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Posts posted by BearNorth

  1. Bill Russell won 11 NBA titles as a player, in an era when WIlt was playing. He also won two consecutive NCAA titles including 55 games in a row, and an Olympic Gold Medal [as an amateur].  Second all time in rebounds and rebounds per game and arguably the best post defender ever to play the game.  He changed the game as the first quick, athletic post player.  Also a 6'9" high jumper [when the WR was 7'0"] at at 6-10 could run a sub 50 second quarter mile. Also the first black head coach in a major American Professional Sports League.



  2. On 12/12/2017 at 7:22 PM, 3rdand12 said:

    They should bring in a  Canadian Brewers Retail store set up. Just every Canadian beer we cannot get here and plenty of it.

    all the best Canadiens beer at the ready. They could put it next to Wegmans. I might go to a game again before i die.

     interesting about Cousins , but i feel we have seen inklings in the media since pre season ( ? )

    BraDor would make for an interesting pregame experience

  3. I was at the Raiders Game, the Bills used a lot of emotional energy in that game. 

    Short week, and an opponent whose season went into the dumpster if they lost. 

    Hopefully longer week and getting significant talent back from Injury,

    NO is a dome team, and weather looks kinda sucky for Sunday.

    Breese is an indoor, warm weather QB, hoping for a sleet storm and Lorax attack.



  4. Cookie Gilchrist - The guy who just went up on the wall was an amazing athlete. 6'3" 250 pounds, fast, mean, best blocking running back ever to play the game, at one time also handled PAT's and FG's.


    He was outspoken, and proud, and that was a problem for some people at the time.


    He ran for 243 yards, the pro football record at the time, on a field so bad they would have cancelled the game in the modern era.


    Probably would have been an all-pro if he had played defense as well.

  5. I was there with my son, our 6th Bills game over 27 years. Feel just the way that Shaw does. Cookie going on the wall made the day even more special, Cookie, Shaw, Sestak [all-time great if he had been able to play longer], Kemp, Golden Wheels, Stratton were my childhood heroes and I was fortunate to be in the stands at the Rockpile for Cookie's 5TD Pro Football Rushing record game against the Jets, [which helped the Jets get Namath].


    Special feeling in the OP Yesterday, First Half Weather not pretty, but I sat in bleachers in the Rockpile for the '62 playoff loss to the Patsie, where your seat was the impression of a garbage can in the snow pile on the wooden bleachers.

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