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Posts posted by CDogg20

  1. I can't billieve we're about to win this game. We won't make the playoffs, we're gonna screw ourselves out of a good draft pick. This is just one of those games that gives up Bills fans hope then we'll show up the next week and play another game like we did against Cleveland. ;) I dont get this team.

  2. I don't have an answer for who to draft right now, but I hope it's not Bradford. Bradford is another QB that is too small and will stay injured. McCoy maybe, not Bradford.


    Height: 6 ft 4 in Weight: 223 lb


    Height wise I think he's perfect but I do agree weight wise. He does need to put on more weight. I would say that he would put on a lot of muscle coming into the pros. He'll be more than fine in the NFL.

  3. He played well against New England and TB (but TB is awful) ... but he's in freefall now and there's no telling how much further he has til he bottoms out.



    Fixed. But Trent is not the answer. I can't put up with him anymore. That hit from Adrian Wilson in AZ changed him. Let us hope and pray for Sam Bradford in 2010. :thumbdown::w00t:

  4. At first I was really ticked at Leodis but I mean I learned to get over it. He was just trying to do what best for the team. If you recall last years Monday Night game he returned a kickoff and put us right back in the game when we thought we were out of it. He is a bigtime player who is human and makes mistakes. Dont discourage him cause we dont want to set back his development at all.


    Go Bills!

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