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Posts posted by CDogg20

  1. So am I the only one who would be okay with them retaining Fewell as the HC?


    No. If all else fails and we end up with Fewell it wouldnt be the end of the world. If he pushes this team like he has been in practice and during the game last week, I would not be the least bit upset. But that having been said, I want Shanahan as our next HC.

  2. reasons:


    1. won super bowl twice...very rarely had a bad team even after elway left..


    2. runs the ball....should be a buffalo staple...


    3. has an exciting offense.....lot better than the crap we have had for 10 years....


    4.makes corret decisions in games.....no need to refute....


    5. BEATS the patriots......not afraid of them like the bills are.....


    6.will run the 3-4......read report that he is studying the 3-4 defense during this

    year....that is the defense to run in this wheather.....!!!!!no more of this tampa 2 crap....


    7. knows the afc inside and out.....not coming in here underprepared..


    8. best coach/gm/director of football ops. out there.....


    9. not afraid of making deals to acquire talent......happenend all the time in denver...even

    if some didn't work out......



    10.finally-he is in no way shape or form Dick........



    fire away....


    This pretty much ends the debate for me. They better not let him leave here without a deal. Shanahan would be the best coach for the job.

  3. Yeah, im glad im not the only one who felt this way. Usually on Sunday my household is loud because im yelling at the t.v. Today I just didnt care. Hopefully this changes soon. I mean I still watch them because they're my Bills but I cant say I really cared about the game. No emotion for the good plays because the bad would soon follow...

  4. True, Edwards has some talent. But, IMO, Fitzy is putting to rest the "gameplan" arguement. Look at the first pass he attempted. Down the middle, about 15-20 yards, to TO with a CB underneath and a safety over the top. Yes, he threw the ball high and TO didn't make the catch. But, that's exactly the type of throw that Trent has just refused to attempt. And, IMO, its been one of our biggest offensive problems this season.


    More and more, I'm thinking the gameplan calls for plenty of slants and mid-range passes. Its just been that we've had a QB that was unwilling to attempt those throws. Fitz needs to do a ton of work to improve his accuracy, but at least he's trying. I can live with trying and failure, but failure without even trying - well that's jsut demoralizing. And increaasingly, week after week, this team was looking demoralized.



    I agree 100%. I can get on board with at least putting up a fight. But I cant take all the demoralizing losses week after week after week.

  5. Whitner has 3 career INTs.


    I don't hate him as much as others but the secondary is playing better without him.



    Agreed. I think he's a solid player. But...Jarius Byrd almost almost tied Whitners career interceptions against the Jets if Reggie Corner hadn't taken one away from him. Byrd looks like a stud so far.

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