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Utah John

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Posts posted by Utah John

  1. The Bears rotten O-line vs the Bills superb D-line. Cutler might want to get the flu on gameday morning. The Bills starting defense has looked great in both games. Losing Byrd and Alonso reduces the Bill's D "offensive" potential -- probably won't get as many turnovers -- but the schemes Schwartz has put in place seem to have increased their true-defense capability. Neither the Giant nor the Panthers had any success running against the Bills' starting defense. How long has it been since the run defense looked like a strength.

  2. Maybe it would help if EJ got to practice against the 3rd team defense for a while, to get his confidence up. As it is he's going against possibly the best D line in the NFL, behind a patched up O line with two rookie tackles. Peyton Manning and Tom Brady would get the willies too. Let EJ work against the scrubs for a week and see if he doesn't settle down then.

  3. I would have like to have seen the first unit D for one more series. They totally dominated the Giants, with a three and out and then the Kyle Williams sack fumble. I don't think any of the Giants runners got back to the line of scrimmage against our first unit D. And that was without Gilmore and McKelvin, not that the Giants have a serious passing attack. Eli got pretty good stats against backups, but not against our first unit.

  4. It was Modell's bad business decisions that led to the Browns moving to Baltimore. He got into a cash flow squeeze and the only way he could fine to fix it was to move. That took some doing, too, since the Browns fan base was as active and loyal as the Bills fan base is. But Modell screwed up, and the Cleveland fans got screwed. We can criticize Ralph Wilson for having non-football people (Littman) making football decisions based on being cheap, but Wilson's friend Modell showed what a really bad owner was like.

  5. It was clear Mack was going to go before we drafted at #9. There had even been talk he'd be #1. Since he went #5 (and the Raiders clearly had a need for LBs), it was going to be necessary to move from #9 to #4, and the price to do that was the same whether we planned to draft Watkins or Mack. In my view they're both going to be great players and we would have been winners by picking either one. That said, I would have preferred Mack.

  6. The Kremer story had this quote: "Mateczun maintains that “these girls were never made to do anything they never have wanted to do. We were creating a team of just well-rounded young ladies and they could have resigned at any time.” Just wondering if I'm the only one who noticed the missing word: women. They aren't girls and whether they're ladies or not is their own business. They are women, and when people refer to women as anything else, it degrades them and diminishes them. When Mateczun refers to these employees as girls it indicates he doesn't respect them as equals.

  7. Fitz and Gailey had a better concept for the offense (disregard the errand runner who was designated the O Coordinator) than EJ and whoever the current O Coordinator is. I think Gailey made Fitz as good as Fitz could ever be. And obviously it wasn't enough. Carrying this further, maybe EJ's problems last year were due as much to the O Coordinator than his own limitations and inexperience.

  8. Trump is a low-class spectacle but he's also a good businessman who hires good people to achieve success. Ralph Wilson in contrast was a gentleman who FIRED good people who crossed swords with his daughter, and who tolerated useless bean counters like Littman in key positions in his organization. Thanks Ralph, I hope you're enjoying heaven, now let's see someone who wants to win regardless of loyalty to family and friends.

  9. Spiller is like an exotic sports car. When the car's running perfectly and there are openings in the traffic, it can zoom in and out and get there before anyone else. If there's heavy stop and go traffic, the car's clutch is too finicky to stay with the masses, and the radiator overheats. If there's ANYTHING wrong with the engine, transmission, or tires, fuhgedaboutit. Spiller without good wheels, which unfortunately is most of the time, is a pretty ordinary RB. And unless he's in space, he's no better than your grandfather's Oldsmobile in heavy traffic.

  10. Bulk is good but you need athleticism also. LT requires quick feet, good balance, power, and bulk. Guards have to be able to run at least 15 yards in order to pull. Tackles need to be able to run sometimes too. RTs are facing a lot of teams who put their premium pass rusher on the defense's left side, simply because a lot of RTs are huge but whatever the opposite of agile is. And they all have to be smart.


    So this enormous line sounds great, but this isn't a game of just falling forward onto the D lineman. (Case in point, Eric Pears who is a huge guy too.) Let's see if these guys can really play.

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