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Steve In Atlanta 2008

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Posts posted by Steve In Atlanta 2008

  1. Russ Brandon let Peters go because he did not think Peters was worth 11 to 12 million a year. Russ never made the playoffs either.

    The Eagles believe Peters is worth 60 million plus giving the Bills a 1st round pick, a 4th round pick and next years 6th round pick. They know how to make the playoffs..... They stole Peters away from the Bills because of poor decision making by Brandon. Where is Brandon going to get a all pro left tackle in the next three years? He won't. Now that he just signed RB Rhodes I bet he will not offer RB Jackson what he is really worth either. That would be 2 1/2 million a year. Not $460,000 they are offering him. Brandon has Jackson between a rock and a hard place. I doubt Jackson will be offered any more money. I am beginning to see why the Bills players are disgruntled. Brandons real job is moving the Bills to Toronto, not improving the Bills on the field of play. He only needs to fill the stands for the next three years and bye bye Buffalo. His other job is to keep as much money in Mr. Wilsons pocket as he can and staying near the middle of the pack in the NFL as he can. It is called medicrity...... That is what the Bills fans are stuck with..


    So in other words you thought it would be best to resign a player that gave up more sacks than the rest of the line (almost 12 for him) was still under contract (which he signed a year prior) showed up out of shape and was going to hold out again if we didnt do what he wanted?


    FOCK Him..

  2. Peters played his cards right. Many on the board thought that he hurt himself by missing off season workouts, training camp, and the pre-season games. It appeared that it was a brilliant move. The bills realize that he would play like until he was either traded or paid. Based on what we got for him, I would have rather paid the guy. He is very good when he wants to be. Next Saturday two of the top 3 overall picks will probably be tackles. The teams that draft them are hoping they become Peters. Getting the 28th overall pick and two lower picks was not enough.


    Im glad hes gone... Highest payed LT in the league??? WTF! he gave up 12 sacks! Hes LAZY! Whatever... Go away

  3. Read Tim Graham's take on this. Whitner was released from jail, and no charges have been filed, yet, as there were no available DAs, due to the holiday weekend.


    It is probably a nothing situation, though.


    As for the headlines, anyone who sees "arrest" and "released" in the same title, and assumes released definitely means "cut" is an idiot.


    It WAS funny though...

  4. Although honestly, the Buff News' editorial staff has to share the title "moron" in this case. Horrible article headline.



    Steve, next time you read a headline that surprising, remember it's also a good idea to read the article as well.



    Agreed.. HAHA.. i read the headline on my iphone lol... ill delete this post..


    You still are a midget Dean haha

  5. Retired form the Army and got tired of the snow in Maine. Grew up in Pittsford. Moved here and my wife is at school to become a certified a Harley Davidson mechanic. The weather is oppressive at times, but shoveling snow is not an option anymore.


    Lemme be the first to say who cares and next time please post something relevant

  6. Listen I like JP, he did everything possible to be a good QB for Buffalo. He always worked his ass off for the team on the field and worked his ass for the community off the field. He just wasn't good enough to be a QB in the NFL. So maybe he could get a job at one of the area high schools, it's a pointless job that he can't screw up. He can later be seen at local Country Fairs checking the experiation dates on milk and for the best pack of eggs.



    Yea and maybe you could go back to 4th grade so you can learn to spell...

  7. Just received a Yahoo IM from a source deeeeeeep within stating that Peters is to be dealt for similar to what the Broncos got for Cutler. This is from so deep that Dick himself is going to release a statement by weeks end prior to the deal explaining the terms


    Id be happy with a high 1st round this year... Let him give up 12 sacks somewhere else this year..

  8. ...says the guy who regularly bashes me when I post (and usually for things I didn't say...well done).


    I guess you're just Mr. Positivity now?


    I always have been... I blast you for blasting other peoples ideas and not EVER come up with your own..


    Youre new nickname is "lurker" because thats whay you do.. lurk around looking for someone to blast... lol

  9. Man, people sure do like to b*itch and moan on this site. Some guy writes about how he's proud of Upstate New York and you psychos jump all over him.



    I agree... most of the guys on here are just Douche Bags who just are waiting to BLAST people for their ideas.. WNY negetive mentality... People talk about how nice the people of buffalo are but in reality theyre just depressed A$$holes... Get a life LOSERS!

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