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Utah John

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Posts posted by Utah John

  1. Does anyone know whether any Bills have Parker as their agent, who the Bills haven't had a hard time re-signing? After Jason Peters and Byrd, it seems like Parker's goal in life is to get the really good Bills players he represents, out of Buffalo.

  2. I'm happy with the Watkins pick, but I think Mack would have been better. The Bills D-line is not going to be as good as it was last year, and a strong LB crew would have made up the difference. (Williams*2 will be fine, but Dareus is going to have another loopy year after his recent arrest, and there's no good RDE on the roster.) I think Mack is going to be as good on defense as Watkins will be on offense.

  3. I will argue against all comers that Maybin - because of his draft position, utter lack of production while on the team and the players at his position that we passed over to draft him - was the single worst draft choice in the history of the Bills. If you look back at it, the 2009 draft was a very strange draft indeed. Many, many busts in the top ten (Jason Smith, Tyson Jackson, Aaron Curry, Sanchez, Heyward-Bey) and yet, when the Bills drafted 11 looking for defensive help on the front seven they passed over Orakpo, Brian Cushing and Clay Matthews! Incredible.

    Walt Patulski (#1 overall pick). Al Cowlings. Tom Cousineau.
  4. Boy, 9 or 10 months and memories fade. Tuel looked GREAT in training camp last summer and the Bills used a roster spot to keep him. Other teams also saw how good he looked, and the risk was that if he was cut he would be picked up by some other team before the Bills could sign him to the practice squad. Tuel proceeded to look OK in his only serious game action, against KC, until his crushing stupid pick six cost us the game (and may have saved another draft pick from the cost to get Sammy Watkins, FWIW). The point being, Tuel is not the no-talent loser some people regard him as. As for Guiton, great, he sounds like a good addition. If he beats out Tuel, fine with me. That will mean Guiton has pretty good skills to add to the team.

  5. I think you're right about trades on the second day, and one move I expect to see is Stevie Johnson packaged and shipped. The Bills just gave up three picks for Watkins, a seventh rounder for Williams, and a second and third last year for two more receivers. Johnson could be a good pickup for a team that needs a good #2 or a really good slot receiver to round out its offense.

  6. The key roadblock to either the Green Bay model or the former owners model is that the current owners have to approve all sales of teams. That's a very exclusive club and the guys in it want to bring in more people like themselves. They also don't like the GB model because if all the other clubs were owned by cities, they'd never be able to blackmail their own cities by threatening to move if they don't get new stadiums.

  7. Stevie Johnson might be a bit of a flake but he's getting better and more matured. But when I read the interviews with Mike Williams, he comes across as a totally immature jerk. He was speaking about his former and current coach, and called him Marrone, and talked about how Marrone and he both made mistakes, like Williams is some equal to Marrone. Sorry buddy, you might acknowledge you have some growing up to do, but you're more correct about that than you realize. Johnson might indeed be on the way out, but Williams gets really expensive after this year, and I'll bet a nickel he wears out his welcome in the locker room and on the field this year.

  8. OK, I'm all mushy inside over Moats, got it. But the surprising thing about this is that the mighty Steelers defense is picking up a guy who couldn't get on the field for the un-mighty Bills. Maybe the HC or the DC double-dog-dared the LB coach to take Moats on and make something happen. (You think you're a good coach? OK then I double dog dare you to try to turn Moats into someone the opposition fears.)

  9. I'm glad to see more Fitz defenders than haters here. He has limited ability but makes the most of it, he's a great teammate and leader, and most of all he's the personification of the hardworking lunch-bucket type of player Bills fans like to say they like. He's like Jim Kelly without the great talent. Blaming him for the failure of an organization that keeps Littman and Overdorff employed is just frustration coming out.

  10. I assume the Panthers tried other non-surgery options as long as possible, and when they didn't work decided to do the surgery now so Newton will be back for training camp. Not very mysterious, actually very practical.


    The Panthers are a good team but like all good teams lost players in the off season. The key will be whether they can repair the damage and position themselves for the future. I think WR is their biggest weakness and I figure they'll be drafting a couple of WRs or trading draft picks for some good WR.

  11. The end of the line for Byrd was the Falcons loss in Toronto this year. Go back and read the interviews. Byrd wasn't the only player disgusted by the lack of focus on WINNING. These are pros who want to be paid, but they also want to WIN. The single most important thing the Bills can do to reverse the perception (and reality) that this organization is just about making money for Ralph's estate, and his rich buddies (Littman, you're the devil in a pinstriped suit, and I can't wait till you're gone) is end the Toronto series for good. This series has been an infection in the Bills world, eating away at the team and preventing it from ever getting healthy.

  12. Just wondering if Whitner ever did a wrap-up tackle in SF. I never saw him do one as a Bill. It was always an attempt to make like a missile and knock the guy off his feet, never to wrap up and bring the guy down like everyone's taught in midgets. So a player who can absorb the shot and stay on his feet will be able to recover and get big yards after contact. Does hiring Whitner make sense for the Browns? Ask yourself, would it make sense for the Bills? Get an aging pretty good player and use a lot of cash, preventing development of younger players who need playing time to mature.

  13. I think the ONLY reason for hope is that the Bills pushed back on the Toronto fiasco. I have believed all along that Byrd doubted the organization's commitment to winning watching them give up a home game every year, and certainly gave up on the organization after the Falcons loss. If the Toronto "experiment" is over, the Bills can wipe the egg off their face and try to represent themselves again as a professional team, committed to winning. Byrd wants to win. He wants a SB ring. He's in a position to switch to a team that has a better shot than the Bills do. If the Bills can convince their own players that they also want to win, just maybe Byrd will come back. However I think the chances are much better that this Byrd has flown.

  14. We don't know what went on behind closed doors, but one thing is certain. If the Bills tagged Byrd and then traded him, they could control where he plays next year. It could be he follows Pettine to Cleveland, which is bad enough, but imagine him in a Patriots or Jets or Dolphins uniform licking his chops while EJ checks down.


    I'm looking forward to Duke Williams taking Byrd's place on the Bill's starting defense. Along with Aaron Williams, Kyle Williams, and Mario Williams. We already have Nathan Williams on the roster. I say the Bills go after Brandon Williams, Cary Williams, Dan Williams, D.J. Williams, Ian Williams, Jabara Williams, Jason Williams, Jesse Williams, Nick Williams, Shawn Williams, Steve Williams, and Sylvester Williams. That's more than 11 but we need some subs.

  15. I don't think it's money that's at the top of Byrd's decision criteria. He wants to win, and he doesn't think he can do it here. I think the last straw for him was losing to the Falcons in Toronto. Every player on the team knows the Toronto series shows the Bills aren't about winning, they're about making money for Wilson and his family. There are probably enough good ex-Bills in the NFL now to replace half our starters and would be upgrades, but the Bills are still millions under the salary cap, and they couldn't use that money effectively because few FAs will tolerate an environment like this. How we're able to keep ANY good players is a mystery to me. The Bills will never get past this until the Wilson lapdogs, primarily Jeff Littman, are gone.

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