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Posts posted by eliteqb

  1. this thread is just useless...


    we wont have a new coach until at least 2010, Jauron signed that extension, remember? Ralph won't fire him quite yet, sorry guys.


    Cowher will be gone by then, and we have absolutely no shot at him anyway. I would love to have him, cuz thats what I want, a coach with a pair.


    I would prefer a Rex Ryan or a Mike Trgovac


    Are those guys hockey players???

  2. Jauron would say:


    We played a very good team that is at the top of their game right now. They have many excellent players who have bought into the New England system. Our boys played well but we need to execute a bit better, avoid untimely penalties and thats on me to get them ready to play. if we had made a few plays here and there, its a very different ballgame. Well get back to work and tweak some things and be ready to play next week . Make no doubt about it, no one in that locker room is giving up and we fully intend to turn our season around and make the playoffs. don't count us out yet.

  3. When? I agree it should be coming, but when? Look at MLB & NBA contracts, ridiculous! NHL shuts down for a year, and a few years later their salary structure is again through the roof. That's why the NFL looks to Canada, Mexico, and Europe, to grow their revenue to support the huge costs they have


    I think the current state of the economy is going to affect things pretty soon....From ownership, corporate support and down to the fans

  4. As grotesque as our line play has been this year, those of you calling for Losman as the starter need your collective heads examined! I honestly believe our line has regressed over the last few seasons. Even when they were half-way decent, Losman had happy feet and was running around throwing picks or fumbling. Today, he'd be sh&ttin his drawers!


    Personally, I don't think we can draw conclusions on Edwards after just 18 games. Especially with the o-line being as bad as it is. If you stuck Edwards behind the Pats o-line, I bet he'd look like, well, Brady. J. P. Losman is not, I repeat, NOT a starting NFL quarterback. STOP IT! :devil:


    ok, sorry - apologies all around - and i speak for the whole board, past, present and future..........

  5. Wouldn't it be great if we could sit down with Belichick and pick his brain as to what is wrong with the bills. He could tell us straight up who are the weak links, playcalling flaws, tendencies and other tidbits. Love to know what he really thinks about the bills...Bet you would get a very good assessment...

  6. in his press conference...


    "Let me be brief, that was an awful display of football. I apologize to the owner and the fans of this team. This is not acceptable. If we don't win next week against Cleveland then changes WILL be made. No one's starting job is safe from this point forward. Questions?"



    ...when reporters start to ask about certain players' jobs being safe, I'd keep repeating "No one".




    The problem with this team is that no one is held accountable. Mediocrity and failings are shrugged off with the empty words of "we need to play better".


    exactly... :thumbsup:

  7. See any similarity to the Bledsoe fiasco? When he first came here he set the league on fire the first few games. NE kicked our butts, ruined his confidence and he was never the same. He started to look tenative in the pocket, scared, slow and lost which got worse and worse. Unfortunately I see the same thing happening to Rob Johnson.... oops.... i mean Trent. So sad.................

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