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Posts posted by wardigital

  1. In preseason, Sully said he didn't like any of the QBs, and we should have tried to bring in someone else. He also said that he didn't think Edwards could get it done, and that he didn't think there had been a real competition. He doubted whether Edwards should be the QB.


    After the first week and second weeks, he said Edwards looks absolutely lousy and shouldn't have been the starter.


    After the switch was made, he said IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE TRENT THE STARTER, then switching him out so quickly smacks of desperation.


    This time, he said "God knows what took him so long, but he figured out that Ryan Fitzpatrick gave his team a better chance to win than Trent Edwards. He was right."


    Nothing that doesn't make sense there. Yeah, if you take a few words out of context, you can make it look as if he was contradicting himself. Look at the statements in context and you can see he wasn't. From day one, he's been saying Trent is the wrong choice.


    It really shouldn't require anywhere near this level of clarification.

  2. I wonder how it'll be viewed around the league? Obviously, there's a new sheriff in town -- but . . .


    I know the Bills, at this point in time, don't create much thinking for many of the other teams. Still, this will spark a few conversations.


    If Rich Gannon and the Sirius NFL guys are any indication, and I would assume they are, because Gannon floated a few pretty major names out who agreed with him when he was talking about it, then it's viewed poorly. (Of course it is!)


    The general consensus seems to be that if you go into a season with a guy after basically giving him the starting job out of voluntaries, and then cut him after three weeks, that there is a major problem in the organization in terms of how they evaluate talent. Gannon then something to the effect of "I think Buffalo has the problem of someone making decisions for the front office who shouldn't be involved with those decisions."


    I would assume he was trying to be coy about Ralph Wilson.


    A caller called in and suggested that the problem was that Trent Edwards was essentially two different quarterbacks from practice to game time, right down to his attitude. It was agreed that, that was possible, but they then said if that was the case, it fell on the organization to know that and make Gailey aware of that with three years of sample on Edwards. And that not going out and getting Bulger or Claussen when they had the chance probably meant that there was someone in the organization with decision making power who liked Edwards and wasn't willing to give up on him yet.




    My personal opinion? The Bills should have known before this season that Trent wasn't the answer, but I don't think that there were any options in the draft or in free agency that I really would have gone after. And I, too, still retained some hope that with a new coaching staff and new system, the practice Trent would become the real Trent. But obviously he did not. This is a rebuilding year, and things happen -- wild and crazy things during rebuilding efforts.


    I think that the problem with what the rest of the league seems to think is that "The Bills always have all this instability". Well, maybe that's true, but right now the instability is good, because the old guard sucked. We *need* change. This is a lost season in terms of playoff hopes. But it's a season where we evaluate what we have. Trent had nothing. He's gone. Good!

  3. Peyton Manning threw 16 interceptions last year.





    P.S. Is anyone here besides me bothered by the fact that when you try to make two consecutive posts in the same thread, the board software automatically lumps them into one single post? That "feature" is annoying, to say the least . . .


    Agreed! I don't mind if it I'm quoting separate things, because the quotes sort of act as buffer, but yeah.


    I think it is designed to cut down on spam or post whoring or something.

  4. Peyton Manning threw 16 interceptions last year.





    P.S. Is anyone here besides me bothered by the fact that when you try to make two consecutive posts in the same thread, the board software automatically lumps them into one single post? That "feature" is annoying, to say the least . . .


    Look up a couple of posts, someone else caught that too. I had my spreadsheet sorted backwards. I'd edit it -- but why? First, mistakes are mitsakes, and second: the point still remains (that good quarterbacks also throw interceptions), and not that Fitz is good (he's not), but to make a case for Edwards over Fitz because of two picks today probably means a person is mentally retarded. And that is not hyperbole.


    wait which total moron thought trent should start again?


    Some on this board, and you know, others, too.

  5. Sirius NFL Radio has said many times, and I agree, that if you aren't committed to Edwards for more than two games then you weren't committed enough to him in the off-season. In other words, they should have brought some new blood in, even if they could only fill a back-up role.


    So far as the move now, I think it is the right move, but I think it was a mistake on the part of Gailey/Nix that they needed to wait until Week 3 of the regular season to see that.


    Finally, I don't understand this desire to see Brohm play. He has never done anything particularly inspiring in his Quarterback play. Every coach and analyst that has addressed this issue has said that he showed nothing to indicate some budding potential in the pre-season or training camp. Brohm being mostly unfamiliar to us does not make that unfamiliarity "upside".


    scuse me for not phrasing it perfectly to suit you, you are correct he wasn't CUT, they just didn't re sign him so he is no longer with the team.


    If you want to get technical TO had 55 receptions for 829 yards, he had 69 the year before with Dallas.


    Those 55 receptions were more then Lee Evans who had 44-612 yards


    The point was the Bills didn't RE SIGN their leading receiver from last season


    The guy who took TO's place has been demoted to 3rd string and only takes the field when the Bills move to more then 2 receivers on the field


    So In regards to your last statement, I disagree. I think it has had serious impact on the offensive performance this year


    Terrell Owens only ran one route last year. Buffalo was a pit-stop for him. The offense was more efficient before we had Terrell Owens, with Josh Reed. Does that mean Josh Reed is better than Terrell Owens and we need to go get Reed back, now?


    Come on.

  6. I don't think that they think Brohm is any good, and neither do I. There is no reason to protect a turd.


    As far as Spiller goes, I think they overestimated his ability to carry the offense (because Chan Gailey basically said, "We over estimated his ability to carry the offense") and I suspect that he will be used more as a scat back, especially until he can learn to block better and deal with NFL defenses between the tackles.

  7. Take these phrases out of your vocabulary:


    "they need to bench (current QB) for (2nd/3rd string QB)"


    "we need to trade for (high profile player bills will never trade for)


    "our O-line blows"


    "we need to just play lynch or spiller or jackson for the whole game"


    "we need to run more"


    "we need to pass more"


    "we never blitz"


    "we never throw down field"


    "where is the play action?"


    "we only throw check down passes"


    "why didn't we draft (player who is doing better with another team, simply because they have a better organization)"


    "starting ANY sentence with: "if we just had, if we could just or if they had just one more..."



    These are all excuses for the main, glaring, obvious problem with the Buffalo Bills. They have a 91 year old owner. Let me say that slower and more deliberately...they have....a 91! year old owner. Picture all of the ,if any, 91 year olds you know? They don't know what day it is, they cant even drive anymore. Yet, we have a man RUNNING A FOOTBALL TEAM IN THE NFL. He doesn't care anymore about the organization. In fact, I can bet he's napping right now. Do not expect a competitive organization until that man sells the team. When you're a player, Buffalo is where you go to collect a check for a few years with little expectations of winning.


    So you can sit on these boards and debate what's wrong with the team blah blah blah blah drafting/coaching/QB etc etc etc, but it's all just WHITE NOISE and ignorance, if you don't look at A. the culture of the team and B. who's running the show. No one is at the wheel!!!


    PS. I hope this QB change has you watching/attending games for a few more weeks! It's definitely going to change the organization for years to come.



  8. Even if Young was available, which I am not sure that he is -- what would we be able to give up for him? The Titans obviously don't want Lynch. What's left? Draft picks that we don't want to give up. Lee Evans? And then who does Young have to throw to?




    Damn, damn, damnit!

  9. This years' Bills is one of the worst teams I can remember in all my years as a fan. I hope they turn it around next week and we win 10 games and make it to the playoffs, but I think we could all agree that is a pipe dream with the personnel we have now. That being said, we are in year 1 of what should be at least a 3 year rebuilding plan. What would you like to see the Bills get out of this season? Here's what I'd like to see.


    1- Empty the Cupboard at QB

    Start Brohm for a few games. Edwards is over and Fitz started a good portion of last season and we know what kind of QB he is- solid depth but not a starter. Maybe we get lucky and Brohm surprises us. But chances are we draft a rd 1 QB next year. Edwards is a liability and only hinders the development of any of our receivers.


    2- Expose personnel who can't play in the 3-4 and get rid of them.

    See if Maybin can play at all. Let him sink or swim, around game 5 he needs to be left in the game longer so we can see if he will actually develop in this system. The FO doesn't like him, so they could try for a trade in the offseason once he falls flat on his face.


    3- Find out if we have any young talent on the O-line

    Start one of our young guys at RT for the rest of the season. Then give Green his walking papers ASAP.


    4- Fire Modrak.

    Yes, he is responsible for our draft grades and not the actual drafting. But our draft grades have sucked for 10 years.



    I'd appreciate it if you guys could share some thoughts on things that actually COULD happen. I'm still watching every game this year, but it gets discouraging watching a team you love show so little week after week. At least by looking at subsets in a game I can come away with a modicum of satisfaction. Like saying "hey, Troupe really could be a good player in this league" or "Meredith or Urbik could be a legit tackle."


    These are all things that I think would be a great start. If I'm the Bills, I think you have to compete until you're totally out of it (which may only be Week 8 or 9) and then you start cutting dead weight, bringing guys in off the street/other teams practice squads, and generally just searching for diamonds in the rough. I want a full rebuilding effort, from the ground up. We've tried and failed for too many years to rebuild while still trying to compete. It just won't work. Let's get a Top 3 pick, trade away our veterans, and really start this thing over. A total blow up is the only solution, in my opinion.

  10. Jermichael Finley is going to eat us alive tomorrow.


    The problem is that even with their starting RB out, our run defense is giving up 5 yards each running play. If they can establish the run, they'll be able to play action and it won't matter how good our dbs are. With the exception of Whitner. What has he ever done?


    The Dolphins ran the Ball 36 times for 132 yards last week. As noted, that's only 3.7 yards per carry.

  11. Nowhere in this thread did I indicate that I even drink alcohol at all, let alone go to games drunk. You are just making this up, as you have a bunch of other things in this thread. Nobody likes that condescending, lecturing type of personality either, just FYI. So, while you suggest to me how I should not do something you have no clue whether or not I actually do, I'd suggest to you that others would like you more if you dropped that personality trait.


    For that matter, then, I do wish that *anyone* could go to a football game without being drunk.


    If you don't drink at all, good for you! :)

  12. I guess we disagree that things that happen exceedingly rarely are big issues. The topic of this thread asks whether Bills games are really that family unfriendly.


    Myself, and several other posters are responding that we feel that the stadium is not overly unfriendly on game day, and that many of the people writing that there are literally ten thousand people so drunk that they are falling down, vomiting everywhere, and urinating in their seats is just untrue in our experience.


    Then, a poster came in with a puritanical view of alcohol consumption, which again many posters took exception with. Many mature, responsible adults feel that consuming alcohol is not inherently evil, and that alcohol consumption on stadium grounds does not turn Ralph Wilson Stadium into some sort of Lord of the Flies style living hell.


    After this, you took this discussion and somehow changed the title of this thread to "Do you feel that people getting drunk to the point of falling down, and vomiting/urinating freely in their seats is bad?"


    Answer to that is yes, so I suppose you nailed it :)


    I'm assuming you're referring to me as having a "puritanical" view on alcohol. That's not true. Maybe it shocks you to know that I drink, I don't know. I just don't happen to do it a lot, or when I am going somewhere to enjoy something else (like football).


    For my money, you've been a little unnecessarily nasty about my views for no apparent reason. I don't understand what it is about not drinking that could possibly offend you, but I am sorry that we can't talk about this more amicably.

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