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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. what did obama say that was not true? was he wrong on the 10% rule? i honestly dont know... outside of that, what was so bad?
  2. i disagree with my professors all the time.. lol, wouldnt you just make them legal then? so they can pay taxes? shouldnt immigration be quick, like a 2 week background check, and then welcome to america, create something in the market? we wouldnt do this with ohio and michigan, so why not do it with countries on our border that present no military threat? not to mention, the violence on the border is almost exclusively from the drug war...
  3. should they have the option of healthy food? get the !@#$ out... no way man
  4. at school? condoms in hs bad, ( implies personal responsibility, but bad) school lunches full of junk food good, ( implies personal responsibility, but good) so you are saying healthy food should not be an option?
  5.  Less health problems but too much liability. Little Johnny gets hurt...Better Call Saul! Besides, if Little Johnny gets picked last for dodgeball it may hurt his self esteem sure, but it's still a healthy lunch, right? i mean, are 12 year olds going to eat brownies all day... christ
  6. i think he means real savings, as in real currency, or currency backed by real tangible wealth,land, lumber, gold, silver,etc... but yeah, in order to create wealth, you need to get a loan or give out a loan... so im confused too
  7. i had tons of junk food growing up, but i was outside for 6 hrs everyday, and playing sports in school. oh well.... i guess walle is the future... i didnt know that. when my dad was on the bridge card for a couple months, when he was laid off, they had certain restrictions at walmart
  8. they are being forced to eat healthy food? i mean, cant they just pack a lunch of cookies? why is it so bad that school lunches are healthy? should food stamps allow people to eat junk food? outside of the stupid big govt healthy lunches...lol why dont we have sports for 1 hr everyday in school? does that even still exist? that doesnt cost a dime, in fact, it would save money. less health problems probably...
  9. just ordered it. it amazes me that people dont know about this stuff
  10. i agree, some human traits, like jealousy, will not go away. im simply saying, in the most basic way, why is free food or free energy such a bad thing? never mind if it's actually true. if you grant the premise as true, why would that be bad? yes, other problems always exist, there is no utopia, but if free food and energy can be made possible, then why would you not want to do that? not to be a dick, i dont understand why this is a problem? it's like not wanting to invent the combustible engine, and you would rather walk 100 miles?? i mean, are you arguing against technological progress? i dont get it?
  11. keeping the faith in fine, but blindly following bad management is not a recipe for success... the team needs to win 2 of the next 3 to have any real shot and show they are actually good... im sick of " potential "... it is what it is...
  12. im voting for obama? lol no.... the sun is not renewable given technical efficiency/sustainability?
  13. its simply a video i watched a few days ago. its has to do with how scarcity causes immense conflict which arises out of our enviroment. ( it's necessary in order to survive to some degree) which causes other psychological problems, abberant behavior, wars, etc. ( its not the only cause of conflict, but it is a cause)... he presents some solutions on energy and food distribution. it seemed pretty cool, and was not in the context of left/right politics, but empirical facts about how the environment will dictate much of our behavior, and consequently those behavioral traits are passed down as successful and become conditional... e.g. humans have aggressive instincts within some context... a micro example would be babies that are not touched and not shown love, they will die. or if a child is raised in an abusive home, they usually end up being abusive as adults... he thinks scarcity, and the psychological affects of competition over those resources cause this conflict and aggressive behavior.( again, not the only cause), which makes sense, of course we want to live and flourish... he says we need a technical solution, not a left or right paradigm
  14. so... fossil fuels- probably a 100 years at best... the sun- 6 billion years... sure tom, it's finite, just like our galaxy... and the universe... lol, why do you play these stupid semantic games... you know what i mean the sun? lol
  15. to install another dictator more friendly to US interest, ie oil...lol ask yourself this tom, outside of all the great books you read, why were we so interested in iraq for half a century? did we just really love iraqi people? or maybe, just maybe, was it two superpowers fighting over resources...
  16. the wind? solar? hydropower? i thought the sun will last for another 6 billion years? isnt the question just creating the tech to harness it in such an efficient way?
  17. a video on politics? really? seriously, and im saying this with pure intentions, what is your problem? i mean, if you dont want to watch it, then dont. if you watch it and disagree, say why. im guilty of it too, but all we do on this board is ignore the actual ideas, and just insult one another.... ppp is like the view...
  18. relax, you dont have to listen to it... productive response... why do i even try...
  19. no, the current condition is based on finite resources. tech can expand the lifetime of those resources, and some energy, ( like the sun), are limitless for all intents and purposes... but the tech has to catch up to harness it... but yeah, some resources are finite, some renewable.... some are, renewable energy is not.... other aspects of resources could be managed to keep them sustainable. if not, we fail as a humans... im not so sure we disagree. obviously, where human labor is needed, then surely austrian economics might be a good alternative. but the goals is to have basic needs met through tech and renewable energy... like i said, food and energy are a great place to start.
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