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Gary M

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Posts posted by Gary M

  1. 38 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



    So since he never once has acted like or done anything close to being a power hungry dictator (he has understood Federalism better than any POTUS maybe ever; he's let States handle the pandemic and rioting they refuse to accept help for; he has never rounded up and deported anything close to what they warned you he'd do; he hasn't shoved EO after EO down our throats unless it was rescinding all of Obama's, when Congress didn't do what he wanted).......so now he's weak.  


    You guys have goal post shifting down to a science.  


    Carry on you champions of national mask mandates, shutdowns, charging people for defending their homes, breaking their own mandates or rules, and free everything 


    He's a tyrant for not acting like a tyrant.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    Why do you believe that Trump has refused to create a national policy?


    The reason is that Trump is a coward. Always has been. Always will be.


    If leaving it to the states goes wrong - which it certainly has - he can blame the states. 


    If things had gone well, he would take credit.


    The greatest part about Trump is that he takes credit for victories even when they are defeats.


    And the terminally stupid follow the lying idiot.




    He set up a task force and issued guidelines

  3. 59 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    Guess what. Covid is here and Trump's refusal to address it with a national policy is killing Americans.



    No stopping flights from china saved millions,


    nancy "chinatown" peolsi and warren "keep dining out" whilhelm and andrew "nursing home killer" cuomo killed many more.






    • Like (+1) 4
  4. 1 minute ago, SectionC3 said:


    And the question asked about “now,” that is, the present.  Not last year. 


    Well I thought the question is in reference to POTUS and his great leadership, so I would think you would take into account his entire term and whether or not he has the ability to move us forward out of the mess that the democrats have created.


    So this






    Even with the mess the dems have created, yes we are better off


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