, drafted Jimmy Claussen, not likely

    Cleveland Jake Delhomme, likely but could be better than the Bills

    Detroit Matthew Stafford, not likely

    Kansas City paid a ton to get Cassel, not likely

    Oakland Jason Campbell, likely, but with their

    defense should finish higher than the Bills

    Tampa Bay Freeman, not likely

    St Loius Sam Bradford, not likely


    Overall, I'd say the Bills will be in position for one of the top QB's, both considered first rounders

  15. The Bills sure have taken a lot of greif on NFL Network and ESPN for not addressing thier "needs" in the 2010 draft. I believe they have been doing exactly what they should. The QB's available (beyond Bradford) should not have taken where the Bills picked. I do believe CJ Spiller was the best available. Looking down the road to who might be available at QB in the draft next year, we have Jake Locker and Christian Ponder. Mr Nix and Mr Whaley have to be sharp enoough to know the Bills should be in position to get one of these guys. Here are the bottom ten teams in the NFL listed with their current QB, their chances of drafting a QB #1 and listed by their odds of reaching the Super Bowl this year. Bills fans, I think their is a franchise QB on the horizon.


    Denver drafted Time Tebow 2010, not likely


  16. I have a suggestion to those who are going to sign up. I am not a subscriber because my golf on Sunday would not make the puchase cost effective for me, being in the Mountain Time zone. Call DirecTV and tell them you had NFL Sunday Ticket last year, but with the price increase you are going to switch to cable. Watch what happens.

  17. We need to fix the O line with a tackle rich draft. I like Tebow, but with a poor line, we will never go anywhere. Plus Tebow is not worth a top 10 pick.



    With the myriad of needs the Bills have, they need starters from thier first two picks, simple as that. Tebow is not ready to start. If he's there in round three fine. If not, so be it.

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