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Wayne Fontes

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Posts posted by Wayne Fontes

  1. I thought he was one of the two weakest links on those great teams. For that reason it irritates me that he's announcing.


    A safety and nose tackle away from greatness.


    Saw an old clip of him returning a int for a td - it was embarrassing how slow he was. Looked like a kid in a halloween costume.

  2. Pro Football Focus Premium Stats show our TE's ranked (out of 62 in the NFL):


    20th (Chandler), 46th (Smith) overall,

    10th (Chandler), 62nd (Smith) yards receiving. Smith was last, NEP* had 3 TE's in the top 6.

    35th (Smith) and 39th (Chandler) run blocking.

    26th (Chandler) and 62nd (Smith) in yards after catch per reception


    ill attempt at humor

  3. RJ was the ultimate tease...moreso than ANY QB the Bills have brought in since. Great athlete, rocket arm, and ACCURACY with the football. He just didn't have that "internal clock" all successful NFL QBs possess.


    He was a "failure" as a QB for sure (his wallet likely disagrees), but his character and intelligence take far too many hits around here from ignorant fans. Comments like "10-cent head" have no basis in fact.


    What's really interesting is the fact that Wade's (or Ralph's) decision to bench Flutie for RJ prior to the 1999 playoffs is eerily similar to Harbaugh benching Alex Smith for Kaepernick -- except RJ actually had a track record at that point of some success.


    Funny how things turn out.


    That said...this thread = RJ.


    My use of '10 cent head' in the initial post referred to his lack of a football iq, or as you put it 'internal clock'. not his basic level of human intelligence. I should have been more specific.


    I realize that the great ones or even pretty good ones have a natural feel for the game, but Rob lacked football instinct, intellect or whatever you want to call it. That was his fatal flaw as a qb.

  4. I've seen the season stats for the Titans D trotted out on this board in this argument a number of times. They also posted 54 sacks that year, and 40 turnovers, and IIRC the end of that season and during the playoffs, minus the Steelers game, the Titans were abusing QBs. I don't remember the defensive battle being that much of a surprise at the time, especially given the weather conditions. Only years later do people point to the weakness of the Titans D to make this point.


    Nice. Justify the cancer reference... but just keep HAMMERING AWAY at the height thing.


    No justification is necessary. Where did I 'hammer away' on 'the height thing'?

  5. Anyone who followed johnson's college career wouldn't have expected him to excel. Blessed with Tony boselli as his LT and - in sequence over 3 years - curtis Conway, Johnny Morton, and Keyshawn Johnson as his #1 receivers, he never beat either Notre Dame or UCLA in 6 tries. In fact, in the final two UCLA losses, he was the reason, throwing terrible game ending INTs despite the fact that USC was stacked with talent (ie, Willie McGinest). I was at UCLA at the time and have fond memories of his chokes. There is a reason he was drafted in the 4th round despite having top of first round physical talent. Fwiw, his brother Bret Johnson was the #1 recruit in the nation (qb) and bailed on ucla after one unhappy and pouty season. He transferred to michigan state and flamed out.


    I've never followed the college game. All I know about USC is that a friend who taught there was required by adminstration to give Keyshawn a passing grade for a course he never attended.


    Johnson had a handful of pro games that were promising and a few that showed he was willing to grit it out (KC, TB). Though I had doubts, I also thought it may be possible that with time and experience he would overcome some of his obvious lapses.

  6. I'll try hard to over look the insult to cancer victims and little people . . . but you really showed your IQ deficiency when you some how came to the convoluted logic to think that Rob Johnson was a better QB for the Buffalo Bills than Doug Flutie . . . further evidence that there should be a driving text for posting on TBD


    Locker room cancer is a common term for a divisive player. Fluite was that by all accounts.


    I don't believe that I stated that Rob was better than Doug - Frankly, I was never interested in the debate. I was more interested in the player best equipped to get the team a ring. Ultimately, neither were.


    Doug provided a spark and was a gamer for sure, but hit his redline soon after becoming the starter, By late 1998, you knew what you were getting. The Bills strong defense covered up for his shortcomings.


    Johnson never developed, but I was enamored with his potential since he had the arm and the athleticism, and back then, more upside than Flutie. As was stated previously, he showed flashes, and I for one kept hoping he would turn the corner into an effective starter.

  7. He looked like a toothpick to me.


    Looked leaner and more athletic than most qbs I'll give you that.


    Collins "played" 16 seasons Rob played 8 - I remember him going to tampa then i thought he was out of the league, Trent Edwards reminded me of Rob


    Believe you me I have no nostaglia for the Johnson years, but Trent Edwards he was not. Monster arm, plenty of nad, evidenced by the beating he took - just very little football sense.


    What a wasteland of qbs over the past 15 years,

  8. He always seemed nice enough, and he surely had flashes of talent. some people just arent cut out to be nfl qbs. cant fault him for trying though.


    He couldn't have looked more like a prototypical stud qb when the trade went down. What a disappointment. I do remember him selling out against the Bucs one year, showing a complete disregard for his own well-being. First time he convinced me he had a pulse.


    I always knew you were Rob's mom.


    Like Todd Collins, he had a long career. Doesn't mean it was successful the way it matters.

  9. As the GR guys wasted airtime on some trivia game, I checked out a podcast on WHLD.


    Interesting survey of topics, Johnson seems like a good dude and seems to have more than the 10 cent head he displayed on the Bills.


    He talks about the new breed of read option Qbs and how he wasn't built to take the punishment that scamblers/options get (mentions how playing with Beuerlein and Flutie led him to leave the pocket more than his body could withstand).


    I can only wonder what the Bills fortunes would have been if he wouldl have stayed healthy, and the cancer midget wasn't on the team.




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