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Posts posted by thewildrabbit

  1. This seems to be the consensus on here. I'm not so sure though. Last year we had pretty much the same line and ML ran for over 1000 yards and won rookie of the year honors. What's changed? Did these guys forget how to block? Did ML decide that dancing would be more effective than bulling guys over?


    The offensive coordinator is different. Maybe the plays we're running this year aren't as well designed to use our OLs strenghts. Maybe the blocking schemes are different and not as effective. Don't know. Just wondering ...

    Umm no, AD( Adrian Peterson ) won rookie of the year last year not ML.


    The main difference between the Bills offense last year and this year is simple.Last year the bills had one of the best veteran O-line coaches in pro football in Jim McNally. He retired and was replaced by Sean Kugler who was promoted to O-line coach from assistant o-line coach. Last year the Bills had a decent offensive line,even with McNally. This year they are downright horrid some games.

    And the Bills do have a new OC,although he is a better play caller in most situations he still calls shotgun plays way to often and disregards the running game.


    You guys with this ML dancing crap get me... I just loved the way he 'danced' his way into the end zone thru 12 browns defenders on that Mon night game.

    Honestly,I'll bet more then half the NFL teams wished they had a player like Marshawn Lynch.

  2. The reality of the Bills current situation.


    I have a sort of theory about teams that play in the national spotlight,either on Monday night or Sunday night. If they are a half way decent team and not completely inept,like the Chiefs or Lions are this year. Any team that loses and are embarrassed for what ever reason tend to come out the following game and play with a seething vengeance.


    The Bills played hard on Monday night and should have won that game,instead they lose and go into KC looking to avenge another "Wide Right" loss. Trent Edwards had a particularly horrid Monday night showing ...almost nightmarish performance with 3 interceptions in the first four possessions


    The Bills needed 2 QB TD runs and 5 turnovers to beat the hapless Chiefs.Meanwhile the Bills defense allowed 460 yards,8.4 yds per pass and 12.2 per avg rush...kinda scary huh. Big name 3rd string QB Tyler Thigpen had a 3 TD and 240 yd game.The Chiefs actually out gained the Bills 462 to 444...


    Bottom line is the Bills won and Edwards redeemed himself from that Mon night game. The bills showed us they do know how to run the ball and use play action passing brilliantly. This week they managed to get Lee Evens involved and it paid big dividends for 110 yards. Marshawn had 20 touches and responded with 79 yds and a TD and took a ton of pressure away from the passing game.Special Teams was a big factor also with some really nice returns and good field position.


    The reality...can we expect 5 turnovers every game and can we expect the QB to run for two TDs every game? In a word ..NO!

    All we as Bills fans can hope for is that the coaches use the same game plan against future opponents and continue to work on improving the running game. I'm not even thinking of the Bills playoff chances, I'm just hoping they can play well this week and beat the 49ers.


    Hey! they actually came out of the running "slump" this week. :)

  3. Read in an article (the Snooze, I think) that Turk was calling the game this week from the coaches' box rather than field-level as he's done up to this point.


    Wonder if this situation helped him see the field a little better, and see what was working from a high view. I think the play-calling saw some improvement, what with actual play-action being called, and the timing of when to run/pass seemed to flow better.


    They say that oftentimes you need to take a step back to see things more clearly....

    They showed him upstairs during the game.


    The Bills started the game brilliantly,running,using play action passes. complete 180 from the continuous shotgun plays Schonert had been calling the previous 5 games.


    What kinda scares me though is later in the game when KC managed to stop the running game on one series the Bills seemed to revert back to the shotgun constantly again.I don't get why Schonert gives up on the ground game so quickly.

  4. Bills Fans,


    This is my first post, so bear with me. After reading all the posts, articles, and critiques of TE, one thing seems to go vastly unmentioned:


    We are dealing with a ROOKIE offensive coordinator. Just like experience counts with quarterbacks, experience counts with coordinators. I think the list of miscues is long enough:

    1. Game prep--as TE mentions, the prep for one defense and see another

    2. Outthinking themselves--spread offense on 3rd and 1's

    3. Playing to opposing defense's strength--not getting into better calls when it matters....New England was obviously playing run, when we were running and playing pass when we were passing....so obvious that even the casual fan and announcers mentioned it. also, think Cleveland--shoulda been pounding it via beast mode against a weak run defense early and often.

    4. Lack of creativity--think teams jumping our runs when Josh Reed goes in motion

    5. Not getting it to our playmakers...Lee Evans with 0 catches comes to mind...move him around, put him in the wildcat or run a reverse...SOMETHING....instead he's the NFL's highest paid decoy.


    I just think too much negative credit is being pointed at TE. He is responsible for executing what is put in front of him, but the coaches are responsible for putting them advantageous situations. They are not doing that.

    Good post,couldn't agree more :censored:

  5. Well,since someone made mention about obtaining a veteran QB...


    Veteran QB's that are back ups sitting on benches are usually there for a reason,their time has passed as a starter and they are on the team in case the main QB goes down,usually"has beens".


    On the other hand it looks like Philly is sick of Donovan McNabb :censored: .

    The thing is that even the Eagles don't succeed when Andy Reid forgets to run the ball and tries to throw on every down.

  6. There are 32 teams. If 31 teams run the play action, its 97%. If 32 teams run it, it's 100%. No 99% in there.

    My point was that the bills RARELY utilize "play action",which is kinda lame considering they want to throw so often.The Bills still use it,just not nearly enough.(99%-97% whatever...you get the point right?





    To the people that think Marshawn dances too much,I just enjoyed the way he danced through the browns secondary to score a touchdown on Mon night :censored:

  7. What is "play action"???? Dick does not believe in that phrase. Please refrain from using those words on here from now on!

    My take is that rookie OC Turk Schonert is the one who doesn't believe in play action,hopefully that changes this week!

  8. I'm like 99% sure I saw Brett in the shotgun on 3rd and 1 in that game early in the 4th quarter. He didn't get it either and they had to punt. When you watch other games, you'll see other teams do this. I know I've seen it several times this year.


    Not saying it's good, just that the Bills aren't he only team to do it.

    Go watch the replays on NFL network. It was third and TWO. Big difference between Brett Farve and Trent Edwards also..


    The shotgun formation was developed specifically for third and long downs and showing the opponent that you are going to throw the ball because the team obviously is forced to...Why not at least let the opponent guess what your going to do on third and one instead of boldly showing them.


    Like I said,they went shotgun third and one 3 different times and all went incomplete,next play was a punt. The one time they were in I formation on third and one and ran the ball it went for a first down.


    Simply because other teams make stupid calls at inopportune times doesn't mean its the proper thing to do!

  9. Well that's a vapid generalization about finishing 5-11 or 11-5, but I agree with the sentiment that we should run the ball more. But not because I've lost faith in Edwards, because I think he will be the primary beneficiary of an improved running game.

    agree :censored:

  10. like Duke Preston like Melvin Fowler to the tune of 19-23. :censored:

    It must suck that he has to deal with players that have inferior talent and ability and nobody to replace them with...


    Why not just miss my point on the two rookie coaches :thumbdown:



    The team played hard on Monday night even though they have a bunch of injuries and made a ton of mistakes and still almost won the game,Its just too bad that Lindell misses a 47 yarder and Phil Dawson makes a 56 yarder :thumbsup:

  11. Not for nothing but I have to wonder if "now" Dick Jauron and the Bills front office are kicking themselves for not at least trying to bring Brett Farve into Buffalo.


    All thru training camp I was kinda hoping that Trent would break something like JP did his first year,thus ending his season (not career ending tho)so the Bills would go after Brett.


    Not that I dislike Trent Edwards its just that the thought of Farve as a Bill would be so awesome.I think he had stated Buffalo would be very similar to Green Bay so he would consider it.

  12. The things I LIKE about Dick Jauron


    He gets his players to play hard,tough football,they don't quit either. His players do their best to win for him.


    The things i dislike..


    He hired a new offensive coordinator and a new offensive line coach,both are suffering growing pains and inexperience is really hurting the team right now.He fails to help them out because the bills can't run block or pass block very well this year.


    Play calling stinks when you constantly call shotgun in clear running situations,they almost never use play action pass.

    He isn't preparing his QB with an effective offensive game plan,this might be from the fact that he is from a defensive background as a DC his pre head coaching career.


    Are we as fans really ready to give him the boot because he gave two young people a job and a chance?

    I'd say wait until the end of the season to see if he can rectify the situation.

  13. Not gonna vote until I see if the coaches have lost faith in Edwards or not. I'm hoping they have and will finally make a dedicated effort to run the ball on one the worst team in the NFL against the run.


    If they come out passing and in shotgun they will lose this game and all the rest. finish 5-11


    If they pound the rock and use play action they will win and finish 11-5

  14. third and one in the shotgun makes no sense to me at all. if you're planning to pass, a play action call would be nice to try to fool the defense into committing to the line of scrimmage or freeze the linebackers for a second. without a back you can only pass or qb run. to line up that way, get confused, call timeout, and then proceed to line up in the same formation again is purely stoopid in my book....

    I agree :unsure:



    This Bills team RARELY utilizes play action pass which would help both the passing game and running game. I really am having a difficult time understanding why the OC TurkSchonert is constantly calling shotgun and throwing while not even trying to run the ball


    One game he started the very first series with an 8 yard run from scrimmage,(I'm thinking awesome!) The next two plays were passes(you guessed it...shotgun) that went incomplete,next play is a friggin punt :unsure:

  15. What in the hell is wrong with you guys? Don't you guys get that its not just the QB?


    I'll bet that if you swapped Trent Edwards with Matt Ryan of the Falcons that Trent would start playing great and Ryan would start falling on his face. This Bills coaching staff is trying to make a young QB carry the team,most cannot do that!


    The Steelers brought Big Ben along by letting him throw 10-15 times a game his rookie year,not 35+ times a game.They Ran the ball with a power running game and Ben was not forced to carry the team.



    Any QB the Bills draft will also fall on his face without a proper supporting cast, meaning a really good OL and some coaches that will prepare him properly.Lastly the bills need a running game to keep pressure off the QB A dedicated running game of any sort will help the bills.Either power or finesse or cut blocking...just as long as they get the job done.


    Dick Jauron says the running game is in a "slump".What i want to know is how does a team get out of something they have never been out of....this team this year has always been in a running slump.


    With a rookie OL coach Sean Kuglar replacing Jm McNally the Offensive line went from half way decent last year to down right horrid this year.


    The Bills really need to think about asking McNally to return as a consultant or something to help this line out and maybe get Jason peters back to last years form

  16. Hopefully Turk Schonert will trip as he gets off the bus and hit his head on something very hard,suffer's a mild concussion,not enough to hurt him long term but enough to keep him from calling the offensive plays against the Chiefs :unsure:


    Dick Jauron will let Alex Van pelt take over the play calling and he will mostly call running plays on every down...cept on third and long. :unsure:


    Seriously,unless the Bills coaches stop calling the friggin shotgun on every offensive down and focus on giving the backs 25+ touches it will be the same result as the last 4 games...

  17. I posted the same thing a few weeks ago and got slammed by people just like many have done about this guys article.


    We all get it people, it takes WR's more time to develop. Problem is time won't create the athleticism to gain separation. It is so incredibly obvious Hardy lacks athleticism. He can't make cuts, he can't accelerate, and he can't out run people. Hardy will be out of football in 4 years or less.

    I sorta doubt that statement will hold up. The guy was a monster in collage and just needs to work on his route running and reads.

    The only way he turns into a bust is if he fails to learn and or suffers a career ending injury. Given time he should be ok

  18. OK, I am not a stalwart supporter of Mr. Wilson, but he has passed on making a lot more money by allowing the team to leave WNY. That said, what about our team's current situation is the "fault" of our owner? Is he saying we could have better coaches and players right now if it weren't for Mr. Wilson? Is he saying Mr. Wilson is meddling with the team right now, throwing off the team and wasting all the early success?


    How is it Ralph's fault we lost Monday night?

    Before Bill Polian came to Buffalo Ralph Wilson had been known for running a very strict and tight business side of the game. Meaning that he didn't have his nose into everything like the late owner of the Colts Robert Irsay. But he did make his staff account for every penny spent by the organization.


    Then came Bill Polian who talked some sense into Mr Wilson by stating that spending money on top quality players that will put butts in the seats and ultimately make more money for the team. Lets not forget that indeed the NFL is a business and Mr Wilson could have easily taken the $$$ and loaded up the trucks and moved the team outta Buffalo, Just ask any Cleveland Browns fan how they feel about Art Modell,who moved his team in the dark of night to Baltimore.


    Just thank the lord ole Ralph isn't like another longtime current owner who has his nose in everything in his team and has currently screwed them into the ground because he wants to play GM. Anyone wanna hazard a guess here?


    I applauded the hiring of Dick Jauron because his past history was that of building a power running game and stout defense,somewhat conservative and predictable,but smash mouth on both sides of the line.Man was I wrong thinking that!


    If Jauron doesn't stop the always in the shotgun ...constant throwing, throwing,throwing,throwing,throwing (did I say throwing)and start running the ball. He should be fired asap!

  19. I am so sick and tired of people bashing the Bills. I'm especially sick of people bashing Trent and Jauron.


    This is the week it all turns around. Go Bills.

    Hi 'ieatcrayonz' I'm drinking the same koolaid....err eating the same crayonz!


    The Chiefs have one of the worst defenses and have been gashed big time this year on the ground. Lets hope the Bills find the running game this week :rolleyes:

  20. I kindof see this exactly the opposite. Early in the season I think so. The offense was a lot wider open with long passes to Lee Evans and going for the jugular with a 30 yard TD on the first play after the pick against Seattle. The defense was playing very aggressive in the first 4 games. Then things conservatived up. I think this is due to Dick telling the Perry and Turk to cool it. We don't want to get too far ahead. We're taking too many chances. We want to win 13-10. So Perry and Turk are doing what their boss is telling them to do.


    On anther note, a lot of people on here continually complain about going into the shotgun on 3rd and 1 and passing. If you watch other NFL games, you'll see that a lot of other teams do this too. Not just the Bills. I saw it 3 times in the NY Jets vs. NE Patriots game last week. Those teams seem to be doing OK. I've also seen Denver, Pittsburgh, and Dallas do it among others. I'm not advocating it, I'm just saying a lot of successful teams do it too.

    Honestly I don't ever recall seeing Bret Farve in shotgun on third down and one. However I do recall third and three and Third down and two.

    Considering the Jets have the AFC's leading rusher in Thomas Jones I'd think that would be really idiotic for them to call shotgun and throw with only needing one yard for a first down.

    I don't recall any other team using a shotgun play on third down and one as many times as the bills do,Its why I mentioned it.

  21. Well, you are free to disagree all you want. :rolleyes:


    I agree that the center of the Bills line sucks, btw. Especially the C position, where the Bills don't have any good options.

    I suppose I put those words in your mouth?


    What I am trying to do is point out that Marshawn Lynch is the least of the Bills current problems right now.

  22. Does the thought of playing on Monday night football and the entire nation watching that one singular game make a young QB nervous?


    First play from scrimmage...tipped pass and intercepted! QB must have been thinking oh shi.....




    Anyway to the OP queston. I would think that DJ must realize that jerking a young QB in and out of games can crush their psyche. Seems to me that the Bills already did that to Losman.

  23. Well, you are free to disagree all you want. :D


    I agree that the center of the Bills line sucks, btw. Especially the C position, where the Bills don't have any good options. OTOH, Lynch is far too prone to dance around in the hole and try to turn a clustertuck into something shiny. Fred Jackson comes in and looks better because he just takes the ball and hits the crack and runs downhill. Lynch has to realize he's not going to take every hand-off to the house.

    You can also feel free to give your opinion on Marshawn Lynch :lol:


    Even though it sounds just like the stuff that people were posting about Willis McGhee when he was here, happy feet and dancing...


    Seems like a lot of people want to blame the running back even though they freely admit the offensive like has some huge problems


    I suppose you agree that Turk Schonert should be calling the shotgun play 25 times a game ...and on third down and one on 3 different occasions like he did against the Patriots??


    This current coaching staff will RARELY call for a play action pass...which btw is a main play called by 99% of the NFL teams. I suppose you will say that there is nothing wrong there either. :rolleyes:

  24. Do you even understand what objectivity means?


    My point was that the poll choices sucked, 5 of the 7 choices complemented Edwards and blamed others while all other choices were either ridiculous or fell into the "other" category.

    Dude,first of all the poll only has 6 choices not 7 and 4 of the 6 were asking if something OTHER then Edwards is the problem. The Poll doesn't suck and I agree with it in that there are other severe problems with the team besides the 2nd year QB.


    I think you missed my point in that the QB young or old has to depend on his receivers to do their job. Reading defenses and adjusting their routes accordingly. This Bills team has one really good receiver and that is Lee Evans.Opponents take him outta the game with double coverages and rolling coverages to him. They also don't show Edwards the same defense he prepared for ( his statements ) so is that the 2nd yr QB's fault or the coaches ?

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