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Phil Hansen Forever

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Posts posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. I'm all for the tailgate, it's part of what sustains us as Bills fans. But I'm utterly disgusted and embarrassed at the condition of these lots come game time. I typically walk through 5a on way in from my spot along southwestern and California and its is like these losers are tailgating in a landfill. There is literally garbage everywhere. Not a few bottles and trash close to people's cars or tailgate areas but literally strewn across the entire aisle.


    I guess breaking glass and smashing all you stuff and then wallowing in it like swine for 3 hours is fun but these people, probably mainly college kids obviously think its cool. I think it's a disgrace and I'm as much for a good time and mischief as the next guy but these jokers have taken it to a new low. Game after game. This is the type of stuff that gives the city and people a blackeye when out of towners visit.


    Time for security and the sheriffs to start writing citations for littering. It's I'd public property after all and we'd never see that in a park.


    Maybe in my late 30s when Im as economically viable as I've ever been and should be a target demographic for this team to focus on, this stadium experience is passing me by. Lots of friends And coworkers that are older stopped going around my age, complaining about the morons. But I don't think it's me getting older as much as it is a complete lack of respect, both for other people and themselves, that these young college age morons bring to the game.


    My wife and I drove from Minnesota to see a game back in 05. The lot was across from the main gate, don't remember which one. We paid for a lot parking spot, but drove around for over a hour (1 HOUR) before some guy finally moved his bbq grill, 16 chairs, two beer kegs, and whatever else he had in five parking spots to let us in. We should have just moved on. After the game, our car was covered in puke, broken beer bottles were everywhere, but thankfully we didn't blow a tire driving over them.


    The yard cops just laughed at the sight of our car and told us next time to take the bus. They made disparaging comments about being dumb enough to come to the game and park in Bills Nation and being a fan of the opposing team. First, my car has numerous Bills bumper stickers, and 2nd the Bills were playing the Fish at home. I wrote the Bills organization and got a canned response about how they support tailgaters and to thank us for driving 800 miles to the game.


    We have since gone to KC for another Bills game, of course we were here at the Dome when Bledsoe and company came here to play, and nobody treated us as poorly as the Bills Fans at home. We swore off ever attending another Bills game unless we do take a bus and get prime seats. We also got puked on from above by some drunk kid not old enough to shave yet. It was a memorable game.

  2. Besides Marv Levy Perry Fewell was the best head coach EVER for the Bills! That was a mistake firing the entire coaching staff, should have made Perry head coach and Bobby April assistant head coach/ special teams. Young guy, players like him, defensive minded and now has Jewelry on his hand!


    Perhaps you forgot about Lou Saban. Lou won two Championships. Marv zero

  3. David Lee was brought in and touted as a QB mechanics guru who would help Fitz's accuracy and consistency. Well, we've seen the result of his tutelage. Fitz has been more inaccurate and inconsistent than we have ever seen. He seems to lack confidence completely sometimes when he is throwing.


    It is clear to me at this point that Fitz is never going to be an elite quarterback. I don't even think there is potential to get into the 2nd tier of guys like Flacco or Ryan. He is in his thirties. It is not the time to be messing with his throwing motion and mechanics. If he has to go out there and mentally focus on mechanics, then we have ourselves a problem. Am I saying he should stop developing? No. However, stick with the throwing motion that he is comfortable with and get the most out of him as you can. This offseason, be certain to exhaust all options to pick up a young potentially elite QB. As a matter of fact make sure you do it! Even if it means giving things up. Begin developing him under Fitz for one year (barring Fitz is good enough to even stick around).


    In the mean time, fire David Lee! He really isn't helping anything. I want to see some heads roll for this quarterback play.


    Depending on how good the defense actually is, I think the Bills might have a shot at being decent even with Fitz as more of a game manager. We cannot depend on Fitz throwing 3 TDs and 300 yards for wins. Play to our strengths for now and get a freaking elite QB no matter what this offseason!


    I'm with you there. Trying to retrain someone who is that old is not going to happen. Let Fitz return to his old ways, at least he had balls and didn't mind airing it out. He looks gunshy and uncoordinated.

  4. Disclaimer: I started going to games in the Rockpile in the 60s, so I come from a different era.


    I understand the need to improve the Ralph for engineering safety and integrity purposes - 40 years is old for a concrete structure.


    But do we really need wider concourses, more video screens and try to make the stadium more in line with the new stadiums being built?


    I've not heard many people say they don't go to games because its too crowded or too hard to see the replays. It's not the most comfortable place, but I prefer to get to my seat and stand there and scream for three hours and then slide on out. If I want comfort I stay in my comfy living room. I kinda like our stark, old school stadium! I'm going to watch football, not the friggin opera!


    And we aren't competing with Indy or Dallas or Jersey for where we choose to watch a game, so why do we need to upgrade the stadium to try and keep up with those cities?


    Just seems like the stadium improvements could easily be limited to what is necessary to maintain the structural safety of the Ralph and leave it at that. If we do keep the team here long term, a new stadium is going to be needed eventually, so why spend the extra bucks for comfort improvements now?


    Just wondering if I'm in the minority and most people (who actually attend the games) feel we need to improve the comfort factor at the Ralph.


    From my limited experience at the Ralph, I will say they need bigger restrooms, or troughs. The women wait in line forever, and the men just pee in the sinks. If you visit other stadiums, the restrooms are twice the size and about 1/4 more in number than the Ralph. With all the beer consumed there, you would think they would have huge urinals....

  5. Well, you got me on that one. But his wife is much younger than he is, so that might be the issue. Just transferring the title and allowing his daughter to continue to run the business. Ralph is no idiot. He didn't get to be a near billionaire by not being smart. He had plenty of opportunities over the years to move the team, but chose not too.


    I don't always agree with his coach selections, and certainly not his miserly ways, but you can't argue with getting great tickets for about $100 under that of other larger/newer stadiums. My wife and I have visited several others over the years, and can never find great seating for under $175 except in Buffalo. He could easily demand a ticket increase and get it, but has chosen not to do that.


    From all accounts, his daughter is pretty smart and football savy. You never know, but if I were him and wanted to continue the legacy, I would bring family in to keep it going.

  6. Everything is quite clear now: the Buffalo Bills will be sold to the highest bidder upon Ralph Wilson's death in order to maximize his family's inheritance. Never mind what we all think of Ralph Wilson anymore. That isn't what I want this thread to devolve into...


    So the battle for the Bills will likely be between:


    1. the best Buffalo ownership group

    2. the best Toronto ownership group

    3. the best LA ownership group


    Needless to say, things look very grim for the team's future in Buffalo. LA is the third largest metro area in North America with 18+ million people and an economy that absolutely dwarfs WNY's. Toronto checks in at about #8 with 7 million people and an economy that also dwarfs Buffalo's. There are rich guys out there who have $$$ signs in their eyes over the potential....


    All Buffalo has are:


    1. various internet rumors of interest from Terry Pegula, Tom Golisano, Jeremy Jacobs, Bob Rich, Danny Wegman, and Donald Trump.

    2. a very loyal fanbase that has taken 53 years and 3 generations to build.

    3. a serviceable NFL stadium (something that neither Toronto nor LA have at the moment).

    4. Jim Kelly prancing around Orchard Park over the past few years, seemingly quite confident that the Bills will stay in Buffalo.


    Ok, enough of my preamble. Here's my general question for the message board: what the !@#$ is up with this alleged ownership group that Jim Kelly has assembled? If it exists, why can't us Bills fans know a little something more about it? Why aren't the various WNY sports journalists asking more pointed questions about it? Does anyone here know ANYTHING about any of this?


    This is getting really !@#$ing ridiculous. Bills fans have put up with a lot of bull **** over the years with this team. If we're no longer deserving of an NFL franchise, then we are at least entitled to some !@#$ing answers.


    I can't agree with that. What if Ralph just gives the team to his daughter who is already an executive within the organization and primed to take over, as if she might be already doing right now? Has anyone even considered that Ralph has outsmarted everyone so far and slipped his daughter in early to learn the business from the ground up?

  7. Marg Levy is a better leader of men than anything else.


    Marv has a unique ability to draw people to him and bring together a group of people with different backgrounds and desires. He was an amazing mentor to his team, but he rarely ever was able to control them, especially before, during or after the Superbowls. Marv appeared to have no concern about Kelly's drinking and carousing behaviors. Kelly never addressed being counseled about his behavior or any restrictions placed upon him before any of the "Big Games".


    Look at all the Superbowl winners. Their coaches had bedchecks and strict curfews. They ensured each player was sober before going to bed the night before the game. If Marv was such a great coach, why didn't he force Thurman back in after the fumble instead of letting him weasel out and sit on the bench? Where was the hip pointer after the game? Marv's legacy is that of leadership and mentoring, but his skill in coaching is certainly questionable. He didn't choose the players, Polian did. However, he did lead them back from despair after each loss, to repeat the process. Somewhere he should have addressed the partying and put a stop to it. That is what coaches do, they take responsiblity for their players. Marv failed in that regard.

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