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Gary M

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Posts posted by Gary M

  1. 2 minutes ago, TH3 said:

    My BIL is a hedge fund manager...gave me some rare insight - usually tight lipped. The market is trading at close to 30x earnings - about 50 percent overpriced. The primary driver of the market for the last 4 years has been Trump lemmings who think the orange menace is going to lead us to the promised land. All normal historical financial cost modeling has been tossed. Remember - prices are base on just a limited number of people who are willing to drive a price up - not a majority opinion. 


    When Biden wins...these price drivers from the last 4 year are already convinced the world will go to hell....they are gonna flee....The smart guys are already betting on a huge drop.


    Your welcome.


    My talking horse disagrees

  2. 8 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:


    Biden correctly volunteered that Trump's own FBI Director stated that Antifa is a movement, but not an organization in any normal sense of the word because it lacks any organizational structure.

    Trump ... argued with his own Government, just like he argued with the CDC about vaccines.

    This seems to be a problem with this Administration.


    Good leaders challenge their subordinates, never take the first answer as gospel.

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