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Steve In Atlanta 2008

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Posts posted by Steve In Atlanta 2008

  1. Seriously, you can not take offence to someone asking for your source.


    Anyone can come on here (and there have been a bunch in the past) and say they have "inside sources" who have given them inside info. Without being able to back it up and give more then just "Somone with inside information", you will get this kind of response. Coming back and saying that you have an expensive car and communicate with "different people" then the rest of us won't help your case either.





    Who cares what someone drives. The fact there is the little yellow "do not cross" line tells me that you (scooby) are on the fan side if that tape. Anyone who requests a picture be taken with a "celeb" is a LOSER in my book. I have a few "famous" friends and have ZERO pics of me shaking their hand... lol... That tells me you are NOBODY...lol


    Hey SKOOBY! can you promise all of us something? Guarantee your statement! Promise us if you are wrong you will delete your account and never post on here again you arrogant FA@@OT!

  2. Ravens head coach said "New England's going to win the football game, we know that, everybody knows that..."


    Sorry no link, saw it on the NBC local sports segment in NYC. It looks like it was pulled from an NFL Network interview though. I know the chances are slim, but it was just the way he said it that reeeeeeally irritated me. :blush:


    Too bad Kelly wasn't there to deck him like he did his brother.

    I hope so....


    Especially if it means Ralf will make the changes to make us a winner again!







    I DEMAND Martyball!

  3. What's laughable is that you think JP is a massive upgrade over anyone :unsure:

    Jp is an upgrade over


    Rob Johnson

    Chad Pennington (until his GM and coaches put him in a position to succeed)

    Tavaras Jackson

    Dan Orlovsky

    Derek Anderson

    Ryan Fitspatrick

    Jamarcus Russell

  4. Yea the disorganized team that finally became organized for the 1st time this year when all was finally lost!


    lets face it boys! We all love a loser football team!



    Regular Season Record (all-time) : 348-383-8

    Playoff Record (all-time) : 14-15 (Last appearance after 1999 season)


    This says it all boys...

    Heres Detroits stats.... seem familiar?


    Regular Season Record (all-time) : 488-568-32

    Playoff Record (all-time) : 7-10 (Last appearance after 1999 season

  5. The team that just beat Denver?


    Yea the disorganized team that finally became organized for the 1st time this year when all was finally lost!


    lets face it boys! We all love a loser football team!



    Regular Season Record (all-time) : 348-383-8

    Playoff Record (all-time) : 14-15 (Last appearance after 1999 season)


    This says it all boys...

  6. He is a massive upgrade over their current group of backups. My guess is that he will be a very good backup QB in that system with the talented players they have.

    Some of yall are pretty pathetic and just see one small part of the big problem!


    This team is marked with inconsistencies... Ownnership down...


    doesnt anyone remember how that O line was when JP Began to start?

  7. Agreed, nice idea. I'm sure there will be a few "Merry Christmas" threads that will wind up becoming "bash JP" threads as well. Just the nature of the board. :unsure:



    some of these guys are the same ones who wish Mr Wilson would die...


    Pretty pathetic..

  8. RJ left bufflo and got a superbowl ring( not on his own doing I know be he has one), Flutie left buffalo and went to the pats in hopes of a ring and fell short no pun intended.


    JP will do good in the right offensive system. He has the tools just needs some VETERAN guidance and EXPERIENCED coaching to improve. I know 60-80% will mostlikely disagree with me But over thae games he has played he has improved in alot of areas it just hasnt shown in the wins. Though we all seem to forget the Drew Bledsoes and Peyton Mannings first 16 starting EVERY SINGLE GAME STRAIGHT not in pieces had a record of 3-13 and these QBS were not truly handcuffed as JP was and allowed to make the mistakes and learn from them.


    I actually wish him well and hope that he proves all the naysayers on this board wrong unlike RJ and Flutie I actually believe he can. :unsure:


    Hopefully he wont go to the Jets who will be firing ManGenious and hiring Cower or Marty.


    He will probably get picked up by Tampa. Wont it be funny when Belidick sees potential and picks him up as a backup?

  9. Don't feel bad for JP. Like everyone who departs the Bills he will come back to Buffalo in a season or two to kick our ass on National Television and then will probably get a Super Bowl ring as a backup QB.



    Hey Cj,


    How can you blame him for everything? Dont you see our coaching staff ruined this guy? Theyre doing the same to Edwards! The coaches havent even taught Edwards how to play against a 3-4 D.


    Dont let the Denver game fool you... The Patriots will bring this whole thing to an end and embarrass us again.


    If your boss gave you a highly technical job to do.... lets say build a highly detailed website, and you were never trained to do it but were able to put the contact info and maybe a couple of pictures up on a site. Your boss fires you... What would you do? Then, after you got fired, the next guy that got your job was told to do the same has a little more experience at building sites, builds one that has some flash, a couple more pics and nicer fonts but still doesnt hit the target. He struggles to. Wouldnt you, if you were the owner, start questioning the boss? Wouldnt you want to hire a boss who was a master website builder to teach the other guys how to build a better site?


    Hey Ralf! Time to hire a master!


    3 more years of this STUFFF!!!!! UGH i cant stand it!

  10. I wanted to be the first to thank JP for everything he has done for the city of Buffalo! JP's last game in buffalo is Sunday.


    Everybody has been down in this guy for the results on the field but EVERONE should thank him for his effort.


    Sure, it didnt work out for him in a Bills uniform (mostly not his fault due to our coaching issues)


    BUT he is a standup guy who has given allot of effort for the city of Buffalo!


    He helped all of us by organizing the event to make Buffalo better by planting trees, cleaning up areas that are the armpit of america.


    He tried to become a "Buffalonian" He bought a house downtown... where lived most of the season... He was kind to all of us!


    He gave us 100% effort all of the time on the field. I think his lack of sucess is due to being confused.... a trait I see with many players on this team... including Trent. To me, this points to coaching.


    So please, no more hate about JP. Hate the coaching staff for not preparing him correctly.


    To JP... We from Buffalo wish you a Merry Christmas and hope for you to find success and happiness in your next city. Thank you so much for what youve done for the city of Buffalo. Thanks for the effort!

  11. There is no argument Jauron is a nice guy. I mean when I attended opening day a couple years back I seen him at the hotel we were staying in and he come over to my buddies and I and hold a 5 minute conversation and it wasnt about football, it was about family and things like that. Not once was football brought up. Hes a class act and all, but for the coach of my Buffalo Bills im not soo sure about!

    Problem is your experiance is prolly similar to what goes on in the locker room... A bunch of guys talking about family and football never comes up....


    I like Dick... er... i mean Coach Jauron... I think he may be a good guy... however, he chose a job as an NFL head coach... Its cutthroat, mean and what have you done for me lateley... Kinda like a sales job!



    2 defining moment for me to ask for someone new was when, i cant remember which game, Jaron was about to challenge a play, someone was hurt and went to a tv timeout. We all could see that he shouldnt challenge the play BEFORE we went to tv timeout. What does he do when the TV time out was over? Throws the dam red flag and then loses the cjhallenge.


    2nd thing was a few weeks ago he froze the other teams punter with a timeout lol

  12. Why is it crazy to think the Pats would keep Cassle and trade Brady?


    They did it to Bledsoe and in doing so sent him to the Bills!


    Heres the top reasons they will trade Brady...


    Cassel has won 11 games (im including the Bills next week)

    Cassel is 385 yards away from throwing for 4000 yards this year (i bet he gets it against Bills)

    Pats realize that it can take another year for Brady to recover

    Brady is 32 Cassel is 26

    Cassel is more mobile

    The salary savings can be spent on 2 good linebackers.

    2 first round picks.... This is what Brady will attract. (Gruden would prolly give that and more)


    Overall the upside is fantastic for Cassel... Belidick would really fine tume him in camp next year.


    Trust me Brady is GONE!

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