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Posts posted by jonramz



    9) Simon, (or anybody), please help me out. You played defensive back. Please tell me why the Bills DBs always seem to have their backs to the ball. Why? It causes completions, and big time penalties. Is this what their coaches are telling them to do? Wtf is going on?




    When a DB has over the top help, a lot of the time they will play what is called trail coverage in order to take away the underneath passes. The back shoulder fade, which I am guessing is what you are asking about, is the toughest pass for any DB to stop

  2. Has anyone else noticed in the past 2 games a distinct lack of aggressiveness from our offense. It seems earlier in the year when the defense was giving up tons of points, the offense was much more aggressive because they knew they had to score a lot to be in the game. But in the past 2 games when the defense was playing quite well, the offense has been much more conservative. I think against the Colts we ran more 2 TE and FB packages than we had all year.


    I feel like when you have a competent defense you can take more chances offensively, not less.

  3. Yeah there is not RGIII or Luck this year... but QB's are a fickle bunch... you never know exactly what you are going to get.


    BTW I love love Nassib in the middle rounds. Syracuse runs a pro style offense and he has a legit arm. Honestly just look at the throws he makes and compare them to someone like Barkley. If he played at USC he'd be just as good if not better


    Thank you NFL for opening up the All-22 Pandora's Box. There's something to be said about not visiting the sausage factory.


    Thanks for the detailed breakdown and it does open some eyes. Interesting that Barnett would publicly respond, which is a no win situation. In a blown play like that, someone obviously made a mistake. By coming out, he's publicly saying that the safeties screwed up.


    My question upon seeing the first screen shots is why would Barnett stay in his designated quarter for the whole play when he has no assigned player. The interesting part was that the two defenders are planted in the middle without caring about #87 running behind them, and only two guys coming out underneath. In that coverage, you had 4 guys covering 2 guys peeling off the line. To the uninitiated, it would seem that one of the two middle backers would have responsibility to trail Wayne across the field (because logic would dictate that Luck wouldn't have enough time to complete the ball to Wayne running the entire width of the field).


    Yeah I feel bad that I missed the adjustment and said Barnett blew it... he didn't. I still don't think it was the optimal play though as he really doesn't need to jump the check down so hard on 3rd and 17. In this particular adjustment, the CB opposite trips plays man, the CB to trips has the deep 1/3 to his side the FS has the middle of the field, the nickel corner takes anything underneath towards the sideline, the middle backer (Scott) is supposed to get depth and take the inside breaking route, finally the WLB is supposes to get the 1st crosser or the RB on a flare.


    Sorry this was a bit technical but that's the adjustment they made.



  5. after going through some old playbooks, it looks like the Bills were in Cover 3 and made an adjustment to account for the trips. In this particular adjustment Barnett has the RB if he goes out into the pattern away from the trips side. Which is why he said the breakdown is wrong. I will contend, however that the RB's 2 yard pattern is not a concern on 3rd and 17 and he should have stayed back. The middle defender, in this case Bryan Scott is the defender responsible for the fast 6 route that Wayne ran.


    All that is a long way of saying, technically Barnett is not at fault, but still made a bad football play in my opinion as the RB was no threat at all

  6. I know everyone knows the play I am talking about... 3rd and 17 and the Colts best receiver is wide open. I got so pissed seeing that... now with the all-22 we can finally see who messed up. And trust me, they messed up bad.




    Spoiler Alert... it wasn't Mario Williams


    Comments / Thoughts welcomed,




    In the interests of fairness... Nick Barnett on twitter has disagreed with my breakdown. Obviously he knows the play call, and I do not. But I still stand by my conclusions about 1) someone blowing a coverage and 2) Jumping the 2 yard check down on 3rd and 17 is not the correct football play. Assuming Barnett is being truthful, then the blame must either go to Wilson or Scott, whoever was responsible for the #2 receiver going vertical.


    I have kept my original breakdown here... for record keeping purposes.


    In going back and reviewing everything, the Bills seemed to have run the same coverage in the 1st Q w/ :48 left against a similar formation, the resulting play was a Mario Williams sack

  7. If you want to kill the offense for yesterday's performance... then go right ahead. But this was a Colts team that was pretty damn good on offense especially at home, and I thought the defense played one of their best games of the season when it mattered most. You are way off on bashing them.


    Barnett and Sheppard were tons better today than they were against Tennessee and you have forgotten the 1st NE game as well (though Sheppard was on the sidelines for that one)

  8. Thanks for the comments everyone.


    I think the main thing that charting for this game did for me was confirm a few things I had been thinking.


    1) The Bills are very basic when it comes to rushing the passer, very little blitzing or stunting. Take what you will from that.

    2) Mario is an extremely strong individual and it shows

    3) Mario is a power DE and is so much different from the Aldon Smith, Ware, Von Miller type players that expecting him to do those kind of things is silly

    4) I would love to see Mario work on an effective speed rush, because if he could get guys to not concentrate so much on his power rush he would be even more deadly

    5) He is a complete DE and definitely one of the top power DE's in the league



  9. On the link I have every Dolphin offensive play charted with pass rushers and a quick note a +/*/- grade on Mario. I also lead off with my thoughts on Mario which I've copied and pasted below



    The past couple weeks, Mario Williams has been looking a lot better to me. I don’t know if it is the wrist or he’s getting more comfortable, but he definitely looks better than he did at the beginning of the season. I think it is important to understand what you get with Mario Williams. He is a very good run defender. Most teams run away from him, seriously, teams avoid his side. When they do run at him, it is usually cut back or a short gain. He holds his position very well and is excellent at setting the edge. I did not see him on the ground once against the Dolphins. Regarding his pass rushing… he is a power rusher. Von Miller and DeMarcus Ware are outstanding speed rushers. Mario will never do what those guys do, but he is very powerful, much more like Julius Peppers or a poor man’s Reggie White. I think Mario’s upside talent level is Reggie’s… he is so powerful and he had a club move against the Dolphins that was classic Reggie White. You just don't see it all the time, which is disappointing But I would expect Mario to be a consistent 10-12 sack guy when healthy.

    Complete log here --> http://yardsperpass.com/?p=159


    Comments/Questions always appreciated.



  10. Has anyone noticed how much better the run defense has been with Kelsay out? Moore and Merriman are both superior at setting the edge and playing their gaps.


    I have trashed Merriman a decent amount, but that play he made on Jake Long on that stretch play was about as perfect as you can do it.


    Moore is a legit pass rusher... we found something guys, he needs to be resigned

  11. I'd take a chance on CJ when he's that much uncovered given his short area quickness, speed, and elusiveness. The couldn't deal with CJ all game long. I think he at least gets a 1st down and maybe even scores. 1st and goal at worst. Spike the ball with three shots to win the game.


    I see what you are saying and it is a fair point... I guess what I meant was that there was no totally missed read, and that there was no "he just totally screwed up by missing someone wide open" mess up. If he throws to CJ and he is stopped short, everyone is complaining that he threw a 2 yard pass in the middle of the field with 25 sec left and no timeouts.

  12. i know i mentioned it in my previous post but a compare/contrast of the two attempts might be an interesting football read.


    I hope you saw my edit... I added more info about the previous play


    Just ran the play back several times and throwing to TJ, if he cut in front of McCourty, was an extremely tight throw that could have easily been broken up. The best two options were Stevie over the top along the left sideline and CJ underneath in the left flat.


    Bad read by Fitz IMO.


    Honestly... I think everyone was pretty well covered that play... I don't know if there was a "correct" option. Because if Spiller gets stopped short of the 1st down, the Bills are screwed

  13. One more thing I wanted to add... in case people don't read the whole thing. The Bills ran the same play earlier in the game (12:42 2nd quarter) from a different formation. But pretty much the same area of the field


    Regarding the time they ran it earlier...


    Donald Jones ran Graham's pattern... (the post) the play ended in a sack... but Fitz was looked to hit one of the out patterns (I think Chandler), against man coverage with both safeties back (Jones was covered well)

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