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Phil Hansen Forever

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Posts posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. and a very, VERY sterile atmosphere..

    Exactly. I hated the old dome and the crappy conditions. The new dome looks like crap to begin with and you are correct, a sterile environment with no fun in the experience. I've been there often and parking within 3 blocks is upwards of $100 and out 5-7 blocks is more reasonable at $50+. If you take the Hiawatha train and park at the Mall of America or anywhere downstream for Minneapolis, it's only a few dollars to ride, but the trains are packed and full of gangstas and pickpockets.

  2. It's not like the other tall glass buildings in town aren't doing the same thing. The IDS tower for example has regular bird hits, but the pinkos won't declare it to changed out, only the violent, masculine football stadium owners need to be careful.

    Jesus. We need to spend 25-60 million to protect birds from themselves? Man I try to be sympathetic in many cases but this is ridiculous.

  3. I see all of this excitement and optimism but I just can't join in. And for the most part, I agree with most of the ESPN commentators when they talk about this change. I think we made a poor decision based upon our situation and are essentially throwing away any progress we made last year.


    When I think about how the season ended and where we were at in terms of progression:

    • Best record in over a decade
    • Best defense in over a decade
    • Year two of consistency
    • Declining Offense with no answer at QB


    Based off of that, what did we improve?


    • We brought in a defensive minded coach who runs a completely different scheme. A coach that ran a defense that made Kyle Orton look like Aaron Rodgers. I mean, we shredded them TWICE. A defense that was terrible against the run. Also, in making this change, we are going back to playing people out of position and reducing players like Hughes to situational pass rushers
      • This is speculation, but I'm also afraid that we are going to have to waste FA money and draft picks to bring in people to fit this scheme.
    • Offensively, we brought in an offensive coordinator who had Kaep regress under his watch. And sorry, but Kaep is better than EJ. They were terrible in the passing game with legit receivers and a Pro-Bowl TE. I get that they played elite defenses, but this is the NFL and no one is a cake walk. He produces a running game, but is based upon an offensive line that probably won't be able to be reproduced here with our talent for a little while.

    End of the day, while personnel is a big factor, scheme and coaching is too. When the season ended, would you have wanted the San Fran offense and the Jets defense to replace our team? I would say no 10 times out of 10.


    I get it. Fresh start, new players to them. But these are big leaps of faith that we can have the running game being promised and that the final 3 years of Rex's coaching career were the anomaly compared to his first 3 years as a head coach.


    Again, I want to be optimistic but we basically gutted our strength and reinforced our weakness.

    I'm with you on this. Bad decision choosing Rex. It will come back to bite them in the ass. The Bills destroyed his perfect defense with a subpar QB in Orton. The Bills ran through them and now we are going to put our trust in Rex, while letting Schwartz walk the plank. Rex is another screw-up with a famous father but can't produce the same results as his old man. No winning record, no ability to control his QBs and now wants to ruin a top 10 defense.

  4. Rex Ryan is a thin-skinned, loud-mouth, egotistical jerk! I just don't see him fitting in in Buffalo. The first time something goes wrong, Ryan will throw someone under the bus. He'll publicly point fingers. He'll alienate too many people in and outside of the Buffalo Bills.


    Plus, the Buffalo Bills really need a head coach whom can develop an offense and quarterback.


    Thumbs down!

    I couldn't agree more. He is a clone of Marrone. No improvement and likely a bigger dumb ass than we just got rid of.

  5. Another losing record coach. He couldn't control the Jets, now he takes on the mess Marone left and wants to replace Schwartz with his guy Thurman. Great, the Bills beat the Jets twice this year, and he wants to replace a great DC with a limp dick. Here we go again, another 15 years before we get to the playoffs.

  6. Welcome. People love to get your goat around this place. State your opinion. argue for a little bit. Then move on to next topic. don't take things personal and you will fit right in don't forget to send me a bottle of wine.


    Welcome. People love to get your goat around this place. State your opinion. argue for a little bit. Then move on to next topic. don't take things personal and you will fit right in don't forget to send me a bottle of wine.

    You have to drive to Iowa to get my goats, and they probably wouldn't mind. It's warmer in NY than here.

  7. Same ****, different year. It doesn't matter who is in charge, we still suck each year. I've been watching them suck since 1963 and it doesn't get any better with age. The Superbowl years were an aberration, a fluke and only because of Bill Polian. Ralph fired him too and told Wade to play Porcelain Rob instead of Flutie. Here we sit broken hearted, another year wasted should have partied.

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