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Clippers of Nfl

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Posts posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. hahaha wow. "R&B movement"? haha someone needs a music history lesson. blues artists (which is where country gets its roots from) have been dressing like this for years. Bob Dylan had zero influence. R&B isn't a movement. Rhythm and Blues has been around since the 40s. That's when Bob Dylan was born. So really, it would be the reverse.

    haha judging? relax.


    the word is dated. you don't here people referring to dancing as "cutting the rug" or saying "well gee pa, she really is the bee's knees"


    do you now who ACTUALLY came up with that word. Lil Wayne, back in the early 2000s. The word is dated and kind of corny.


    haha and everyone who seems to be furthest away from the culture that they are referring to, are the only ones who use it.

    bling is not outdated yet.

  2. Why do you care what this man, or any player wears?


    they are there to play football, not give fashion tips or adhere to some old stuffy image of "classy"


    Last time a checked, a person's demeanor determined how "classy" they are, not a hat and a necklace.


    As for the "hip-hop artist" comment...yea I could imagine that was a real stretch of the imagination for ya. If he were wearing ANYTHING other than a suit and tie, you would probably draw the same comparison.


    oh and "bling"....yea it's 2015, going on 2016. find a new word.

    First you tell us to not to care or judge his clothes and appearance.

    Then you tell us to use a better word for judging his jewelry appearance?


    I'd rather go with the hip-hop look over the Washed Up Insurance Salesman look




    And all that said, no one is going to beat the Fitzstyle..



    Kyle looks like a he's still in the 70's.


    If you like beards, then Ryan fits the bill.


    Since I hate bearts, Fitz looks yuck to me.

    Let me begin by saying that I approve of the decision to make T-Mobile our day 1 starter.


    Let me say next that if he wants to be the face of this franchise, he needs to work on his...face




    What's with that hat? And the bling? ....C'mon, man!


    What happened to the classy suit and tie?





    Bling looks good. Hat does not.

  4. I think T-Mobile is kind of clever, but I have one issue with it.


    T-Mobile sucks as a cellular provider. You want someone named after the top brand (Verizon), not named after some discount junk service.


    Makes him sound like some budget option for a team that can't afford a real QB.


    (although, come to think of it.....)

    I love the name and I love the service. Never had a problem with Tmobile, the cell company.

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