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Posts posted by judman

  1. Adam Vinitieri's foot got him at least 2-3 of those rings.


    He should thank the videographers and deflators. "This is for all of those hard working needles out there! Let out a loud weeeeesh for the crowd."


    Followed by the crowd going pssshhhhhhh pssshhhhhhh!

  2. We're planning a group trip this fall for the Saints game. Some people in the group are wondering if the club seats (M&T, Time Warner, etc.) are an option.


    I'm intrigued by the clubs as I've never sat in them. They look great with the buffet and the open bar option. All that comes at a cost I'm sure. I was wondering if anyone has sat there and could provide me with some feedback. What was the cost? Did you feel like it was worth it, etc.


    Thanks in advance for your feedback. Go Bills!

  3. I don't think he was talking about the Brady situation where a rookie backup later earned the job.


    From the examples I saw it as 3-4 year backup that flashed 1-2 times and got handed a long term big deal starter deal.


    Matt Schuab being a prime example of it working well. Cassel being a mediocre one at best, rob Johnson and on and on.


    Even favre isn't really what I read his question as intending


    Hell, even tyrod is probably a stretch as we didn't give him a starter deal out of the gate

    This is EXACTLY what I meant in the original post. Name a QB that was a backup, flashed a bit, and got a big deal with another team through trade or free agency.


    There are many examples of big deals like this that didn't work (Flynn, Osweiler) as stated. Who is the guy that had that big deal around him and the fans say "I cannot believe he was the backup for that team, look what he's done for us?" Even Young was in waiting for a while before he started for SF.


    If no one has already then I'll say it - Simmer down, the joke is based off of the female comedian Janeane Garofalo.




    I think its a pretty rough question because the phrase "backup qb" is widely undefined. If you include starting QB's that moved on or were replaced then the list gets much bigger, but strictly backups? Not many.

    Seen a lot of "janine" posts on here over the last year, or two. For a while it was as common as "pats*"

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