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Posts posted by BillsGuru4

  1. Kind of careless with that "everyone," aren't you? Oh, and regarding him as "useless" shows a depth of ignorance about his job and how well he does it. He ain't the QB, he ain't the HC, he ain't the GM, he's the prez, running the business end of things which, by all reports, is just fine financially. He serves at the pleasure of the team owners who so far appear delighted with him. And should he want to fire the HC or the GM, I don't think he can do that without consultation and approval of said owners. In any case, he won't be consulting you or any of us around here.


    While we're at it, what do you mean when you say "he actually hurts us"? Has he been going around to your house and pounding you in the nose? Or by "us" do you mean the Bills? In which case, unless you're a Pegula, you've somehow gotten yourself confused: You are a fan, not an owner. Not even the wretched Rex is hurting you, he's just doing a lousy job with an asset in which you have not a penny at stake. You can walk away at anytime and no one will notice. We all can because...we're just fans, nothing more.


    But you won't and I won't because...we're Bills fans, conditioned to this level of suckitude, used to having our souls repeatedly feed through the cosmic wood chipper, habituated to being out of it by the end of one September after another. Other than a couple of brief moments in time, that's the way it's always been. That's why, even if Brandon was as lousy as you think he is, you should embrace him because he fits in perfectly with the long and losing tradition of our chosen Vale of Tears. So wipe away those tears and soldier on; the off-season is close at hand.



    By us I mean bills nation. You can continue to be miserable and hire/fire coaches every couple years and keep everything else the same. The NFL is a juggernaut and anyone could run the business side, he has been around for too long and therefore is part of the problem. We need to get rid of everyone that is complacent with losing.

  2. Obviously we have some compensatory picks coming our way, but right now how many picks do we have and in what rounds? I will be watching every second of our remaining games of course, but I know our season is over, knew it after the Raiders game. I just like to think about next years draft every year as soon as we are eliminated.


    This is my 100th post but I have been a member since '09 and been reading the site for many years before that. I'm celebrating my 100th by moving on from '16 season!

  3. If we could claim him, then convince him to sign a reasonable deal with us, I'd be ok with it. We need as much help as we can get. But if it's just for the rest of the season, any non playoff team would be foolish to claim him, considering his contract is up at seasons end.

  4. Fire all coaches, especially the trainers. Our number of injuries every year is sickening. Tag Gilmore, draft WR,S,RT. Cut Tyrod and try to re-sign him to a contract he deserves, sign a vet qb and let cardale comete in camp. I thought he looked good in preseason. We have a good team, it's just better when we run a 4-3, and have coaches that preach accountability. We have no discipline.

  5. Dak Prescott (will be stuck in wage scale for four years)

    Zeke Elliot (monster RB with four more years)

    Jaylon Smith (Top 10 talent...wait and see for 2017)

    O Line ...enough said


    Jerry has assembled a strong young team. Is already re-doing some O line contracts, defense may be suspect, but look what he assembled in one or two years.


    Meanwhile, in Buffalo:


    Old Shady with a lot of $$$

    Dareus (3rd pick, lots o' $$$, groin is ouchy)

    Sammy (gave away three first round picks for a WR with a hurt foot)

    Lorax (love the guy but age will catch up to him)

    Shaq (missed 7 games)

    Gilmore...(fill in the blank)


    Jerry has every reason to be named "GM of the Year"


    Gave away 3 first rounders for Sammy?? If my memory serves we gave our first rounder that year, and a first and 4th the following year and received their first. So really we only "gave away" 1 first rounder

  6. Matt Cassel is not a good QB. He was benched for Brady Quinn and never got the job back. He is for sure in the NFL's bottom five of starting QBs if he's our starter.


    The 2015 offense hinges on either Manuel, Taylor or maybe even the QB we pick at #50 if they do that. Cassel is an "emergency backup QB only" IMO. No way will I believe that it was Greg Roman's master plan to have Matt Cassel run his 2015 offense for a whole year. Cassel was essentially replaced by Roman's rejected QB Alex Smith.

    Matt cassel has made a pro bowl. How many pro bowls has sam bradford made? Everyone expects the bills to make a wrong move, lets give our new staff the benefit of the doubt. Personally ive never been more excited for a season.
  7. Normally this is correct, but in this case McGahee said some pretty bad things about Buffalo and our women as he left town. Things that got picked up by the national media. He deserves it more than say Whitner or Byrd.

    Whitner talked crap about buffalo too, not to the same extent of willis. But people like winfield shouldnt be hated on

  8. I wanted to vote yes, but by the bills taking their sweet time and miami unloading salaries i had to vote no. Im very happy about the harvin acquisition though, now lets please convince chip kelly that he needs goodwin and work a deal for mathis. When chandler gets cut in tc maybe we can pick him back up. I have a feeling wright is better.

    Yolo, you need to fix it - 5 day match period for the Phins, soonest we could sign him is 5 days, if he got his offer today


    Unless the Phins untransitioned him while I wasn't watching?

    Pretty sure its 7 days
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