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Posts posted by jonramz

  1. yeah I'm not a fan of the throw to CJ over the middle... if he doesn't get to the 5, no first down and then it's 4th down b/c you have to spike it on 3rd.


    The post to TJ was there...I think the pass was high, but I think TJ would have gotten it and scored had he run the correct route... just sucks that he didn't

  2. I would like to know, what pattern was Donald Jones running on the play we had an interception. It was 3rd and 7, please don't tell me he is running a fly pattern!


    Every receiver on that play should have been running short routes to get the first down. Had DJ ran a stop route, which is what I am betting Fitz expected, we have a completion. I believe this was a mistake by Donald Jones but Fitz would never throw him under the bus.


    I am almost positive that the pass was intended for SJ on the out route, and Fitz made a bad throw b/c of the linemen in his face

  3. To some degree, yes. Gailey can wring production out of a turnip. While that is good, who wants to walk into a gun fight with a loaded turnip?


    Suppose instead that Gailey insisted on getting great offensive talent out of the draft, etc. Suppose the Bills could decide to ground and pound it, throw every down, or whatever they wanted and actually execute the offense du jour well? It opens up the playbook. It takes some pressure off. It lets them control the tempo of the game a bit. Instead, the Bills spend most of their time and resources waffling back and forth on the defensive side of the ball and have a guy that can't coach his way out of a paper bag running that side of the show.


    Agree with your points... In my best guess, I think the Bills are trying to build a dominant defense and have Gailey wring that production out of a turnip to score 21-24 points a game to win. Obviously the defense is terrible. But just looking at the people they have signed and drafted in the past couple years, the defense appears to be the priority because they believe Chan can scheme up enough points to win

  4. Then we agree to disagree on a few things ... on CJ's long one my point is simply that with half an ounce of MLB instinct, he could have at least slowed up CJ. To say "he got blocked" and blame it on Barnett is ridiculous. Barnett took on the lead blocker, and for him to make that tackle would have been stellar. Sheppard could/should have at least shown up at the point of attack - is that too much to ask of a MLB on essentially a cut that went off-tackle? I thought Kelsay did his DE job rather well by turning CJ into the "help" and not letting him get to the corner.


    first, why people feel inclined to come to the defense of Sheppard, who barely shows up on the stat sheet, is beyond me.


    Not really defending Sheppard... don't have a rooting interest in him either way, that just wasn't his gap assignment, that's all. It was Barnett's gap, and the gap was waaaaay to big because Dareus got doubled and wasn't able to hold his ground and Kelsay was way out of the play. Mario Williams actually does a really good job at holding the edge and pressing the hole down so the LB can come up and fill the hole. Barnett needs to come up w/ his inside shoulder and force it inside of him where Sheppard is, not outside of him where there is nobody. Sheppard needed to fill where Dareus should have been and not get blocked so easily by the guard coming off of the double team. Obviously easier said than done... but I'm 99% sure those were the missed gap assignments on that play



  5. Just because most people do something doesn't make it right. Gailey absolutely should have gone for 2.


    understood, I said that I didn't have a huge problem with it... most likely it was incorrect, but I don't think by any means think it was game-breaking. I think the stats said for the one at the end of the 3rd quarter that if you think you can make it 24% of the time you should go for it. But you know if we would have missed it, people would have been all over Chan. Damned if you do, damned if you don't

  6. you can't put the first TD on Sheppard, I actually thought he made a good play in the hole on that one blowing things up. I thought Bradham wasn't in his gap on the 1st td and on the 2nd Sheppard got blocked well... but it was Barnett that got crushed in the hole (and the hole was HUGE) and it was Kelsay who was too busy running upfield to play any run def.

  7. CJ is covered by 26 on the Titans, not a LB on the INT and it is TJ Graham that is running open across the middle. I don't have a problem with the decision to throw to SJ, it was the correct read against man coverage with help towards the middle. The problem is the fact that Pears blocks like a turnstile on the play, which causes Fitz to miss the throw. He needs to eat the sack there


    On the Fitz INT, I got out my stop watch, he had 1.7 seconds! From the time he got the snap to when he got hit

  8. My take is.....


    Currently, we have some talent, but Def coaching is not very good.


    When fewell was here, we had good coaching, but no talent.


    I think this describes the trouble with the Bills.... They can't seem to put together talent and coaching... It seems they can't identify what type of problem they have in the heat of it.


    Boy do I miss Perry Fewell.... He certainly looks good for the Giants. I would be very happy with Gailey as OC and Fewell as DC

  9. Yours would be every bit as professionally qualified as that of Joe Buscaglia or anyone at PFF.


    Buscaglia seems to miss the boat on his critique of MW's run defense. He suggests that MW didn't do a very good job when in fact he played his position as technically sound as you can hope for as a DE in Wanny's 4 man front.


    And he conveniently ignores the times MW chucked Gronk and prevented free releases off the LOS and BEFORE he could get into his pass rush. I noticed that on several occasions in the game.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I agree on this as well... Mario's run defense has been very good. He rarely loses the edge and does a good job standing his ground

  10. this matches the feelings i had from the PFF article last week too (though it didnt feel as far out of line).... is there a difference in how those are professionally qualified vs how we as a fan would qualify them?


    Those PFF guys aren't any more professional than you or I. If 2 guys block a guy, then it's a double team. Dissecting coverages can be difficult, but seeing if a guy is double teamed is easy.


    We will never completely know what the exact assignments are, but you can tell if there is a double or chip, etc. Which is why I had some notes to help explain things



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