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Phil Hansen Forever

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Posts posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. If only from a leadership and longevity standpoint AND being a leader by example on one of the top lines in NFL history. Does anybody else remember feeling the pride of having 'old man Reggie' still manning the line in the in the early 80's. Does anybody else remember that he was the main pulling guard that terrorized the league for OJ? He was a Buffalo Bill of definitive status.


    I'm with you there. He should have been up years ago, just like Lou Saban.

  2. OK in 2 hours will be June 1st. Time to start the annual 20 page thread about what kind of a deal and how much everyone got off Sunday Ticket. I'm trying to decide if better to call now and see what I get or wait until closer to season. When do they offer more? Personally I'm looking for hardware of $$ off, want a mini Genie, but will settle for both.


    Just cancel your account for 30 days and start it again in your wife's name. Problem fixed, free Sunday ticket for one YEAR!

  3. He wasn't clutch at all, always folding at the worst possible times. Also had zero pocket presence and would consistently turn a 5-yard sack into a 10+ yard sack by running backwards from the pressure. His leadership skills were extremely weak, always hanging his head down after a mistake (sad sack).


    To his credit, he did have a strong arm and was pretty tough. All-in-all though, I would have to rate him mediocre at best.

    I remember the sacks and the strong arm. I remember a nice guy who always took time out to meet the fans and never had a bad word about anyone. He was a leader on and off the field. He was never great in the minds of the sportscasters, but he was better than some and certainly not as good as Staubach and Bradshaw.


    Compared the latest Bills QB's, he was the equivalent to Fitz, but had an arm like porcelain Rob. He couldn't stand in the pocket long, but could take a hit and sure did, and often. He didn't have the flair of Flutie, but was smarter than J.P. Losman.


    I suppose he was a lot like Bledsoe in his early years. I liked the man and still do. He took the blame when things went poorly, and never took the acclaim when it went well. A real gentleman throughout his life.

  4. Niagara Falls is the logical choice - lots of cheap land available, next to a world-famous attraction, no need to build more hotels as there are tens of thousands already available between NF, NY and ON. Closer proximity to the affluent Canadian market. The only real concern (and it's not a small one) is the G.I. Bridges. If an accident occured on one it would delay much of the crowd in arriving in time for the game.


    Build it at Love Canal, I'm sure you could get the land pretty cheap.

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