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Posts posted by wardigital

  1. Don't forget the "Brohm hasn't thrown a TD in preseason" argument.


    There's also the, "Why would anyone in Buffalo want to go through yet another experiment at Quarterback that's likelihood of failure is far greater than its likelihood of success." argument. Which is a fairly pragmatic one.


    Please do - if I ever have the chance to exchange a few words with Buddy, I certainly would.


    But I can see that all you're doing now is throwing out red herrings, and apparently have no legitimate response to my previous post.


    They resign a quarterback to the practice squad because he is expendable, but servicable, having practiced in their system and studied the playbook. In the event of an emergency, he could have been signed to the team and already known the playbook. If he was a valuable commodity, or even a reasonable project, he would have been on the active roster running the scout team.


    Whenever this notion in Billsland came about that being on a practice squad suddenly gives a player some sort of tremendous potential is nonsense.. Brohm was the 46th best player (at best) in a league that keeps 45.

  2. Hey, after he contributes another couple hundred tackles and a handful of sacks and interceptions to this organization, maybe you will go easy on the hatred.


    A couple hundred tackles, a handful of sacks and interceptions in four years is exactly the problem, Mr. Troll.

  3. Just because you made a bad thread doesn't mean you have to be such a baby about it.


    Just because you consider my thread bad does not mean you have to post in it. I've enjoyed the positive responses. I would even enjoy to hear your consideration for getting a good quarterback, though I suspect that anyone that thinks that the Chris Kelsay signing, terms and condition considered "makes sense", has nothing to say except for trolling and balderdash, and so far I'm not disappointed.

  4. Very funny.


    I always find it funny to read all of the brain surgeons on this board criticize a Stanford guy's intelligence. I also find it funny when all of the keyboard jockeys on this board call him a coward. It takes a lot of guts for any QB to play behind the Buffalo Bills offensive line these past several years.


    Just my two cents.



    I agree that Trent didn't sound dumb or overwhelmed or anything to me. He sounds normal. I think he will have a better career in Jacksonville than here, if given the chance, but I'm not sure he'll get the chance to be more than a back-up there.


    In the same breath, though, I think it's important to mention that just because someone goes to Stanford or Princeton or Yale or whatever, that does not make them a particularly well-rounded person, with a wide range of intelligences. It doesn't make them good communicators, nor leaders of men. Lots of people who go to highly regarded schools have savant-like intelligences in very defined areas, and these people are often more likely to have trouble in other areas. Finding a person who excels as a well-rounded person is actually a very rare thing. Also, lots of people end up at highly regarded schools for other reasons -- through connections, through money interests or athletic interests.


    I don't know what Trent's situation is with that. He may, in fact, be a very well-rounded person. But at least on the surface it seems as though whatever intelligences or qualities are necessary to be a successful quarterback for the Buffalo Bills (and that, at this point, might be nothing short of wizardry), Trent Edwards lacks.

  5. Football fans, in general, are remarkably dumb people. Which also makes them tremendously useful in this sort of thing, because they're big time consumers. I'll leave it to others to discuss whether or not we are smart or stupid for continuing to support one of the worst products in this consumer industry. Alas, we do. (My opinion is: This board is fairly average as far as football boards go, and fairly dumb as far as anything else goes.)


    We're like the one car still in the K-Mart parking lot.

  6. Intangible NFL trades based on dreamland are Lame........


    I don't exactly think it is lame, but I also don't exactly think trading Lee Evans would be the stuff of dreamland.


    I think that when you look at the last decade of the Bills, anything in this light is possible.


    But thank you for your positive contribution to the forum. You have, so far I'm sure, made this a much better place.

  7. Yes, it makes sense to overpay an aging, clumsy, slow, defensive end to play linebacker for a four year deal, because it is impossible to conceive that the Bills might be able to replace him. In four years.


    Four years.


    I feel a little better now about the rude post you felt like putting in my thread, to see that you are actually just a total idiot.

  8. Can I somehow trade him for a good quarterback in this new, made-up fantasy land? Because if so, that's the easy and obvious answer.


    If you feel that, that is what you can get for him, sure. I don't think anyone would trade you a good quarterback for Lee Evans, even in this made-up fantasy land.


    Oh, and I don't see why it is necessary to be so pithy. I'm just trying to contribute something to the board.


    I am so sick of hearing "trade Lee Evans". That idea is simply retarded IMO. It makes sense to trade Marshawn for the right price because we are deep at RB. But if we trade Lee- one of the only Bills that could start on most any NFL team- that leaves us with gaping holes at WR. Who becomes #1- Roscoe? WTF kind of logic is that? Then we need to devote another high pick trying to obtain a #1 WR when we could be addressing needs at OLB, ILB, Dline, OT, QB, WR, C etc. This team would be so much better if they held onto their talent (Pat Williams, Antoine Winfield, London Fletcher, Etc) then letting them walk and try and replace on the cheap. This team has many holes and can ill afford to start digging others


    What if Evans demands a trade? Or what if it is possible that Lee Evans is not as good as you think he is? I totally disagree with the assertion that he could start on most any NFL team.


    Evans is one of the players the Bills can least afford to lose, as there is no other legit #1 WR on the team (some question if there is a #2 WR on the team). The claim that Lee is not a legit #1 is moronic, so let's leave that discussion to the brain-dead.


    But if you had to trade Lee for a player, it would have to be a quality QB, LT or LB.


    I guess this was strictly an academic exercise, right?


    It's not moronic, it's perfectly reasonable. A player whose high water mark was an 18-month period of which he hasn't even remotely come close to replicating since sounds a lot like Trent Edwards. It also sounds a lot like Lee Evans, who has been stone-cold-ordinary since.


    And yes, it was strictly an academic exercise? Isn't that the role of discussion boards, on occasion?


    For what its worth Lee does demand double coverage. That in itself is useful to the offense.


    He does sometimes. But not exactly always. And when we had a legitimate second receiver threat last year in T.O, that double coverage did not result in particularly productive years for either Evans or Owens.

  9. You can pick one game or another - I only started with the Pats because that's the big success Random Fitz is supposed to have just had.


    Also - between last year and this, New England's defense got worse, and Miami's defense got better. This is known from their performances against other teams this year.


    Miami promptly followed the win over us with an almost identical score against Brett Favre and the Vikings - sort of a HoF version of Fits, surrounded by better players.


    It's really not a hard comparison - Fits had a QB rating of 69.7 last season. Trent had a 73.8.


    All the fans getting excited about how Fits "inspires the offense" or whatever aren't remembering the same games I am when I saw him lead us to one 3-and-out after another BECAUSE HE CAN'T HIT THE TARGET.


    Cutting Trent is fine if he wasn't doing what Gailey was telling him to do in the pre-snap or whatever.


    And the broader point you make - that because there are other problems on the offense - Fitz is a better choice in the short term may well be right. Please just don't forget the difference in the defenses of the three teams we faced, and revisit after Fitz tries to heave it up randomly against the Jets.


    And, btw - you should all know I will be on here eating crow with a fork and knife and liking it if Fitz looks good Sunday.


    Quarterback Rating relies heavily on Completion Percentage, which does not indicate the degree to which Edwards attempts were limited or the offense was shortened under him.


    Take, for instance, that your QB rating will be higher if you are 4 of 5 for 8 yards, throwing 4 2-yard passes, then if you are 1 for 5 for 10 yards, throwing 1 10-yard pass. But one gets you closer to the end zone than the other.

  10. I'm not talking draft picks. For the sake of this scenario, let's say that it is March 2011, and you have just been given the GM role as the Bills. Your first order of business is to trade Lee Evans. Ralph Wilson has demanded it, and you must do it or be punished with death, or whatever the hell sort of punishment would make you do it.


    The draft has exploded. There is no such thing as a draft. You must trade Evans for a positional player in the NFL who could start on our team (this means lots of backups). What position do you go with?


    I would probably go with LB. I feel like LB is obviously a problem right now, but not one that we necessarily want to deal with in the draft with T and QB in such awful shape.


    What happens if we trade Evans at the WR position? Well, it's a virtual no-man's land.


    But with Edwards being gone and Evans being relatively quiet about his departure, with his recent frustration about getting the ball, and with the quiet rumblings that he may, at some point, demand a trade this year, I think that it is at least plausible to suggest that the Bills would try to use Evans as one of their lone pieces of leverage to improve elsewhere. A team like Washington may be willing to take him instead of trying to get someone out of the draft, you never know.

  11. If a player would purposely throw a game for his college team to avoid being drafted by an NFL team he may or may not even be drafted by to begin with, I don't want that player in the first place. But this notion is so ridiculous that it's not really worth fully examining the thought. There is no way Jake Locker is sucking on purpose so Buffalo doesn't draft him. Come the frick on.

  12. You are correct I didn't read it. I'll still take Edwards as he will throw less INT's


    Career TE 25 TD's 27 INT's 14-16

    Career Fitz 23 TD's 29 INT's 8-14-1


    Neither have great stats, but Edwards is in his prime at this point in his career, and it irks the living crap outta me that he had to play 3 years for morons with no real coaching, behind crap O lines and for rookie OC's.... he finally gets a decent offensive mind to coach him and the guy gives up after only 2 games


    The reason that Edwards has thrown two less interceptions is because he has completely given up on throwing the ball down field. His yardage per attempt and interceptions per game dropped nearly in half after the Monday Night Cleveland Game, but so too has his points production and completion percentage dropped.


    Also, career numbers are an unfair portrayal of player's in the National Football League, because the league is so system-based. What Fitzpatrick did in St. Louis or Cincy is nothing like what he has done here, and what Edwards has done here is nothing like what he will do in Jacksonville. Instead, the numbers that need to be compared are those from when Fitz and Edwards were both on the same team, in the same systems. Within those walls, Fitzpatrick is profoundly better.

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