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Everything posted by Cuze

  1. I think all you guys are living in a dream world.
  2. I sort of agree with you but all i'm saying is people keep talking about him as if he has lit it up somewhere else before he came to the bills and he has not.
  3. He is the type of guy who could cost us some games with his stupid late hit's and carelessnes all over the feild.
  4. Why does everybody think so highly of Brohm. Please name me one thing he has ever done to justify him being any better than Edwards. He started one game for us last season and got us killed.
  5. One would think because of how fast he is he would be able to get open a lot and give db's fits but it has not been the case. Its still a mystery to me as to why he's not open a lot of the time.
  6. Yeah i agree. Now i'm really worried about the New England game.
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