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Posts posted by BillsGuru4

  1. If there's one old NFL adage that seems to consistently ring true, it's 'when you Draft for Need, (TE in the 2nd), you'll eventually fail. Yes, we now really need a TE, but our picks are a real precious commodity this year, so BPA on the Board at the time is the time-tested best way to go. JMO

    I agree 100%, but the top te's this year are projected to be second rounders, im always against reaching for need.
  2. I have a feeling clay is out of the picture, the dolphins said today that they want to extend him. I fully agree with the op's idea, well done sir, though i dont know much about preston smith. I think we should sign gresham and draft the best available te in the second, if everything else you talked about happens. We have good back up olinemen as is. I think duke williams is the perfect ss for rex, he lays the lumber, graham can fill in as well.


    Im also excited to see manny lawson this year, i loved him under pettine, he was invisible last year though. Imo he is a younger better calvin pace.

  3. I don't miss Thad, but I did love pettine when he was with us, I was upset when he left as I am sure most of us were. I used to want to wish him the best but after him going after Hughes and now clay, this Thad signing just upsets me. I will now actively root against the frowns.

  4. [quote name="C.Biscuit97"

    Thanks for sharing. The most disturbing part is Losman couldn't get chicks. I would have given up on him way sooner if I knew this. Qbs should kill it.


    I had a table full of cute girls and he was sitting with some of his offensive linemen. I got up to get drinks and he came up to me and said, "I'm an nfl quarterback, why are no girls approaching me" I just said, they don't know who you are, bud. He was a back up to Drew at this time but a first rounder nun the less. Kid had no moxy

  5. Hello all, I'm a long time reader of tbd and used to write posts but my password got messed up and I just decided to stick to reading all of your posts everyday for the last 10 years or so. I'm not sure if anyone has posted this before but I just wanted everyone to know that our upper management definitely knows about our favorite site. I am from Pittsford and my favorite time of year is training camp because the players are always out at the local bars. From Bledsoe almost spitting dip on my foot, to having drinks with Aaron schobel to Jp losman asking me why no girls hit on him, I've seen a lot of them around. Lawyer Malloy drove the biggest truck I've ever seen, with full size lcd tv's in it.

    Last summer dw and rb were out a fair amount, they love to have fun, so I offered them a shot of crown and they accepted. That bought me a little conversation time so I told them how happy I was with the direction of the team and asked them if they knew about tbd and both immediately said oh yeah. I thought that was very cool and just wanted to share.

    Ps. If we sign clay and harvin I will be the happiest fan ever. Draft the monster guard from duke in the second and we are well on our way. GO BILLS!!!

  6. paulus was the #1 recruit in basketball and football and he was offered scholarships from miami and notre dame among many others. he chose to be a point guard at duke instead of a quarterback. He has one year of elligibility left to play football and he is going back to his home town to do it. Good for him and good for cuse, its almost like the TO situation, syracuse cant get much worse so they have nothing to lose by signing him. The upside is much larger, GO TO and GO Paulus

  7. well if nic harris ends up being a good LB then most posters on here should feel stupid, and if he doesn't you should still feel stupid because you should support our moves...he's a late pick and I'm just hoping that he turns out to be better than keith ellison which is not that hard to do. I dont mean to sound like a jerk but common, who cares how high he can jump, so he isnt as athletic as patrick willis, he is a better option than ellison in my mind and i support our coaching moves and our draft so far. Dont get me wrong, if this season turns out to be bad then bye bye DJ but lets try to be positive.

  8. Yeah, I admit I've been influenced by the articles since the draft. But what encourages me more than anything is that he grew up around the game. The PRO game. Can anyone say "DB version of Larry Fitzgerald?" If he already has a command of angles he won't have too much of a problem making the transition to FS. He's a natural ball hawk. And will be MORE of one given the freedom he'll have at FS; his more natural position. If, and it's a HUGE if, we can generate ANY type of pressure with a pass rush and force QBs to hurry a bit more, he's gonna be a force. I'm talking an ED REED type of force.


    There, I said it. It's out there. We make QBs as uncomfortable as the Ravens do with their fronts, then we have the next Ed Reed at FS. Go ahead. Flame away. But it's the offseason, we are tied for 1st in the conference, and I'm tired of all the pee in my cornflakes around here.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I love it and you are correct, we got ed reed with the 42nd over all pick. If only we had Nagta next to stroud instead of no one opposing qb's would be throwing ducks for byrd to pick off. I am lovin maybin and i hope that first step is just as explosive after he puts on a few lbs...Im very excited about this season and although i didnt love the byrd pick at first, it only took a few minutes for me to think about it and if dante can be a stud SS and Byrd can be a stud FS then I will be one happy bills fan and I will support DJ

  9. One of the things that I find interesting is this:


    - Sanchez....started a handful of games GREATEST PICK OF THE WHOLE DRAFT


    - Maybin....started a handful of games WTF WERE THEY THINKING HE IS A ONE YEAR WONDER



    What did they give up for Sanchez?


    What did we give up for Maybin?


    Thank you!!! I hate the fact that the majority of Bills fans always have to complain about something. Granted we havnt been in the playoffs in 9 years and that sucks, but Maybin is a Bill now so support him, no one has seen him play in the NFL yet so why not stay positive and let his performance speak for its self. My dad is one of those bills fans, he wont give praise when we have a sweet touchdown play but he will be the first to say bench the qb after a pick...it makes me sick

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