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Bad Lieutenant

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Posts posted by Bad Lieutenant

  1. Here is a
    of the goons beating up a black man selling "Don't tread on me" flags.



    How's this for irony-the guy doesn't even have health insurance.




    Gladney did not address Saturday's crowd of about 200 people. His attorney, David Brown, however, read a prepared statement Gladney wrote. "A few nights ago there was an assault on my liberty, and on yours, too." Brown read. "This should never happen in this country."


    Supporters cheered. Brown finished by telling the crowd that Gladney is accepting donations toward his medical expenses. Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance.


    Looks like he has an interesting alternative to Obama's plan-begging!

  2. Wow, the DNC's' brilliant PR plan is to start marginalizing all of the angry people at the town hall meetings and paint them as part of an organized mob from the far right?




    Here's a fun example of astroturfing in its purest form: A woman attending a town hall event for Rep. Steve Kagen (D-WI), and--while loudly raising objections to the Democrats' health care reform proposal--insisting she's just a regular concerned citizen. Except, she's actually a GOP official.


    Heather Blish was vice-chairman of the Kewaunee County GOP until 2008. She actually worked for Kagen's opponent, and, according to her own resume, is affiliated with the Republican National Committee.

  3. Aw...look at the liberals...all upset because their own tactics are being used against them.


    Their own tactics? Liberals couldn't even make it through the door at any of Bush's events.




    “There is an active campaign underway to try and disrupt and disturb his events in hopes of undermining his objective of fixing Social Security,” White House spokesman Trent Duffy told FOXNews.com. “If there is evidence there are people planning to disrupt the president at an event, then they have the right to exclude those people from those events


    The three, who are members of the Denver Progressives (search) political activist group, did have T-shirts tucked under their business attire calling for Bush to “stop the lies,” but a plan to brandish them during the program had been abandoned earlier and the shirts never saw the light of day, Recht said.


    Secret Service (search) in Denver told the three the next day that the bumper sticker on their car, which read “No More Blood for Oil,” a common anti-Iraq war slogan, triggered the ejection.


    “They were kicked out of this venue and not allowed to hear what the president had to say based solely on this political bumper sticker,” Recht told AP.


    Complaints about audience choreography were also prevalent during the presidential campaign. Numerous reports described how attendees to Bush rallies were turned away for wearing pro-John Kerry T-shirts and stickers. The New York Times reported in September that in order to ensure tickets for the event, people were encouraged to do volunteering for the local Bush campaign.


    A week before a Bangor, Maine, event in which first lady Laura Bush was scheduled to campaign for her husband, the paper reported that ticket seekers were asked to fill out questionnaires, stating home and e-mail addresses, Social Security numbers and pledges of support for the president.


    More recently, The Albuquerque Journal reported that people seeking tickets through New Mexico Republican Sen. Pete Domenici's office for a March 22 Social Security event were quizzed about their support of the president ahead of time.

  4. Afghanistan: Surge it up...Employ every warfare method...Flamethrowers, FA bombs, Thermoberic weaponry.



    Agreed. While Al-Qaeda camps in Tora Bora with their noob tubes, 3xFrags, and matrydom our troops need to be outfitted with Juggernaut, Stopping Power, and M16's with ACOG scopes......oh wait that's Call of Duty 4.

  5. Says who? You? Sorry, but I hardly think you or some columnist at the Post are the arbiters of that.


    I don't have to be, the footage of the Teabaggers speak for itself. Their main grievances seem to be that Obama's plan will euthanize the elderly, lead to eugenics, and cover illegal immigrants. All BS. Throw in their constant shrieking of the racially coded "I want my country back" and you've got another full blown white trash temper tantrum on your hands.

  6. What happens if Crabtree does reenter the NFL draft do the 49ers get a pick for next year as compensation? Or is it tough sh--? To me the NFL rookie system is bs. They should go to a slotting system the fact that you can draft a guy and have him hold out for a big portion of camp is ridiculous. I hope in the next CBA they have a predetirimned salary system for the draft.


    No. The last time this happened (I think) was when Bo Jackson was drafted 1st overall by TB in 1986.

  7. Pot. Kettle. Black.


    Well then Pot, Kettle, Black squared back at you my friend.


    Pot? This is kettle...




    Pot, meet kettle.


    If that's not the pot calling the kettle...


    Hi pot! This is kettle!



    Hello pot, this is kettle.



    Pot, this is kettle.



    If Senator Kerry is saying that President Bush has done a lousy job isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.


    Hello pot, this is kettle. You black?
  8. "The thought police would get him just the same. He had committed--would have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper--the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you." - George Orwell, 1984



    So this of all things is what it takes for people to invoke George Orwell? Not The Patriot Act, "enhanced interogations", "extraordinary renditions", No Child Left Behind, The Help America Vote Act, The Global War on Terror, or The Axis of Evil? Nothing Orwellian about these right?

  9. funny, in that link I found this:


    He has been embroiled in controversy surrounding his public comments about the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Gates by the Cambridge, Mass., police. All of these are possible reasons for the decline in Obama's approval rating.


    Exactly, the Gates thing drove his AR down to 52% last week.

  10. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=apHNO9NOUupo


    President Barack Obama’s approval rating is falling on concern unemployment is rising and the budget deficit will grow, a Quinnipiac University poll shows.


    Exactly half of the registered voters surveyed from July 27 to Aug. 3 by Quinnipiac said they approve of the job Obama is doing, compared with 42 percent who disapprove. That’s down from 57 percent approval and 33 percent disapproval in a poll taken in late June, according to results released today.


    Americans are upset about rising unemployment and worried that health-care plans making their way through Congress will add to the U.S. budget deficit, said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Hamden, Connecticut-based polling institute. The combination has helped drive down the president’s ratings.


    A “willingness to give him the benefit of the doubt is, among some voters, evaporating,” Brown told reporters in Washington yesterday.


    I thought this was interesting:


    Quinnipiac took the poll in the middle of a controversy over Obama’s remarks about the arrest of Harvard University scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. Gates, who is black, was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge after a confrontation at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with a white police officer.


    Obama, asked about the incident during a July 22 news conference, said police “acted stupidly” in making the arrest. In the poll, voters by 49 percent to 33 percent said Obama acted “stupidly” when he waded into the matter. Even so, 55 percent said they approved of the way Obama is handling race relations.




    Gallup has Obama up 3 points since the Gates fiasco.



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