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Posts posted by 26TrapDraw

  1. Aside from my inability to comprehend the amount of money that the players are making.. Your stand is exactly what the owners want the public to feel in each and every anti-union work force dispute that has ever happened in this country..



    From what I have read,the package put together by the owners to the players seemed fair. I'm not a lawyer or claim to understand all the legality, but i believe the players think they are getting shafted...I don't think this is the case.So if i had to choose a side, I'd side with the owners in this situation based on what i have heard.

  2. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/05/08/rumors-fly-of-a-complete-nfl-shutdown/



    I'm not sure how likely this is but i felt like i needed to be posted. What would your reaction be if this were to happen? I for one would be a) shocked and b) extremely angry that it would have to come to something like this


    I have to say, I am firmly with the owners on this. I know its not the sheik decision but follow me here. How do the players have the right to dictate their terms to the owners? In any other company or business do you ever see this happening or employees asking their employers/owners to open their books? Who the F**k do the players think they are?? The owners should play hard ball with the NFLPA. I would actually like to see them shut down permanently and restructure as a new league. How long do you think it would take for the owners to find comparable talent to put on the field? Not long and then the greedy players can twist in the breeze looking for work. It was the owners and league not the players who have made the NFL what it is today. Thats just one man's humble opinion

  3. In reality, or to people that can accept reality, watching/reading/listening to everything that has gone down with the Bills in the past few weeks/months truely confirms that the only true way to build a francise it through the draft. I know I may be stating the obivous, but as I continue to read peoples posts and comments it seems as if other teams baggage is quickly deemed the "savior". This goes as far as "the QB situtation being solved with Fitz". The guy has been in the league 6 years and been on 3 seperate teams (2 years in B-LO). If he was to be an every day starter on a regular basis in the NFL he would have been there by now and would have beaten out his competition not slid in by default


    The Bills are truely 2-4 years away from being a Playoff contender, especailly being in the AFC East. This is reality. We need to have confidence in Gailey and Nix and need to understand that players such as EVANS, JACKSON, McGHEE, STROUD even KELSAY wont be around when the Bills truly become a playoff contender. If this means letting Vets go (Mitchell) or trading away players such as the ones above for picks or youth so be it. I am a believer in Evans and dont feel that we have seen his true potential but at this point I dont believe you ever will in Buffalo so why not get him to a team that could use a good WR for a 2nd round pick. He is going to be 30 next year. Face it, the Bills are rebuilding, starting from scratch. Save LYNCH, trade JACKSON...lynch is 5 years younger. Everyone is sick of getting rid of the "talent" but when the talent wont be there to help you in 2, 3, 4 years whats the difference?


    Anyway, enough with the ORTON for LYNCH....enough of the Castoffs are the Saviors...only time, good drafts and good player development within is what will cure the BILLS

    we took a big step in building through the draft by signing a contract extension to a subpar converted DE who gets beat like he stole something every sunday....so much for that sound logic. :bag:

  4. I have defended the FO so far but this move baffles me.

    OHH MY GOD. and its s%^t like this that make me just put my head down in shame. Donte whitner asked why other teams were laughing at us.....Really?....just gets worse by the day that extension is the epitome of why we will never be competetive in this league :wallbash::thumbdown:

  5. to expand your question a bit....Why extend Kelsay EVER??

    + 6,000,000 Kelsey is slow,out of position on almost every play he covers, being a mediocre DE turned LB of all things and cannot find a niche in a 34 defense. I watched him get torched time and time again by tight ends and how long do you think it will take a good OC to start throwing crossing routes and drag routes to tight ends and backs knowing they can torch this slug. I think he deserves a contract extension for sure....NOT!!!! This is why people laugh at us....God help our poor Bills :wallbash::thumbdown:

  6. This guy "excels at trap pulling" and can "play all 3 interior line positions" These are things I like. So he's versatile and quick. Big and strong too. Not sure why he was let go. But we need a guy like this for depth. If he can turn into a quality right guard, move Wood to Center and we could be solid with our interior.


    Has Anyone tried out this scenario? Levitre was a tackle in college he has knowledge of the position. Cornell Green has'nt impressed anyone. Slide Levitre to Right tackle and slip this UrhBik kid into LG so he can "excel at trap blocking and Pulling"...just a thought

  7. JP has 2 TDs and a FG in his last 3 drives, all he needed was more time!



    K some thoughts about the UFL. I live in vegas so I was at the game. The gameplay was surprisingly good. I paid 30 bucks to be on the 35 yardline in row 2 to the field. there was 15000 people there(Sam Boyd Stadium holds about 35,000). The players were turning around and acknowledging the fans and coming over after big plays and high fiving fans. This to me was the most impressive thing about the UFL they have this "it's all about U theme for the fans", refeshing considering nfl players hardly give you the time of day. Losman looked pretty good after the 1st quarter. Is Gabe Long an ex Buffalo Bill? and there was a sports center worthy hit in the final quarter on a California kickoff return. Las vegas player # 23 Sumrall was his name i think just crushed the California return man. He came to the sideline all amped up after giving the guy a snotbubble. He was standing on the sideline and since I was right there I yelled "hey Summrall,, duh na na duh na na" and he smiled and and came over and high fived me. also final note Las vegas has a tight end that should be on an Nfl roster # 87 forget his name but he abused California's secondary............best part was after the game the Loco's players came over and talked with everyone thanking them for coming to the game. To me the best part. :doh:

  8. I find peoples opinions on getting a player based on persona interesting. If the guy can play, then he can play. Granted if he gets arrested and suspended etc. that's a giant pain in the butt that no team needs. But still, isn't it really about skill on the field, not in the locker room or on the street?


    Out of curiosity, do the people who don't want Marshall on this team clamoring for the Bills to dump Marshawn Lynch? He hasn't exactly been a model citizen either.

    The difference between Marshawn who was being a stupid kid with the wrong crowd and Marshall who is a girl beating scumbag seems to be self evident doesn't it? Even if Marshall had a red cape on the field it doesn't make it any easier to digest him as a human... JMHO

  9. I'll watch a game here and there if i'm bored, just like i follow college football...

    I'll watch cause I live in vegas. I'm interested to see what Losman can do here along with the other 200,000 transplants that live here. I would rather watch the UFL than college....at least there will be playoffs...don't get me started on that <_<

  10. It might be fun to circle the wagons at the Vegas UFL games- there should be a halfway decent product on the field with Fassel at the helm. Anyone interested in getting together please let me know. I will be motorhome tailgating at Sam Boyd Stadium this fall. Gonna show the Bills colors. Class of '79, Depew High School.

    I bleed Buffalo blue and red and have since I moved here 7 years ago. Up until last season, Johnny Mac's and I were like Norm and cheers come football sunday. Now, the best Bar to watch is Stake out on trop and maryland parkway. Like a stadium atmosphere and it gets pretty packed with diehards and no one else. Pretty good time...you got to check it out. :lol:

  11. Las Vegas is a desert in more than one way- so many expatriate Buffalo fans here- I think a sniff of NFL and Bills in particular will bring fans out. Night games in Oct. and Nov. here are a smart idea. We're gonna tailgate Buffalo style! :rolleyes:



    :rolleyes: I second that. I'm a transplant here and even if its Losman, he has a tie to our beloved bills. There are so many Bills fans in Vegas its scary, there are actually 3 Bills bars that r packed every sunday....Go Bills!!

  12. If the OL is as bad as many expect it to be, the Bills will be well into the bottom 1/3 and T.O. will blow up by November. I don't understand where all of this enthusiasm about the O is coming from. As of right now the Bills have 3 proven producers (Lynch, Ownes and Evans) on the entire offense, and one of them is 35 yrs old and another is suspended for a few games. So you're expecting guys that haven't proven anything to be stellar and T.O. not to age at all. Talk about wishful thinking.


    Ok, I think I speak for everyone here when I say...please go and crawl up Tom Brady's ass where you belong. This site is for unrealistic pipe dreaming about the season to come. This lately has been all we can do so please, for the love of God leave us alone. The last 10 posts by you have been pissing in our cheerios. WE DONT WANT YOU HERE!!!! it would be different if you were objective,BUT all you do is bash....SO BEAT IT!!!!!!!

  13. I hate to bump this again but I am putting in one last order if anyone is interested send me a message. $36 total shipped per jersey.


    Details about the jerseys have been discussed in this thread so if you are interested please read all the info. Yes the Dark blue have white trim and not royal blue.


    Also some players they have that were not mentioned is Kelly Thomas and Smith in White throwback (I think this comes with the 1900 SB patch too)


    And the Edwards Dark Blue jerseys come with a "C" captains patch. Its pretty cool.


    Other then that if you are interested email tbssimpson@gmail.com or send a message on here please. Thanks.



    Got to tell ya, I ordered 3 of these jerseys from Travis ( 95Altima12) I live in vegas and I ordered the TO throw back, Edwards away jersey and Whitner home jersey.... I paid 98 dollars for the 3 of them. Material is pretty high quality, the numbers and names are stitched and I have bought the screen printed ones from the store before. these are better for the price in my opinion. well 33 bucks for a "replica" that looks pretty damn good is worth it IMHO Sorry Travis no Captain's C on Edwards though little upset about that.

  14. I just saw on ESPN (main page...couldn't read the article...in the rumor section).


    Could anyone please elaborate on this or if you actually pay for it (espn extra)...to give us a heads up on the story.


    Does this mean that Espn's last rumor of crap...Peppers to NE...is just crap? Who the hell in the NFL does not want to play for NE?


    UMMM lets see everyone who hates the patriots! like everyone on this board! meaning Beat it patsie lover, no room for you here :unsure::huh::unsure::unsure:

  15. It isn't that useless. Rotoworld, Profootballtalk, etc. all list it. This would be a good time for him to get to know his teammates and coaching staff, but we all know with T.O. there is only one person that matters.


    Can we agree though that The man is in freakishly good shape. I know that for tean chemistry and Unity that the right thing to do would be to show up. It would be different if he was fat ass useless peters but he's a freak and that is probably the only reason he's not there. Ig he shows up to OTA's and is fat thats different but this is not a big Deal.

  16. Terrell Owens was not in attendance for the beginning of the Bills offseason workouts Monday morning.


    Good Lord , are we gonna start this crap already. This just in T.O has not been regular for 3 days now. I think he has colon cancer and should be dead by week's end.

    This is an absolutely useless post!.


    This just in! T.O not at offseason conditioning which means he's not a team player and should be causing rifts.


    WHOOOO CAAAARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. His problems concerning his character and attitude when he was in college were well known. That's one of the reasons he went undrafted,even though his raw talent was no secret. I guess you could say that's just hearsay or that people change,but to me his actions seem to show a pattern of behavior that directly affect the team.

    I'm in agreement here. This guy is showing an ugly pattern of dissatisfaction. Granted he does deserve a "better" contract that he has now, that is not in question BUT Everybody getting pissed off about it is silly. The Bills FO holds ALL the cards here, they can put their best offer on the table and if Payme doesn't like it yes he will hold out. All that will do is show the rest of the league what a malcontent he is and make it extremely difficult to deal with other teams not to mention sitting on the shelf for another "prime" year of his career. IMHO Peters would do well to let buffalo make a fair contract extension offer and go with it.

  18. What an August it's going to be! Bruce Smith, inducted in the HOF! Ralph Wilson, inducted in the HOF! The Bills playing in the HOF Game featuring newly aquired pro bowl and future HOFer T.O.


    Suddenly, our Pro Bowl players -Schoebel, Peters, Lynch, Stroud & Owens, with gamebreakers like Evans, Parrish & McKelvin and an ever growing group of strong contributers like Poz, Butler, Whitner & Mitchell will make for season opening MUST SEE football!


    Gotta get to Canton!


    LOL Who the F is Butler?

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