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Posts posted by wardigital

  1. If I double the numbers so that it's more comparable, (66 games instead of 33), Evans would average 210 catches for 3,120 yards, which is only slightly worse than all of the other Bills quarterbacks combined with 3 games to spare.


    But this is sophomoric analysis from Sullivan, which is par for his particular course. Lee Evans has only really had one season that would compare to most team's #1s, and that was edit: *not* with Bledsoe, rather JP Losman


    I don't think many people are saying Edwards is as good as Bledsoe, but to now begin to subtly imply that Trent Edwards is worse than every single quarterback we've thrown out there since 2004 (Evans first year) is rich.

  2. Yeah, problem is when they play us they'll not give up a first down. Who needs to sub, then?


    Do you even like the Bills? It doesn't really seem like you get any enjoyment out of being a fan of the Bills, which I can understand, but it makes me question what exactly you're doing here.

  3. We've had bad management and bad coaches and bad schemes, but I think it's way too obvious that we also don't have enough good players. I like to watch other games still because I wish my team could do those things. Watch a majority of other NFL games, for instance, and you see QBs making throws that we haven't seen a Bills QB make in a long time.


    Players are the rarest commodity in this league, and ever rarer to find good players that want to come to Buffalo and can embrace that sort of town. But in order to get any better, that is what needs to change now, better players.

  4. The Ralph has really become a tough atmosphere to take someone who isn't a die-hard fan to a game. I hadn't been to a game since 1998, because I've lived elsewhere a lot of that time or just not had the money to go, but I went with my wife last year who'd never been to a football game.


    It was the Browns game, sadly, which is probably the worst first professional football game that a person could have possibly witnessed. But I was really disappointed with the way people acted. I feel like the crowd is a lot younger now than it was a decade ago, and I also think that because the team has been so bad there's been a much bigger focus on the pre-game experience, so to speak, IE, drinking oneself stupid.


    We didn't have any beer spilled on us or anything, but we did have some out-of-towners around us (mostly from Canada) who were all quite belligerently drunk. The people sitting to the left of us were college age guys who were continuously calling my wife sexually explicit names, albeit in a playful manner, this went on as they continued to drink for the entire game, and it went from funny to annoying to a bit weird and frightening to rude. The guys in front of us, older but also from Canada, spent a majority of the game drunkenly cursing at the Browns fans who had seats a few rows below, and this too was funny the first three or so times they did it, but got very annoying for the rest of the game when they'd stand up in the middle of a play to cuss at someone who wasn't even paying attention to them.


    I don't think that's indicative of all Canadian fans or out of towners (My wife and I are out of towners, and we behave like angels!), but the folks behind us, who were older, and from Buffalo, were very respectful and welcoming, and I think a literal embarrassed for my wife that this was her first Bills experience.


    I should also mention that we're not particularly old, so I'm not saying that young people can't behave themselves at the game, but I do think the geriatric nature of the stadium fifteen or so years ago made the atmosphere a little more family friendly.


    On a side note, we went to the HSBC the same week to see the Sabres defeat the Red Wings, and the wife had a great time. The experiences are day and night.

  5. They wouldn't want me as a reporter in those press conferences. Someone should've called TrINT Backwards out on that quote. "You said that you 'think' you want to score? What makes you less than certain in your assertion?" "Going back to last year, you seem reluctant to throw the ball up in Hail Mary types of situations. Are you worried about increasing the INT count on your resume?" "Do you have the freedom to audible out of running plays when there are 9 men on the line of scrimmage? If so, why don't you audible to a pass?" These are just some of the questions that I would like to ask if I had the chance..


    I don't know if you think these are actually profoundly interesting questions, but you basically are asking the same questions that every grumpy beat reporter has asked, every week for a decade, and just doing it in a much ruder and less professional way, which is probably why you're not a reporter in the press conferences, if you so desired to be one.

  6. Yep, that's incomplete. Rule clearly states you have to maintain control after you hit the ground. Johnson didn't - easy call.


    Johnson maintained control for over a second (or at least a second) after he hit the ground. How long does a player have to reasonably maintain control of the ball? Christ, he slid over 3 yards in the end zone, maintaining control of the ball. As other posters suggest, it does NOTHING to eliminate the guess work out of the play. It is TOTALLY up to the interpretation of the referee, who interpreted that play completely incorrectly.


    If there is no determination as to exactly how long a player has to hold onto the ball after making the reception, than it's up to interpretation. There is no way that this play should have be interpreted as lack of control.


    The people complaining simply don't understand the rule. Here's the logic behind it.


    We've all heard the expression "the ground can't cause a fumble." That's the rule when a player is already in possession of the ball. If he has possession, and falls to the ground, he is down, even if the ball comes out.


    When a receiver, catches a pass and falls to the ground in the process, he is in the process of gaining possession. He doesn't have possession yet. So if the ball comes out during that process, it's an incomplete pass. The way the rule is written is much more consistent than something arbitrary such as two feet down.



    He *did* have possession of the ball, falling to the ground, and being touched. I don't think you understand the play?


    He fell to the ground, WHILE IN POSSESSION OF THE BALL.




    Here, watch the play. He is in possession of the ball at :06 seconds into the video, WHILE FALLING/BEING PUSHED TO THE GROUND. He is still on two feet. Nothing from the play indicates he is down. He is in the act of falling, WITH COMPLETE, AND TOTAL POSSESSION.

  7. Yep, that's incomplete. Rule clearly states you have to maintain control after you hit the ground. Johnson didn't - easy call.


    He did maintain control after he hit the ground. He did not maintain control after the ball hit the ground, which was well after he hit the ground. Two butt cheeks, one elbow, and two feet clearly make a reception.


    The ball was not remotely close to being the first thing to hit the ground, which means that it's a reception, and then, the ground can't cause a fumble.


    It was the right call. You should be arguing the rule, not the call.


    I totally disagree, it was a completely perverted view of the rule. The rule isn't designed to take away receptions from people who clearly make a catch, and drop the ball when it touches the ground, its designed to deal with reception attempts on untouched plays, or where the receiver has not established possession. What the referee did was totally against the spirit of the rule, and probably a violation of the rule.


    Contact was induced, Johnson completes the act of the catch and falls over, with an elbow, two feet and his ass all in bounds. That's it, that's the end of the play. He has completed the act of the reception and been tackled.


    There is no rule in the National Football League that suggests that a receiver has to continue completing the act of the reception when the rest of the play is deemed done. The play is over or it's not.


    Finally, any such rule would be up to interpretation of the referee, in which case, this referees interpretation was absolutely, positively wrong.

  8. Neither Good, Bad, nor Ugly, but instead I'll go with: Confusing.


    Gailey has stated that the Bills were going to be a more run-oriented offense, we heard that all offseason and all preseason.


    Is there anyone out there who can explain to me why our offense started the game in shot gun formation with 3 & 4 WR sets? We saw that on the first two series. I thought we were going to use the run to set-up the pass? WTF?


    I think it was, in some respects, a reaction to the Miami defense. They were stacking the box and testing the O-Line on run blocks (the tackles are bad going upfield, they'd probably be bad run blocking down field, and they were right)


    In my opinion, the remedy to that was to hit some passes over the top early, but they instead chose to go to some outside runs and screen plays/check downs. Now that's either on Trent or Gailey, I don't know who. I have an opinion, but it's only that, and that is that it's probably Trent. I think that if you want this guy to throw the ball more than four yards down field with any sort of confidence or consistency, you pretty much have to take the backs off the field and just use a blocking tight end or something. But it seems to me that if and when Trent has the opportunity to check down or go to the screen, he does. Sometimes the pocket collapsed, but in many instances the pocket was still there and Trent either bailed out and abandoned the down field play or just went straight to his check down option.


    But I think what falls on Gailey is that early on, there was too much Spiller, not enough Jackson. Jackson/Lynch (but especially Jackson) need to get more carries than they got today. Fred Jackson gets tough yards. Spiller is great in space, but he's not going to get space between the tackles, not on this team, not against every team in the league that's going to dare us to pass the football.


    So I think it's a combination of game plan and execution.

  9. Some Sabres forums that I post on will post a "Good, Bad, Ugly" thread after each hockey game. It's pretty self-explanatory. Every interested poster posts what they think was good, bad, and worst about the game.


    Would it be cool to do one of those every week here at TBD? I know that there are a lot of threads that get started after the game that talk about particular subject matter within the game, but I thought it might be cool to have a thread every week where we divvy up and air our grievances. If not, and you'd rather merge or delete this, that's cool, too. Just a thought!


    Here's mine:


    The Good


    - Defense. Kept the team in the game. Moats with a good play. Maybin made a few tackles.

    - Spiller in open field.

    - 'Scoe. My god. Welcome back, punt return game.

    - David Nelson. He is a player. He should be on the field more than Stevie Johnson right now.

    - Lindell. Could probably hit you a 58 or 59 yarder, and maybe we'll even get to see it this year instead of punting from the 32.


    The Bad


    - Lack of a run game. Put Spiller on the outside, but let Fred Jackson get the tough yards. FRED JACKSON CAN GET TOUGH YARDS.

    - Tight Ends. Did we even play tight ends?

    - Very little pass rush except when the Dolphins gave it to them.

    - I don't even remember hearing Marcus Stroud's name today.



    The Ugly


    - Poz. "They call me Mr. Glass". He's okay when he's healthy, and just okay. He's never healthy.

    - Could Gailey calling the plays from down low be a thing? They've got to run the ball better. And whatever it means. If it means playing Fitz, or Trent, or a Brohm, or a guy off the street, when the defense is daring you to throw down field, you've got to find a way to throw down field.

    - Trent. Good guy, good athlete (not good QB). It's time to go. The Dolphins were, at a time, begging this guy to throw downfield and he just wouldn't until he was absolutely forced too. Two blatant interceptions dropped by the Dolphins.

    - Cornell Green. Horrible, on a day when the offensive line pass protected at least a little bit.

  10. Not for nothing but there's really nothing as predictable as the Bills defense collapsing and then the team bringing it back to make a potential loss more agonizing.*


    *Except there is one thing predictable, and that is that right about this time everyone can't help themselves and take their frustrations out by calling each other names.


    Come on people, what's the saying? Let's act like we've been here before!

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